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Debate Score:41
Total Votes:42
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GogAndMagog(80) pic

Do you confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh?


Side Score: 20


Side Score: 21

Jesus Christ, is Risen Lord! He is also god, in Human flesh. Who wants, proof?

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FerretHole(112) Clarified
2 points

Who wants, proof?

There is no proof of what you say. If there is, then prove me wrong.

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1 point

There is no proof of what you say. If there is, then prove me wrong.

You're retarded. If you aren't then prove me wrong.

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Ask, and ye shall, receive. Please take a moment, and go through the Bible, with this video. Happy watching!

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1 point

I will confess that I believe a MAN named Jesus existed. Was he actually a "god"?? GOD NO!

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LordYLovesYo(37) Disputed
1 point

Excuse me please, do you have a moment, to watch a video, while reading the Bible? Jesus, loves you.

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ChickenBeer(250) Disputed
2 points

It defies logic that out of 110 billion people ever living in the world, through the history of the world, that such a small percentage would be Christian (estimates are 7%). So "god" and "Jesus" are willing to condemn over 100 billion people to eternal damnation. I can't believe that cruelty. Oh and all the science stuff too kinda drives a hole the size of an aircraft carrier through the bible narrative.

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Chinaman(3570) Clarified
1 point

Socialist your God was the Obama. Try and spin out of that if you can but don't confuse yourself.

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ChickenBeer(250) Disputed
2 points

And you can go pray to the little orange hands, holding his little orange cock on your orange-skinned god.

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AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

I have no "god". I am not a socialist. "Try to spin out of that if you can[,] but don't confuse yourself."

My "grammaw" said, everything in moderation. Like, "Twice a week and no more, in a year, 100 times and four." (I'll let you imagine what she was talking about ;-). Oh, well, she WAS wiser than most Chinamans. ;-)

It's the same with socialism. A little goes a long way, but, without it, capitalism turns into an oligarchy! I know that takes a bit of "worldly knowledge" and common sense, and I don't expect that from you, but, there it is. Try to think about it as a real "person" …. not a Trumpican. ;-)

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