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Are there real psychics(mediums)?

psychic (play /ˈskɪk/; from the Greek ψυχικός psychikos—"of the mind, mental") is a person who claims to have an ability to perceiveinformation hidden from the normal 



Side Score: 57

Yes, psychic phenomena is not as abnormal as you have been led to believe it is, watch this

Read this

The video is 4 hours long, and the article is almost as long, but both are extremely informative. It is not out of the realm of science for psychic phenomena to exist, the ancients knew well of it, they connected to the source daily.

Governments around the world also have a long history of using psychics for warfare and intelligence gathering.

Most psychcis are phony and are only in it for the money. A real psychic is in it to help spread it. This is the truth they hold back from us and while you may be skeptical, our history is rife with psychic phenomena, and it all ties into religion and the quest to control. Psychics in the past were the ones who were burned at the stake.

There is a war between heaven and hell, but the war is trying to control the force around us. If you don't know what HAARP is you could look that up as well, it messes with frequencies, which as we all know, everything, including matter, is energy vibrating at a low frequency.

The reason we were so psychic in the past is because the earth was vibrating at a much lower frequency, at about 7-8hz, and this is what binaural/theta/alpha beats are in the range of, and shamans are well known for these beats.

The "spirit world" isnt as weird as we would like to believe, it is just the experience we perceive that we have reports of such strange beings and such strange experiences, because experiencing and explanation are 2 very very different things.

Side: Yes
Emperor(1340) Disputed
5 points

Science will study anything it deems possible to study. From sand, to mountains, to animals to stars and pulsars and black holes and psychology to neuroscience to computers and air and ANYTHING, if it exists, science will study it and find information on it.

Why is psychic ability not studied by scientists? It's because it's impossible to study. You cannot test it, so there is no observation.

There is a war between heaven and hell, and peace between Kilope and Heleos.

Who knows what the truth is. I just made that up now, so believe me if you're gullible, or look for evidence and observation and logic if you're not. If what you say can't be supported by evidence, then why should it exist?

How can you know it exists, if not because of evidence? I know you exist because I see your writing. There's evidence.

Yet, even though you speak of psychic ability, why can you not show me evidence it exists?

Why can't you actually make a bolt tied to a string suspended in a glass jar on a firm surface move?

There's the trick where you hold a string with a bolt on the end, and you can subconsciously make it move any direction you want, but that's when you're holding it. If you can't touch it, your mind has no effect on it.

Don't believe me? Try it! If what you are saying is real, then you should be able to gather proof of this. There is proof of black holes, the strangest and most ...just unbelievable objects in the universe, yet there is no proof of psychic power, which is why it is not studied by science. Prove it's real, do an experiment and find the truth.

Side: No
3 points

The reason they dont study it anymore is because it has been washed away as "not important" Big money businesses control eevrything, from universities, to our "official" research, our history goes back alot farther than you think. Think about the fibonacci series, its evident everywhere in natures constructs (including galaxies) But they dont teach us that, they dont teach us the mathematics of nature, they dont teach us sacred geometry, there is so little information because its been covered up, seeked out, and terminated throughout history. They are taking a major slice of what it is that we are.

Side: Yes
Dandeluxe(79) Disputed
3 points

How much do you smoke?

Side: No
2 points

Have you ever seen the TV show Psych??? It totally proves this to be true.

Side: Yes

This is the spirit of joe_cavalry contacting his corporal self..., the answer is "No." ;)

Side: Yes
1 point

Yes, there are. Even though you can defy them their are still rules we have to follow and abnormal thing that can happen. For instance, when man tamed wolf and made man's best friend (dog) yes that wolf was no longer a wolf but it was there and there still are wolfs we will never be able to make a wolfs dogs. Yes we can to a few. Yes we can break a few laws but for now we can do nothing but follow. Like we were all able to do.

Side: Yes
1 point

Firstly what do U think is psychic ability? Psychic ability can vary from knowing that the phone is going to ring and who will be on the other end, to communicating with Spirit.For example Many parents have a psychic bond with their children and can sense when they are in danger, same with twins and close friends/partners.Or the same thing is intuition , some people have a excellent intuition or predicting ability so according to that case we can also call them psychics too. I think we are all a psychics but in differing levels of development and it is worth our while developing this, not to become a sterotypical psychic with a crystal ball or tarot cards who reads peoples fortunes. More to develop the intuitive part of our psyche.

Side: Yes

OK..., hang on...., I'm getting a message from the other side...., the spirit world...., they said, "No." ;)

Side: No
2 points

Wait....? What? I thought you meant you were getting a message from that side


But I looked and I don't see ya over there???

Side: No

Check again ;)

Side: No
4 points

Let me consult with my favorite spirit named Jack Daniels and get back to you on that, LOL

The Spirits Are Speaking To Me
Side: No
2 points

Darlin'! I consult Jack on a daily basis but I'm here to tell ya... he doesn't know what the f*ck he's talking about.

Side: No
2 points

Bwahahaha!! Well, baby boy, maybe in that case you should consult his Buddy, Weiser, LOL!!

Side: No
3 points

No, it would be very interesting, but police used to use psychics to try to solve cases, but they had the same success rate as a person who was randomly guessing.

And of course, there is Randi's one million dollar prize for anyone who can prove psychic powers.

It hasn't been taken, although even a famous psychic tried it.

Obviously failed even the preliminary testing. I tried doing psychic stuff too, but obviously, I was met with failure.

Psychic powers, mind reading, beyond the grave mediums, telepathy, telekinetics, it's interesting, but not real.

Side: No
2 points

Oh man. You can tell it's late when I have to read "psychics" five times to realize it's not "physics."

It's not possible to read people's minds, but it is possible to read body language. Close enough.

Side: No

Well, James Randi would be in pretty big trouble if they did. Nope, give me any instance of psychic phenomena and I'll find a debunking of it.

Side: No
1 point

A part of me would like to believe that there are such people with these kinds of 'gifts', but honestly, no I don't think there is. Watch Derren Brown's programme called "Derren Brown Investigates: The Man who contacts the Dead". Derren explains the concept of 'cold reading' and how it is used by "psychics" to perform a reading. It was an eye-opener for me so it will hopefully give you some more ideas on the specified topic of debate. Oh and yes, if you haven't already guessed... I love Derren's shows! :)

Side: No