
Debate Info

Omfg Deny Everything
Debate Score:23
Total Votes:32
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 Omfg (10)
 Deny Everything (11)

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BurritoLunch(6566) pic

Has Anybody Tried To Buy Toilet Roll Recently?

I spent two hours walking around today trying to find somewhere which had some. Must have been in 15 or 16 shops before I finally got hold of some in a Polish place on the way out of town.

This is what capitalism has given us. Greedy, selfish, paranoid idiots with no care or concern for the well-being of anybody else.


Side Score: 11

Deny Everything

Side Score: 12
2 points

I went to grocery shop today - was not in need of toilet paper, but they didn't see overly out of stock of any necessities.

Side: Omfg

I went to grocery shop today - was not in need of toilet paper, but they didn't see overly out of stock of any necessities.

You're Danish though aren't you? Danish people seem pretty sensible to me. British people are idiots. In fact, if America didn't exist they would probably be the biggest idiots around.

Side: Omfg
bridgetmm(70) Clarified
2 points

Haha! Well there was a hoarding craze here, but once people realized its not a problem it stopped :p

Side: Omfg
BlaireWhite(38) Clarified
0 points

Wow, it's kind of bigoted, prejudiced, and non-egalitarian how you just stereotyped an entire nation full of people as being stupid. Can you explain to me how that fits into your socialist egalitarianism?

Side: Omfg

This is what capitalism has given us. Greedy, selfish, paranoid idiots with no care or concern for the well-being of anybody else.

Those qualities were documented in humanity thousands of years ago prior to Capitalism. It's a quality especially existent in Socialism. The strong desire to have more stuff, only it's even worse. At least the Capitalist probably worked for it himself. The Socialist wants more capital regardless of effort, sacrifice or risk.

Side: Omfg
1 point

Those qualities were documented in humanity thousands of years ago prior to Capitalism.

And instead of discouraging and filtering them out of the species, IDIOTS LIKE YOU MADE A SYSTEM BASED AROUND THEIR WORSHIP.

Good one, ass for brains.

Side: Deny Everything

Well, if you would like the government to decide how much toilet paper you need, move to Venezuela and let us know how it works out for you.

Side: Omfg
1 point

Well, if you would like the government to decide how much toilet paper you need

Do you think the government is going to decide that I need none, you stupid fascist slime-noodle?

Side: Deny Everything
1 point

It will be more a matter of availability than them deciding your individual use. I've heard your paradise, Venezuela has none available. Go government!

Side: Omfg
1 point

move to Venezuela

A place where 70 percent of the economy is in the private sector? No thanks.

Side: Deny Everything
1 point

Venezuela is a command economy you sloshing barrel of monkey spunk.

Side: Omfg
1 point

In socialist countries the shelves always look like that .

Side: Deny Everything
0 points

In socialist countries the shelves always look like that

How many socialist countries have you been to, Bronto?

Oh yeah, NONE. You rely on Fox News to tell you what they are like.

Side: Omfg
Chinaman(3570) Clarified
1 point

Why is it Democrats need so much toilet paper there stupid ? Toilet paper is racist because it is white.

Side: Omfg
BlaireWhite(38) Clarified
0 points

My offer is still on the table if you ever decide to stop assuming everyone who doesn't agree with you is the same person.

Side: Omfg
1 point

You'd need a lot of toilet paper with which to wipe your foul mouth each time you talk your standard load of leftist shit.

Like most highly contagious and deadly plagues, Coronovirus originated in communist China,

Communist China's biggest export;- death, disease and misery.

Side: Deny Everything

Anybody Tried To Buy Toilet Roll Recently?

I spent two hours walking around today trying to find somewhere which had some.

Well if you'd been watching youtubers instead of CNN, you would have known to stock up like I did over a month ago.

Side: Deny Everything
1 point

Well if you'd been watching youtubers instead of CNN

Ah yes, now I'm exceptionally interested in your Nazi propaganda which Youtube hasn't taken down yet. Go on good buddy, I'm game. Tell me all about the toilet roll utopia of the far reich.

Side: Omfg
0 points

These privileged ass kats say I'll never have it

but I be workin' everyday, it's a jinx to them, it's lesser magick

I will turn their words into letter fragments

I sever faggots

hating ass doubters, that can't admit that I'm better at this

see my endeavors madness

can barely keep my head intact, bitch

still my view is multidimensional like a tesseract is

I can keep it nuanced and honest, listen I've never acted

what I speak is real, and I'm carrying out a clever tactic

so you better get better at this, extensive practice

will be required before you attempt to match this

My sick quotes

never leave your tongue, cause' they slit throats

think what you spits dope?

my raps will just make you feel like you sniffed coke


this shit is a freestyle you bitch joke

plus I'm drunk on baileys, and breathing in some big smoke

so you think I think your legit? nope

I shit better writtens and piss GOAT

you're ripped open

I will drink your blood once I've slit your throat and left ya chokin'

invokin' my raps and the spirit of deaths awoken

shed the whole skin

and reveal my reptilian nature

a billion haters

couldn't match my hatred, you worthless incessant rodents

make your testicles twist

while reading this shit you get convulsions

abject, repulsive

like a bio-chemical weapon infection yo, sick

Side: Deny Everything