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Debate Score:75
Total Votes:77
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animedude639(1574) pic

Do graphics matter in a videogame?


Side Score: 47


Side Score: 28

also if graphics did matter why are there so many good games with bad graphics?

Side: No
3 points

One word: Minecraft.

Minecraft is one of the most fun and all around best games out and its main characteristic is its awful graphics.

Side: No

I say no however certain games like fps's need graphics to a certain extent.

Side: No
2 points

No, the best games that have ever existed were ASCII games. Roguelike and roleplaying MUDS. Graphical games of the modern age have an appeal for a short while until you get tired of the repetitive animations and suddenly a huge void grows inside you longing for something more. Old text based MMO's and ascii games that use words to describe things allow for mental imagery to come into play and your imagination will always keep you entertained. Also, the current best game of all time "Diablo 1" is really just an isometrical graphical rendition of Rogue. With largely the same concept.

Side: No
2 points

I was going to join yes and say that graphics do matter. for the simple reason that there needs to some visuals (graphics, of any quality being those visuals) but because this is about the quality then I'll go with no.

No because its the quality of the story, the game play, the experience that matter. imagine packman with incredible graphics. its hard to imagine that it would have the same effect as the old original simple one. graphics matter only if the game itself is good.

take the same game. one with worse graphics and one with better if nothing else is different and the game benefits from having better graphics then yes have you fancy graphics if not then have the worse graphics.

Side: No
2 points

People play old school games all of the time and no one cares. Graphics aren't the only component. There's stuff like storyline, difficulty, game-play, controls, whether or not you can play online, genre, creativity, player freedom, maps, popularity, popular online gaming, etc. And graphics matter very little as long as there's color and you can see what everything is.

Old school games can be good. The old Pokemon games are still played by a lot of people, as well as the old Mortal Combat and Legend of Zelda.

Mine Craft has terrible graphics and it's considered a good game by a lot of people. What your saying is BS. As long as it's not an old, text based, MUD game, it's graphics can be pretty bad and be sufficient.

Side: No

No. Don't get me wrong, I love good graphics. And now everything is graphically clear and bright. However you don't need good graphics for a good game. Like Zelda the Ocarina of time, or Bomber man, or any of the older games like that. Or even minecraft, which is more modern. Sucky graphics. Yet a good game (depending on who you ask)

Side: No
1 point

Not t all I like quite a few games that don't have amazing graphics. Like now I'm playing a pixel horror called "crooked man" the graphics aren't amazing but it's an awesome game.

Side: No

Can I suggest a game for you to play?

Side: No
1 point

Sure, why not? :)


Side: No
1 point

Graphics is like the physical character of a person. In the start it makes the person very interesting, but if the person isn't very fun to spend time with the looks don't really matter.

Side: No
1 point

Not exactly , but if the graphic is so bad that you can't even see things clearly than yes it will matter .

Side: No
1 point

Not really because Mario's graphics weren't so sophisticated and good ;they were mostly pixels; and Mario became one of the most popular games in the world with everlasting value.

Side: No
1 point

Factorio :)

Side: No
1 point

Minecraft, Minecraft, Minecraft and MINECRAFT.

It could be just me, but, I love games with cheesy or bad graphics. I hate games with realistic graphics..

Side: No

A game can be excellent without good graphics.

Side: No
1 point

To a certain extent they do.

Like... it's nice when a video game is aesthetically appealing.

Like, I care mostly for story when it comes to movies. But if the special effects are garbage, the movie is going to be sort of disappointing.

Old games in a time when graphics were shittier didn't have to compete that much on graphics. But these days if your graphics are shit, the game is most likely shit. Not to mention how easy it is to have a decent running game with all the available engines.

Side: Yes

Graphics are the reason for the evolution in games. Why would anyone play video games if graphics didn't improve?

Side: Yes
1 point

I respectfully disagree with you. The whole point of playing a game is to have fun not because of how realistic the game looks.

Side: No
1 point

In the movie industry their is the saying "location, location, location" and in the gaming industry it translates to "game play, game play, game play." Yes the graphics have evolved but really matters is the game play, which has evolved much further. If you gave a game like Call of Duty or Skyrim bad graphics people would still play it for the game play and if you have a game like Ace of Spades good graphics few people would play it. Why? Because the game play is terrible.

The evolution of video games isn't from bad graphics to HD, its from this and this to this and this.

And if people only played games if they had good graphics, why does minecraft have such a huge community?

Side: No

Haha that must be why Call of Duty is starting to fail. Call of Duty's graphics have failed to improve at all.

Side: Yes
1 point

That because gamers these days are graphic whores only care about graphics and not its gameplay.

Side: No
Consigliere(183) Disputed
1 point

Yes... and absolutely not. Yes in a sense that graphics are very important since, well... we're deep into the 21st Century and graphics should be excellent. Absolutely not in the sense that almost everyone wants a good gameplay. That's what made Halo 3 so good. It had great graphics for it's time period, and its gameplay was amazing.

Side: Yes
1 point

Depends on the type of game.

If it is a action type game like Halo then yes but if it is a building type game like Minecraft not really

Side: Yes
1 point

It depends. For a Action War(For example Call of Duty 4), Yes.

For a 2D arcade video game(sonic), No.

Side: Yes
1 point

In some cases, games can be fun without amazing graphics... but if we hadn't improved game graphics, we'd be stuck playing games like Pong and Tetris still.

Side: Yes
1 point

Lol of course they do. Its one of the reasons why I am playing Battlefield 3's campaign over Call of Dutys.

Side: Yes

Since this is now 2015, the emphasis should be on graphics. Those games with the latest state-of-the-art graphics should sell the most based on the latest technology.

Side: Yes