
Debate Info

He has He has not
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:9
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 He has (3)
 He has not (2)

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TimCast(812) pic

Has Trump broken the brains of the left?

He has

Side Score: 6

He has not

Side Score: 2
3 points

Undoubtedly. He's broken the brains of his RIGHT, also. Neither side of his head is working correctly. Must've been some disease he picked up while screwing a porn star when his wife was having Baron. Likely Syphilis. No one ever deserved it more! ;-)

Side: He has
Spot(122) Disputed
0 points

Must've been some disease he picked up while screwing a porn star when his wife was having Baron.

That's bizarre. The left told us Bill Clinton screwing around on his wife had nothing to do with him as a President and that his attackers were self righteous hypocrites. Welcome to the club buddy.

Side: He has not
2 points

The left told us

Try writing something which doesn't begin and end with an attack against "the left" you boring, retarded Nazi halfwit. The left didn't tell you anything. You spend your entire time here throwing shit at "the left" like a goddamned Nazi propagandist. Just fuck off. Nobody likes you. You're a piece of shit, mate.

Side: He has

This is a trick question. The Left has no brains to be broken. ha ha ha.

That was easy.

Side: He has
1 point

This is a trick question. The Left has no brains to be broken. ha ha ha.

Ha ha ha! Yes buddy!! Take a sticker and a lollipop on your way out the door. We reward adults with the mental age of children here on the right. We recognise you as a potential voter, you see. You provide the cliches. We'll provide the ego rub.

Side: He has not
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