
Debate Info

Yes, they pose a danger. No, they are only a few fools.
Debate Score:68
Total Votes:75
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 Yes, they pose a danger. (27)
 No, they are only a few fools. (21)

Debate Creator

Antrim(1287) pic

Are sovereign citizens a threat to the rule of law?

These self declared ''sovereign citizens'' are becoming a law onto themselves and challenging the enforcement of the laws as passed by our duly elected representatives. 

Yes, they pose a danger.

Side Score: 37

No, they are only a few fools.

Side Score: 31
3 points

Some Sovereign Citizens claim that they can become immune to most or all laws of the United States. Mexifornia comes to mind. Run by the Moonbeam Radical Progressives.

Side: Yes, they pose a danger.

Yes they are in big enough numbers. All you have to do to find that out is google the word ANTIFA.

Side: Yes, they pose a danger.
Antrim(1287) Clarified
1 point

Thanks, I just did that, very interesting.

I feel that such fringe groups need to be nipped in the bud before their numbers increase and they become a real menace.

Such anti-establishment movements can all too easily be hijacked by more sinister elements and the spread of anarchy could ensue.

Side: Yes, they pose a danger.
2 points

Excellent post and it exposes those on the Left and whom they are.

Side: Yes, they pose a danger.
Antrim(1287) Clarified
2 points

Yes, these anarchists are insidiously merging into all aspects of society under the cloak of an anti-fascism movement when they're really trying to establish a national network of left wing revolutionary radicals dedicated to the dismantling of the political, social and economic principles upon which our nation is founded.

The approach of the duly appointed law enforcement agencies and indeed the judiciary appears to be embarrassingly disjointed and in need of clear uniform clarification.

Side: Yes, they pose a danger.
1 point

Dismantling a nation as founded is what the anarchists want and are driven to do.

Side: Yes, they pose a danger.
2 points

"These self declared ''sovereign citizens'' are becoming a law onto themselves and challenging the enforcement of the laws as passed by our duly elected representatives."

Washington,D.C. is the most perfect example to the heading of your post

Side: Yes, they pose a danger.
Antrim(1287) Clarified
3 points

Agreed, President Trump is making enormous headway in resolving many of the international issues facing the nation.

However, the emergence of this group of anti-American revolutionaries represents one of the most serious domestic issues and the growing menace needs to be addressed forthwith with Trump's characteristic vigour and decisiveness.

Side: Yes, they pose a danger.
2 points

The emergence of the Anti- Americans has been proven by the loss of the Wine Drunk Hillary.

Side: Yes, they pose a danger.
2 points

Round them up and ship them off with a one way ticket to one of their favoured utopian paradises that’s more in keeping with their idea of an ideal society

Side: Yes, they pose a danger.
Antrim(1287) Clarified
2 points

Yes, their infestation can only thrive within an ordered and fair society.

If they tried to ply their civil disobedience and cockeyed credo in Russia, China, any Muslim state, not to mention the African and most South American countries they would be kneecapped between the ears.

This unfolding danger is being accelerated by the apparent lack of a cohesive and uniform policy towards these dangerous screwballs.

Side: Yes, they pose a danger.
2 points

The problem is nut jobs like these are defended by idiots and actually tolerated by lily livered politicians who should be the ones demanding they’re rounded up and kicked into touch

Side: Yes, they pose a danger.
marcusmoon(576) Clarified
2 points

Be careful what you wish for. They could end up on your doorstep.

Side: Yes, they pose a danger.
1 point

We had an open door policy at one stage over here Marcus and believe me it attracted assorted nuts from across the globe

Side: Yes, they pose a danger.
-1 points

When did FOX "NEWS" order you nothing-heads to start believing that the sovereign citizen movement was in any way connected to liberalism? It's not and it never has been.

It was from it's very inception a clusterfked up group made up of extreme Reich Wing idiots just like you - and it still is.

Side: Yes, they pose a danger.
Antrim(1287) Disputed
3 points

Is your extreme left wing views a consequence of being abused as a child?

Did you contract one of the more severe, brain damaging social diseases from you father's paedophile friends?

Just asking.

There has to be a reason for your stupidity and left wing lunacy.

Side: No, they are only a few fools.
Antrim(1287) Clarified
2 points

For Fox sake shithead, blow your left wing drivel out of your arse hole, if there's no one shafting you right now.

Anti-American communist filth like you try to spread your fake news and scurrilous accusations in the hope that there are people sufficiently stupid to believe your spurious propaganda.

Saboteurs such as you have long since been identified climbing out of their Wooden Horse to organise civil unrest and promote bloody insurrection.

You've been exposed, time to book your flight to Moscow.

Side: Yes, they pose a danger.
2 points

This small collection of latter day hippies should be pooh poohed and treated with the contempt they deserve.

Side: No, they are only a few fools.
Antrim(1287) Disputed
1 point

The Russian revolution started with a few small groups of radical extremists and they grew into one of the most gruesome nightmares the world has ever seen.

Side: Yes, they pose a danger.
marcusmoon(576) Disputed
0 points

This small collection of latter day hippies should be pooh poohed and treated with the contempt they deserve.

Nah. They add too much to our lives. Sovereign Citizen Traffic Stop videos are a riot. You can pull them up on YouTube.

They start off a little funny because you can tell these people seriously believe that their jargon, talking points, and earnest self-righteousness are going to convince the cop to let them go.

Then the SCs get repetitive and pedantic. Don't give up watching, though.

The payoff is the surprised looks on their faces when they are pulled from their cars, handcuffed, and hauled away for resisting arrest.


Side: Yes, they pose a danger.
Antrim(1287) Disputed
1 point

I think you should delve a little deeper into the activities of these anti American anarchists.

They have been found guilty of many criminal offences including;- murder, and physical assault,

threatening judges,

the use of fake currency,passports, license plates and driver's licenses,

many white collar scams such as the fraudulent mortgage and insurance schemes as we witnessed in Sacramento.

Their crimes cover various scams ranging from using phony diplomatic credentials in Kansas City to Las Vegas where they were arrested and convicted for the laundering of terrorist's money, tax evasion and weapons charges.

They feel they do not have to answer to any government and refuse to recognise, never mind abiding by by the laws of the land.

It is naive complacency which enables such criminal groups to gain in numbers and increase the threat they pose.

There is nothing funny or amusing about the criminal activities of these subservises and it would be a grave mistake to perceive them as a harmless source of You Tube entertainment.


Side: No, they are only a few fools.
1 point

They mostly just say “Am I being detained?” when they’re being detained and “I do not consent” when they are being arrested. Yeah there’s some more extreme examples, but not enough to get excited about.

Side: No, they are only a few fools.
Antrim(1287) Disputed
1 point

Read the F.B.I's criminal dossier on these subservises and you may recognise the danger they pose and the cost of bringing them to justice for their crimes.

Side: Yes, they pose a danger.
Amarel(5669) Disputed
1 point

I read all about them a while back, including information put out by the FBI.

Side: No, they are only a few fools.
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

Hello A,

I am NOT a sovereign citizen. But, those are EXCELLENT things to say to cops.

What?? You think he’s there to help you??

Bwa ha, ha, ha.


Side: Yes, they pose a danger.
marcusmoon(576) Clarified
3 points

Hi Excon,

I am NOT a sovereign citizen. But, those are EXCELLENT things to say to cops.


"Am I being detained?" and "I do not consent", are not at the top of the list of most useful things to say to cops, but they are pretty damned close.

Other useful things to say to cops include:

-You have no authority over me.

-Why aren't you out catching real criminals?

-Do you have any idea how important I am?

-My mom/dad is so-and-so, and he/she is going to get you fired.

-What is your badge number. I am going to report you.

-I resist fascists like you.

-I make more in 2 hours on a street corner than you make in a week.

-I know you all are (racist, corrupt, etc.)

-I smell bacon.

-If you didn't have that badge, I would kick your ass...

...I don't care about that badge; I am going to kick your ass...

...Stop! Help! Police brutality!


Side: Yes, they pose a danger.
Amarel(5669) Disputed
2 points

Yes well, if you called the cop because your neighbor is trying to kick in your door or assault you, then he is there to help you. And if that’s the case, you can chuckle at your neighbor when the cop says “yes you are being detained” or laugh when your neighbor cries from inside the squad car that he really really doesn’t consent. Then as you contemplate the excellent words of your neighbor, you can wonder whether the cops were there to help.

Side: No, they are only a few fools.
1 point

Let's pretend he's an ISIS militant. Hey look. Con just helped him enter the country to bomb an infidel preschool. Oh, those poor kids. Think of the kids. Oh the kids...Oh well. Con feels good about it so no biggie. He won't have to scrape up the bodies.

Side: No, they are only a few fools.