
Debate Info

OK When Never OK
Debate Score:24
Total Votes:24
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 OK When (11)
 Never OK (9)

Debate Creator

daver(1770) pic


Do you profess to know of a certainty the point at which a human begins to exist.
In truth, you nor anyone else really knows. You have little more than opinion based on arguments of others. Those arguments based on arbitrary judgements:

Moment of conception - moment of birth - when the unborn can feel pain - 20 weeks-No make that 22 weeks. 
Acknowledging this unknowing, when is it OK to kill an unborn ?

OK When

Side Score: 15

Never OK

Side Score: 9
5 points

Kill is a cute way of putting it. I can't claim I was alive until I was aware. So who really knows?

Side: OK When
1 point

Exactly correct. "Who Knows" is in fact the only thing we really do know.

Side: OK When
Atrag(5666) Clarified
1 point

Exactly. We could say life begins as soon as the couple think about sex. I think about sex quite often... I guess that would make me an unborn baby killer when I stop thinking about sex.

The point life begins is a human construct. We decide it based on the implications to the rights of the mother and feotus as well as what we know about the physiology on the embryo at each stage.

Side: OK When

"Ok" is probably a bit too vague - ok morally, ok legally, or ?

I think it should be legal in basically every case.

And morally "ok" in the same instances as when killing others would be ok, namely mercy killing (painfull, terminal malady) and self-defense (very broad range).

Side: OK When

A universal definition not only does not exist, I'm not sure it can. The only way I could see it working is if the soul can be demonstrated to exist and enter the fetus at a specific point. But we have never demonstrated that, so our next best bet is when it has achieved viability. That is, if you were to remove it from the womb, it would continue all the normal functions associated with a baby. This, to add to the confusion, can happen at different times in different pregnancies, and that's not even counting babies with certain conditions that necessitate artificial support even after birth.

So when is it okay? To me it is normally when viability can be presumed. But ultimately, that's up to the parents, especially the mother, to decide for themselves.

Side: OK When
1 point

After birth seems to work fine. The only people who are against are Christian radicals/terrorists...

Side: OK When
Explorer(187) Disputed
1 point

The only people who are against are Christian radicals/terrorists...

There are non-Christians who are non-terrorists who happen to oppose abortion.

Side: OK When
Noxter(92) Disputed
1 point

There are non-Christians who are non-terrorists who happen to oppose abortion. those a very very very few

Side: Never OK

If it begins growing I will call it life. I believe that is a reasonable cut off. If you go after that you killed a life.

Side: Never OK
JustIgnoreMe(4290) Clarified
1 point

Is growth the only factor of what constitutes life? The universe is growing, mountains grow, plants, fungi, volcanic islands, etc., etc. Is growth the only factor to consider regarding killing that life? e.g. if the Nazi army is growing would it be immoral to kill it? or Frostbite?

Side: OK When

Is growth the only factor of what constitutes life?

No, when I say growth I mean more along the terms of mitosis. Just cells dividing to grow into something new. If the being absorbs nutrients, possesses DNA, etc. Just characteristics of living organisms.

The universe is growing, mountains grow, plants, fungi, volcanic islands, etc., etc.

For the sake of the debate I was only talking about beings such as animals, plants, or fungi.

Is growth the only factor to consider regarding killing that life?


if the Nazi army is growing would it be immoral to kill it?

That would be up to the country that opposes the Nazi army, not me.

Side: Never OK
Noxter(92) Disputed
1 point

With your logic, cancer should be considered alive and protected .

Side: OK When
1 point

No, I even gave clarifications to someone else by what I meant. I was being very vague. I assumed people would know I'm talking about the embryo.

Side: Never OK
1 point

I strongly believe that life starts at fertilization and I see abortion as murder. I understand that people accidently experience unwanted pregnancies due to the mistake of not using contraception, but I'm sure that they're not stupid enough to think that abortion is the only option. These days, there is so much support for mothers with problems - whether it be financial, ect. Even if the mother does not have any inclination to keep her child, why can't she resort to adoption or foster care? What is the point in ending a life just because it may cause disruption to yours?

Side: Never OK
iMisterH(160) Disputed
1 point

What if the birth of the child results in the death of the mother if it goes ahead? If the pregnancy went ahead, the mother would die. Surely it is better to abort the pregnancy and save the mother's life?

Side: OK When