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Thank God! Random response.
Debate Score:128
Total Votes:142
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 Thank God! (46)
 Random response. (52)

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Sitar(3680) pic

Arresting officers in the Freddie Grey killing are expected to be charged

Thank God!

Side Score: 55

Random response.

Side Score: 73
2 points

I have to say in this case I believe the officers acted without regard to life or limb of Freddie Grey and should have some penalty to pay.

Side: Thank God!
1 point

At the very least they were negligent. Compound that with wrongful arrest and it is not a stretch of the imagination to view the officers as unnecessarily antagonistic. If they walk on all charges then our legal system is even more broken and illegitimate than it already seems to be.

Side: Thank God!
1 point

I agree that I think they will have to be convicted of something. But it was interesting that the initial charges were all changed to much stiffer charges which also require much more burden of proof...maybe it was a ploy to get the officers off?

Side: Thank God!
Sitar(3680) Clarified
0 points

I hear what you are saying, but I am frustrated with the police. I hope I don't offend, it's just how I feel. :)

Side: Thank God!
2 points

That charges are being brought is in and of itself an accomplishment in a legal system that has historically protected law enforcement from repercussions for legal infractions small and large. I suspect that the more serious charges will not hold for at least some of the officers involved. What will be interesting is if any of the officers accepts a plea bargain to testify against the others officers. On the basis of the evidence, however, it would seriously undermine the legal system if these officers walked away without at least wrongful arrest and negligence; intent will be hard to establish, particularly if none plea out.

Side: Thank God!
1 point


Side: Random response.

Being charged doesn't mean anything, the problem is will the grand jury find enough evidence to go to trial. Hopefully, there is. Government always protects itself, and the police is number one on the list. Government police power is far behind abusive, and this is the norm for monopolistic power.

Side: Thank God!
1 point


Side: Random response.
1 point

I this instance it is quite clear what happened and it is just as clear what needs to happen. The officers should be indited and they deserve it.

Side: Thank God!
6 points

But that doesn't really make sense, now does it?

Side: Random response.
1 point


Side: Random response.
2 points

They have been charged and will face trial. That is, a trial which, according to some of the drivel I've read here, is unnecessary as there are a number of low lives who have already tried and convicted the officers in question. The due process of law should be allowed to run it's course without prejudice, and in the same way it does for everyone else without violent attacks on police officers, rioting, looting and wanton destruction. The bleeding heart liberals have given ''The Bongo'' license to rent their primitive emotions in a totally lawless manner. Rioting is one sure fired way to wreck and divide a nation and the eye-watering stupidity of a few ''edigts'' on this site fail to see the long term damage that can be done by lawlessness which, from where I sit, Northern Ireland, is what is prevailing in the U.S. Recognise the road which these Negros are continuing along. Left unchecked all of the once great United States of America will end up like Detroit, a third world ''Bongo'' wasteland. If all you liberal dummies want to see your factories torched, 100s of 1000s of jobs destroyed, transport destroyed and an atmosphere of constant with 'tit for tat' murders, keep bellowing on the way you are now and your wish will come true.

Side: Random response.
1 point

This just proves riots work.

Side: Random response.
Jace(5211) Clarified
1 point

Is it your intention to imply that is a bad thing? A good thing? A neutral or mixed bag? I am not sure what point you are trying to make with your observation.

Side: Thank God!
Sitar(3680) Clarified
1 point

I am all for peaceful protest, but not violence. .

Side: Thank God!
1 point

It is a bad thing since it will lead to more violence.

Side: Random response.
1 point

The previous, similar situation in charleston got resolved without a riot. And i think there is a simultaneous riot and protest, but the two are not one in the same. The protest group has been trying to keep the peace as rioters simply like to take advantage of the situation

Side: Thank God!
6 points

But that doesn't really make sense, now does it?

Side: Random response.
Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

I just feel like this announcement didn't do anything to prevent future riots. Did she really do anything to convince people not to take advantage of these situations in the future?

Side: Random response.
1 point


Side: Random response.
flewk(1193) Disputed
1 point

A majority of the people were peaceful. There is nothing to suggest that the minority action prompted the quick response.

Side: Thank God!
1 point

I hope you are right.

Side: Thank God!
Sitar(3680) Clarified
-3 points
2 points

Rioting is not the answer. Redressing grievances is protesting. The owner of the Baltimore CVS can explain the difference.

Side: Random response.
FromWithin(8241) Disputed
0 points

It's funny how those on the Left hated it when TRUE pro life people protested around clinics to try and stop the killing of innocent life. Those on the Left would prefer to protest for criminals while saying nothing for innocent Babies. Total phony extremists.

Side: Thank God!
1 point

According to the unprofessional and prejudiced headline the cops ''murdered'' the black man.

Side: Random response.
1 point


Side: Thank God!
1 point

I expect them to be charged but I expect the court case to be thrown out. There is no doubt that Rawlings-Blake and Mosby fanned the flames of this event and caused more problems than they should have. More troubling was the lack of time and discretion given before they released an unbelievable amount of charges; like they took a law book and randomly picked crimes to list on their sheet. Furthermore the personal connections, bias, and actions of both Rawlings-Blake and Mosby show they are not neutral parties and despite their tenacity to take on their case have perjured beyond reason. It'll be thrown out because of their actions rather than the actions of the police officers themselves: who I believe cannot and will not get a fair trial at this point. As for the officers themselves I'm not sure what to thing but I do know one thing...Freddy ran from the law and law won. Should we be propping up criminals to the status of Civil Rights leaders as we did with Michael Brown? The answer is no.

Side: Random response.
1 point


Side: Thank God!
1 point

Maybe he already got justice. He was a career criminal. Who knows what he could be capable of? He might have wound up killing someone if he had lived. He died because of the life he lead. If he was not involved in criminal activity, he would still be alive.

Side: Random response.
1 point


Side: Thank God!
0 points

Can you imagine the idiots on the Left who actully supported the riots to get their one dimensional justice.

There is no justice for late term Babies that the Left supports killing for any reason.

There is no justice for those who are forced by the Left to pay for abortions with medicaid and now Obamacre.

There is no justice for all the children abandoned by dead beat parents.

There is no justice for communities who simply want the freedom to have the people vote on a school prayer in their local schools.

There is no justice when our police departments are being forced to be run by politics. There are racists in every profession and they will be rooted out as our nation moves to one of being color blind, but if the Left keeps race bating we will never become color blind. If people are told that riots will bring justice then they are no better than ISIS and all other terrorists. Is this the America you want, one run by the loudest and most violent crowds?

Democrats, you are destroying America because those who support these things reside in the Democrat party.

Side: Random response.
2 points

Can you imagine the idiots on the Left who actully supported the riots to get their one dimensional justice.

There aren't many of them.

There is no justice for late term Babies that the Left supports killing for any reason.

They don't. Why are you so dishonest?

There is no justice for those who are forced by the Left to pay for abortions with medicaid and now Obamacre.

You still haven't provided evidence that happens.

There is no justice for all the children abandoned by dead beat parents.

That is true, but how is it relevant? One can fight for justice for both Freddie Grey, and orphans.

There is no justice for communities who simply want the freedom to have the people vote on a school prayer in their local schools.

There is no right to that, nor should there be. You are fighting the Constitution on this issue.

There is no justice when our police departments are being forced to be run by politics. There are racists in every profession and they will be rooted out as our nation moves to one of being color blind, but if the Left keeps race bating we will never become color blind. If people are told that riots will bring justice then they are no better than ISIS and all other terrorists. Is this the America you want, one run by the loudest and most violent crowds?

Both sides race bait, and both sides are part of the problem. The left does need to stop race baiting, but so does the right. When will you ever call out your own, and admit the right is part of the problem? Probably never.

Democrats, you are destroying America because those who support these things reside in the Democrat party.

No, they reside throughout this country, and you are helping "destroy America" (complete nonsense) by not admitting this, and turning everything into a political game.

Side: Thank God!
1 point


Side: Random response.