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 Ask Andy Anything! (34)

Debate Creator

addltd(5125) pic

Ask Andy Anything!

Yes, that's right...I have revived the old column "Ask Andy" that used to run the the "Green Sheet" for those of you that remember newspapers that far back.  It is my version of what other's have been posting as Ask...

Ask my what you want and I will tell you IF I want...


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1 point

Where do you see CreateDebate in the future?

addltd(5125) Clarified
4 points

I see CreateDebate being used in every classroom from 5th grade through post graduate work.

I see CreateDebate being used by local, state and federal governments in the US.

I see CreateDebate being used by organizations to get consumer sentiment on products

I see CreateDebate being mined for demographic support of political parties

I see CreateDebate being as big as Facebook! AND possibly less controversial!

3 points

Hehe, you sound like the internet debate community Martin Luther King Jr. :)

1 point

Where did you get the inspiration for this website? .

addltd(5125) Clarified
1 point

I had an idea for a site like this. Not nearly this good though. I bought it from a group of four individuals who built it for a masters program. I still work with one of them, but none of us have ever met in person!

Sitara(11075) Clarified
1 point

That is so cool. :)

1 point

Andy have your political & religious views changed sense your started Creatdebate, I wonder this because my views have shifted thanks to our fellow debaters, I feel I became a better, more open minded person because if it, do you feel the same?

1 point

Oh, absolutely. I never fancied myself a staunch republican/right wing starched shirt, but I realized I was closer to that than I imagined. Since acquiring the site, I have definitely shifted my views...and yes, I am more open minded and a better person for it!

1 point

What political party do you associate yourself with? And why?

addltd(5125) Clarified
2 points

Republican...but, I am not exactly a republican. So, I think the republican party "generally" has better fiscal and foreign policy. I like some of the more liberal ideals. Like I am pro choice. I am anti socialized medicine. While I think it is important to protect the environment, I think there are some things we should be doing about it, yet I am not a tree hugger. I also think we should be doing tons of research with stem cells and frankly cloning.

So you could call me a confused republican.

What is your favorite color ?

addltd(5125) Clarified
1 point

Blue! Yes, Blue!

AveSatanas(4443) Clarified
1 point

Show me blue!. errrrrrrt!!!! im sorry Andy Blue was not one of the top colors chosen from our survey which means the Anderson family advances to our speed round!!!!!

Do you need more help with the site?

addltd(5125) Clarified
1 point

Oh hell yes! It takes lots of time...I could use tons of help in many different ways!

Like what I could volunteer because it's what I like to do.

What is the most frustrating thing about running createdebate.

addltd(5125) Clarified
1 point

That I don't have the cash flow to make all the cool additions I would like right away. I know I could make it so much better, cooler and hipper if I just had more coin!

My account is all wrong,someone is using my create debate account.starting another account might just get hacked again,must of pissed off a hacker,help.

addltd(5125) Clarified
1 point

Please let me know what is happening through messaging.

1 point

Is there anyone on this site you actually hate?

addltd(5125) Clarified
1 point

There was one troll who came on asking for me to ban Cuaroc. That is the one!

I love everyone,but we all have someone who hates us,I only worry that my opinion now has a second personality and it may work out well or I might have to seek help living with ......who knows.

addltd(5125) Clarified
1 point

no worries! just let me know if you want the account shut down!

When will you make more snappys? ;)

addltd(5125) Clarified
1 point

I would like to make more fact I have to do so! I want to get the rest up sometime tonight.

1 point

Who is the sexiest female debater on here? ;)

Obviously me. No competition.

addltd(5125) Clarified
1 point

While Abby clearly seems self absorbed (often and attractive quality), that does not detract from her ability to be the sexiest (female) debater of all!

1 point

Oh, I agree. You are one bad ass female. I know better than to eff with you. You are sexy too. ;)

addltd(5125) Clarified
1 point

So we are playing a little mirror mirror on the wall, who's the sexiest debater of all?

Well, I would have said saurbaby but unlike Cinderella, she actually has seemed to cease to exist. Therefore, from the pictures available (and hoping to stick with users who are of legal age), AbbyNestor, yes that is correct.

1 point

She is sexy, huh? ;)

addltd(5125) Clarified
1 point

Saurbaby, Yes, Saurbaby!

1 point

Why does it burn when I pee?

Maybe I don't understand the idea of this debate topic, but I am really rather curious as to why it burns when I pee. So any insight into that would be appreciated.

addltd(5125) Clarified
1 point

Generally (but not speaking from experience), a burning sensation when you urinate can be cause by either a bladder infection (common for females, not so for males) or an STD. If you have been intimate recently, check with your doctor and your partner. But, seriously get it checked. Oh, BTW if you are a male with a bladder infection, I don't want to know what you have been doing to get one!

Who are the nicest people on this site?

addltd(5125) Clarified
2 points

This is difficult. Nicest I would define as the lowest maintenance. So for instance you are low maintenance therefore you are nice. Joe Cavalry is low maintenance so he is nice. Sitara is high maintenance (and she is going to kick my ass for saying it) so she wouldn't be nice using this definition.

I could also use the definition as the one who generates the most revenue through advertisement clicks...but hell I don't have visibility to who just how many overall and how much they were worth.

I could say it is the people who are genuinely nice, but they generally are not good debaters...most don't survive...your sister is an exception.

But, I would really say the nicest people are those who help out in the ways they can...spreading the CreateDebate message, coming to the site often and participating, donating, clicking on ads, being opinionated, etc.!

1 point

I am not going to kick your ass. Because of my actions, I deserve criticism. Im lucky you even let me back on. Thanks Andy. Hugs for teh Andy! :) <3

1 point

this was going to be my question! :O but oh well!

2 points

Sorry. Sorta snagged it first.

If you could, then what would you improve about the USA ?

addltd(5125) Clarified
2 points

Sorry for the late reply!

I would change our terribly screwed up political parties that say you have to hold the party line 100% or you are wayward. That is absolute BS. I have some many political views that are across the board and don't feel like I can be a part of any current political party. Maaybe we should elminiate parties and move to a different system!

What are your secrets to a calm and balanced temperment? :)

addltd(5125) Clarified
2 points

Well, thank you for asking this one. Here are my secrets.

1. Get really pissed at the one or two people per quarter that come in and F@#U everythign up for everybody else.

2. Drink heavily

3. Care, always care, even about the dumb F&*^ who messed the site up.

4. Try to protect the members (you aren't a member if you are a dumb F$%#).

5. Believe that no matter what people will eventually conform the the society we have created here at CreateDebate.

6. Get so busy there is no time to give a F^% anymore...But I do still care.

Awesome. I end up dancing on tables when I drink, but thats a dif story. ;)

1 point

What are you biggest priorities for future updates/features?