
Debate Info

I follow Jesus Christ! Go to hell, get a job you bum!
Debate Score:15
Total Votes:16
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 I follow Jesus Christ! (4)
 Go to hell, get a job you bum! (4)

Debate Creator

Warjin(1577) pic

How Christian are you, can you walk the walk?

Matthew 19:21

Jesus said to him, "If you want to be perfect, go and sell what you own and give the money to the destitute, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come back and follow me."

I lost my job : (



I follow Jesus Christ!

Side Score: 10

Go to hell, get a job you bum!

Side Score: 5
3 points

Jesus knew how to live, the best nights of my life have been where I just hobo'd it for the weekend with nothing but a bag of beers and a pipe.

And Jesus is one of the biggest supporters of socialism in history, I don't understand the whole republican Jesus thing.

Side: I follow Jesus Christ!
3 points

Well, i'm an atheist, i don't follow Jesus, but that hasn't stopped me from appreciating his 'teachings.' There are plenty of quotes from the Bible that make perfect sense. Just because you're an Atheist, doesn't mean you can't appreciate it.

Side: I follow Jesus Christ!
2 points

Jesus asks us to do tons of stuff in the bible. We can't manage to do them all.

I believe he loves us no matter what we do.

Side: I follow Jesus Christ!
2 points

Well, that's pretty convenient! God loves you no matter what you do.

Under what merit are you allowed to not take the selling thing literally?

Side: Go to hell, get a job you bum!
_deleted0_(850) Disputed
1 point

What do you mean?

I'm not trying to sell anything here, if that's it.

Side: I follow Jesus Christ!
1 point

Sorry I cant send you anything because i'm skint and staring redundancy in the face at the moment but it'll be interesting to see what becomes of this debate, hope things pick up for you soon

Side: Go to hell, get a job you bum!
1 point

Thanks as do I, I figured my current situation would also make for a interesting debate to see how many people really would follow the teaching of Jesus and help there fellow human in need, also seeing how this debate severs a double purpose in seeing the mindset of the ones that won't and as to why if they truly are followers of Jesus and his teachings.

Side: Go to hell, get a job you bum!
1 point

You are right, it would be a very interesting debate and test.

Sorry for your job loss, that sucks.

Hope you find a new job soon. :)

Side: Go to hell, get a job you bum!