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 Does the color of a person really matter? (23)

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rmcgrath(131) pic

Does the color of a person really matter?

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There was a truly excellent Ted talk about this, that is just fantastic to watch. You can check it out here, it's called Color Blind or Color Brave.

If you don't have 10 minutes to spare, I can sum up there general point:

While someone's race does not make them any less of a person, it does make them different. Society has inherent prejudices against people of various races, and people of various races do behave in different ways. We must be 'brave' enough to acknowledge these differences and overcome the challenges, as opposed to pretending to be 'color blind' and ignore race.

flewk(1193) Disputed
1 point

Did not watch the video. Critiquing the summary anyways.

Racial prejudice depends more on culture and geography than inherent social pressures. A white guy in South Africa is different from a white guy in Siberia is different from a white guy born in California. Time also makes a fairly large difference. One generation gap is a long time. They have different beliefs, behaviors, perspectives, etc. I do not believe it is as simple as inherent social prejudices for an entire race.

In the end, we are all the same even if we are all unique.

1 point

Personally, I think it depends on the context. Of course, people of every colour should have equal rights, etc- but your question is "Does the colour of a person really matter?"

It does matter, but not for the purpose of racism or other forms of discrimination.

It wasn't long ago that I was reading through a booklet which outlined the courses run at one of the universities near me. It had courses which said for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people only. Does this tell you something? I think it does. There are all these things the government implements to try to make up for what happened to the stolen generation and the western culture's history of racism. It's morally justifiable, I suppose; but some people might say it's unfair- even following these circumstances- that Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islanders receive these benefits. I've heard some European people speak passionately about how they take up resources but give nothing back. That's not necessarily my opinion.

I may have strayed off topic there. But in the end it does matter.

1 point

To me it does. Whilst it is, to a greater or lesser extent, a good survival instinct to be wary of everyone, I feel relatively comfortable whilst in the company of people whose skin colour is the same as mine, white, or with those from an Oriental background, Chinese, Japanese and so forth. Almost every invention/discovery which goes to advance the knowledge and betterment of mankind has been achieved by the aforementioned races, especially by the whites. Blacks and Asians have contributed little to this end, but cause death, rioting, destruction and misery wherever they infest.

daver(1770) Disputed
1 point

Last time I looked Chinese and Japanese people were located in Asia. Coming from a Brit, you probably mean South Asian. India does not seem to belong on your list of groups of people who contributed little to knowledge.


While your at it, a brief review of the contributions of Blacks_, would also help your understanding of the truth.

Kalamazoo(333) Disputed
1 point

Hi daver, I know you're one of those small minded''nit-pickers'' who scours the forum, not to make a meaningful contribution to a particular thread, but to snipe at the posts of others. However, on this occasion your smart Alec remark has left you with egg, not only on your fat arrogant face but all over your shapeless body. Different parts of the world use the word, ''Oriental'' differently. So, let me enlighten you and take you out of your state of smug confusion. ''The Orient'' IS the eastern part of Asia and includes countries and regions such as Japan, China, Korea, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Asia is much larger and includes India, Cambodia, Tibet, Nepal, and almost all of Russia. Although more difficult to pronounce for fools like you, ''The Orient'' or ''Oriental'' is the more accurate way to describe the geographical position of China and/or Japan. So, fool, the next time ''you look at Chinese and Japanese people you will have me to thank for letting you know that they are from the region known to those from the advanced nations of the world as ''The Orient''. Blacks had no input to the inventions and discoveries which, like the computer you're using, are in every day use. These items include, the internet, electricity, the light bulb, visual aids such as binoculars, the camera, television, radio, the telephone, the splitting of the atom,( nuclear energy), the automobile, the internal combustion engine, the diesel engine, the jet engine, aeroplanes, the petrochemical industry,( plastics), space going rockets, ocean going liners, ( as opposed to dug out canoes) submarines, modern construction techniques and materials, high yield farming methods, almost all modern life saving and pain relieving drugs, including penicillin, state of the art surgical operating techniques, the list is endless. 'Blacks'' contributed nothing to the science of our modern day living and the benefits they have to offer all of us, including ''blacks'' I use the generic term blacks'' in the same way I use the term ''whites''. At your age you have no excuse for being so ignorant of the world in which you live.

1 point

That is just basic instinct. You stick with those familiar to you.

Your other point about advancement is false. The "Arabic" civilizations have contributed greatly to human advancement in the past. Not so much in the last two decades.

Kalamazoo(333) Clarified
1 point

Hi flewk, I'm sure you're correct about Arabs subscribing to the welfare and advancement of mankind, but apart from sitting on top of one of the world's largest oil reserves they certainly haven't contributed anything of significance in my lifetime. Indeed, quite the opposite, they've spawned some of the most vile psychopathic low life terrorists on earth. Also, I didn't intend to give an all embracing, fully comprehensive list of all those who have invented things or made contributions to the progress of the peoples of the world. I was simply giving an abridged and honest answer to a reasonable question.

Maybe as an average, but not as a definite answer to "what is this person like" or "whose better at (fill in the blank)"

Kalamazoo(333) Disputed
1 point

You backed a loser there empty head. I guess as you have no opinion of your own on this issue and have to go for a 'free ride'' on the back of someone else's juvenile comment, (even though it was wholly wrong), does correctly define you as a mindless low life who is incapable of formulating and presenting an original and intelligible viewpoint.

1 point

The problem with this question is it raises the issue of stereotypes. To the ignorant colour does matter which is a problem in itself.

The Magna Carta raised the issue of justice for all people from all walks life.

If we continue to uphold this then only how a person thinks and acts matters the rest is just cosmetic.

Kalamazoo(333) Disputed
1 point

Being sufficiently astute to be able to identify those who pose the greater risk to one's well being isn't ignorance, but is a fundamental instinct which is possessed by those of the higher orders. If I'm walking in a city street on a dark night I will discern between a smartly dressed white male carrying a brief case and a Bongo carrying a machete'. On the last set of statistics issued by the metropolitan police before the P.R, brigade had them stopped, blacks represented 90% of all violent crime even though they only account for 10% of the population. If you combine this inherent lust for violence, which is clearly a congenital characteristic of their psyche', with their general lack of enterprise and academic achievement, you have good reason to assume that they are part of a sub class in the evolution of mankind and pose a greater physical threat to their fellow human beings than other ethnic groups. But alas, I tire of arguing with petty little pendants who glean some sort of sanctimonious satisfaction from championing the cause for life's losers. Bongos are portrayed in their true colours when they are in their natural surroundings such as Africa where disease, poverty, starvation begging bowls pointing west and an eye watering level of street crime abound for as far as the eye can see. Do stay in denial, you'll be happy there.

1 point

I always love listening to racists try to justify their ignorance with claims of higher intellectual status.

It matters because Jews have the highest average IQ, etc. 2nd place: Asians have the second highest average IQ. That is not to say that all Asians and Jews are smart but the average IQ is higher. Color pertains to race so I'd say that it might matter in that regard. The average IQ is usually raised based on more developed countries where people are more educated as opposed to South Africa. That is not to say blacks are all dumb. I'm an individualist. But the average African American has more similar genes to someone from an Ethiopian tribe (obviously), thus being their descendants might have some inheritance from the IQ of someone from Ethiopia.

Its it for sure, but its definitely possible.

No, because there are just as many white trash as any other color.

Kalamazoo(333) Disputed
0 points

Even so, white trash is significantly more acceptable than imported black trash. Most of the black filth are out of their natural environment.

1 point

No not to me it makes no difference at all . When I see a nice set of boobies I don't care what color they are , I don't even think about color .

Well no for at the end of the day a black guy can prove to be a better one in more aspects than a red-head fair Portia;there's a direct hint at racism and today when we're fightin' against it I guess we shouldn't be influenced by skin color for "Beauty is only Skin Deep"

1 point

Is it so hard to just stop separating everyone into groups? At the end of the day we are all just human. Although that is part of the problem in itself we (society) should learn to form into a more productive whole instead of splitting ourselves up. So what if one race is smarter than the other, or has a higher I.Q, or one has introduced more technology to the world than another. Once you drop the "which race is the best stuff", society would benefit overall.

1 point


At the beach for example, if you're a whitey, you're probably gonna have a bad time.

At the hood for example, if you're a whitey, you're probably gonna have a bad time.

In the deep south for example, if you're a darkey, you're probably gonna have a bad time.