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 I no longer believe in Evolution. (129)

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Hearty(31) pic

I no longer believe in Evolution.

That's right. I no longer believe in the flawed concept of evolution. I don't care what “well educated" scientists say. They just believe in it because they have no other explanation. Evolution is as false as can be.

Let's look at evidence. Similarity between creatures? What, so do you want animals to be 100% different to each other? They are a part of a specific group known as the animal kingdom. Of course there will be similarities if they are a part of the same group. There are millions of different species anyway. There is bound to be countless similairities between different animals.

What about fossil evidence? Exactly! What about fossil evidence? Where is it? Different species layered on top of each other provides NO evidence whatsoever. If evolution exists then there should be fossils showing the very gradual changes in species.

And seriously. How can evolution create such complex things? How did it get the idea of sight, hearing, smelling, taste or FEELING. It can't just randomly appear out of nowhere.

That being said, I no longer believe in evolution. You can go and take your extremely unscientific theory elsewhere.
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3 points

Thats your right to deny the evidence for evolution , if you have a counter theory the scientific community would be only too willing to listen so why not present your counter theory ?

If you do not trust scientists or scientific methods for reaching conclusions about evolution well you're really in a very small minority of individuals who dismiss the irrefutable evidence for evolution .

Hearty(31) Disputed
1 point

Very small minority! 40%, possibly more, of Americans don't believe in evolution. And my counter theory: God. But science shouldn't be making up theories just because they don't have an answer. And the evidence is not irrefutable. I just debunked all the “evidence".

Cartman(18192) Disputed
4 points

I just debunked all the “evidence".

What? When? I don't see any debunking in this debate. Where did you do the debunking?

JatinNagpal(2678) Clarified
2 points

That's just you Americans.

Most of the educated world would believe in evolution.

You do lie in minority.

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

WOW! You just "debunked" the scientific community with a book of hearsay. With a mythical "story" that was cobbled together centuries after the "fact", from a bunch of broken stone tablets and Papyrus fragments, most with no KNOWN authors, NO, proof or witnesses that can be confirmed, stories carried from campfire to campfire by largely uneducated goat herders and camel jockeys, and this "evidence" is "irrefutable"!??

Much of that 40% are CYA Christians, or, as Voltaire put it: "God is a comedian, playing to an audience to afraid to laugh."

Dermot(5736) Disputed
1 point

Yes , very small minority , 40 per cent of Americans whilst the rest of the world waits for them to catch up .

Your counter theory is God oookay ; so science is making up theories , and this coming from a guy who believes in virgin births , zombies , and talking serpents, ok got ya .

I just debunked all your ' evidence '

cownbueno(407) Disputed
1 point

America, and the entire world are two very different compositions of people. Americans are just flat out ignorant to a lot of things for absolutely no reason. This being one of them.

LichPotato(362) Disputed
1 point

"if you have a counter theory the scientific community would be only too willing to listen so why not present your counter theory ?"

Whether the OP has a counter-theory is irrelevant; their having one, or lack thereof, has no bearing on the validity of Evolution.

"If you do not trust scientists or scientific methods for reaching conclusions about evolution"

Who says the methods used to reach the conclusion of Evolution were scientific?

"you're really in a very small minority of individuals who dismiss the irrefutable evidence for evolution ."

Irrefutable evidence? Do tell.

Dermot(5736) Disputed
1 point

But the OP said he ' debunked ' evolution so I'm still waiting on his counter theory .

Who says ? Well Charles Darwin for one who often referred to the science of evolution

Why not not try something novel like a google search and type in irrefutable evidence for evolution ?

You will find enough to keep you going for a lifetime .

3 points

You are intelligent not to believe in something that has no beginning. Evolutionists have no clue how that first living cell came to be.

Their theory (while they treat it as fact) is laughble when you think of our complex DNA just randomly happening over the BILLIONS AND BILLIONS of years with no asteroid impacts making the entire process start over.

1 point

FromWithin, you are absolutely correct. Evolutionists can talk talk talk all about darwinism but when we ask them "How did life come to be?", they can't answer. Ken Ham asked this to Bill Nye and Nye can only talk about ties while Ken Ham gave over 100 points of how humans aren't animals. It's so ironic that Nye also admitted that Ken had some points and was right. But it's so impudent of Nye to backtrack and say "God doesn't exist". The Big Bang theory was made in 1927. God already existed way before that!

Cuaroc(8829) Clarified
0 points

You are intelligent not to believe in something that has no beginning.

Where did God come from then?

2 points

It cracks me up that you still don't realize that Fromwithin And SaintNow are the same person

NowASaint(1380) Clarified
1 point

Here's a fine example of a stupid question....first, implying something that is not God is God, because if God is not eternally self existent He cannot be God, so the thing called God in question is not God but rather is a straw man which came from a stupid question, a stupid question designed to make the brilliant statement that a thing which is not God cannot be God.

Cuaroc(8829) Clarified
0 points

Oh sorry forgot about your double standards.

3 points

I quit believing in evolution when I was around seven years old. I believed in it for a little while, then realized that people in society were trying to shove it down my throat to make me think anything we do for survival is justified, and nothing really matters except that might makes right to determine what or who is in the evolutionary line. It takes a lot more faith to believe life emerged out of non-living matter and intelligence/consciousness comes from mindless matter than to believe the Living God who knows all created life and gave it awareness and intelligence. The only thing that could logically explain the reality of our being is that God created us, I knew that, and for fifteen years set out to find the truth, exploring the old classic philosophers and various religions...eliminating them one by one when I found holes in their logic and beliefs. Hinduism is very deceptive due to the reality of experiences common to so many of it's practitioners, occult is also deceptive due to manipulative abilities of evil spirits. I had heard of Jesus rising in victory over death and liked the idea that somebody had beaten death so maybe I could beat it, but not until my young 20's did I finally realized I was a sinner separated from God by my sin and He made the way for me to be reconciled with Him by giving His life's blood to cover my sin and I received Jesus Christ the Living God as my Savior and was born of His Spirit to be like Him completely when I see Him face to face.

Of course the idea of God being the creator means He is supreme and we are subject to His will and people who do not want God telling them what is right or wrong cannot accept His dominion over Creation so they come up with scientific impossibilities such as life and intelligence emerging from non-living and mindless matter then they pretend to have evidence that the nonsense they believe in really happened and is continuing to happen. Dermit and other idiots who can't speak but with mouths full of dirt in reply to common sense simple logic, I won't be reading your foul mouth filth and wondering if you have all your teeth or you are still spitting them out.

Cartman(18192) Disputed
2 points

This is strange. I have almost the same exact doubt about Christianity that you have about evolution. That's crazy.

2 points

Stupid things evolutionists say......................

KneeShell(16) Disputed
1 point

Stupid things creationists say......................

NowASaint(1380) Clarified
2 points

Oh, looks like the Darwin idolizing guy is still with us and not burning in Hell. That's good, there's still time so maybe he can realize God loves Him and come into agreement with God regarding his twisted heart which is unworthy of life and find God's mercy through faith in the blood of His Son which covers the sin of all who believe He is the Living God who died for their sins and rose in victory over sin, death, and Hell and will judge the living and the dead. Too bad you're still a dead man walking, but maybe you'll wake up and get saved before it't too late and you wake up in Hell having sealed your dying in preference of your pride.

Thank you for this opportunity to publish the gospel again.

39mins ago

NowASaint(1380) Clarified
1 point

"Bonfire, with the prefix "bon" meaning "good", would not seem good if you are in the fire, so how can Hell be a bonfire? Is God good for confining sinners in Hell so they wont' make any more trouble for those who are not in Hell?

So from God's viewpoint, Hell would be a bonfire but for those who are serving their time as sinners there, would it be a bad fire?

If you insist on using the generally agreed upon origin of the word being from "bonefire", fine. The question remains unchanged regardless. Is Hell a good fire? Is it good to know the bones of the wicked will smolder like coals in the bonfire of Hell as the wicked forever are dying in Hell?

2 points

You joined a month ago and posted three debates. One about homosexuality being a mental disorder, which has lots of arguments under it but only one short reply by "Hearty" despite many from the conservative religious regulars. And this debate. And one other about why Christianity is the only true religion. Pardon me but I think there is good reason to doubt you are a newcomer. You're just an alter identity of a regular. Which also suggests your claim you just recently came to reject evolution is a false witness account. You were never a believer in evolution.

1 point

Also good reason to doubt that he ever believed in evolution.

Hi Cartman! Good to see you back in the game! .

2 points

Your statement strikes me as a incomplete phrase, mate. Shouldn't it read, I just bumped me noggin playing football and lost me senses and became daft,CEO I no luck never believe evolution?

Me old flatmate back in Birmingham once fell down the lift shaft about two floors and knackered his head but good. He became a believer in God after being an atheist and a right bright university instructor. Now he can barely tie his football boots but he is a good little Christian.with all the evidence for evolution there's no reason other than being daft or deluded for not believing in it. But I'm guessing you never believed in it and are just another Christian member here taking a piss by another name.

2 points

I'm glad you decided to not believe in evolution. It makes no sense.

Hellno(17724) Disputed
2 points

It makes no sense? Really Srom? How does it make no sense?

Yes! I completely agree with you! It is not be evolution that humans appeared on earth, it is by Jesus who made us. Read the start of Genesis as it speaks about God making us in his image. He made us out of the dust of the earth

2 points

I don’t believe in evolution either.

There was no point in time when an ape gave birth to a human. We were Not fish. Fish don’t lay monkeys. They never did.

2 points

Here’s an argument nobody will be able to argue with.

If humans used to be apes, does that mean in one point in time, apes gave birth to humans? I don’t think so!

And they say there’s “Neanderthal” skulls. They are actually ape skulls, it’s just “science” making everyone believe this stupid stuff.

2 points

Yep that's true and in scientific research, DNA has already proven that it is indeed impossible within humans. DNA alone is already enough evidence to prove that there was no macro evolution, especially the theory that Darwin developed. The ICR has spoken of this twice. It's actually "naturalist evolutionary science" aka pseudoscientists overall aka not real factual science nor proven science led by misguided people who claim they are experts but Bill Nye isn't a real science guy. He was a paid actor. He decided to defend the aspect of the "gender spectrum" instead of keeping to the biological facts of there only being two genders and how chromosomes determine one's gender at birth. Gender and sex are the same. Again, it's all pseudoscience that is enforcing the subjective opinions over actual facts to "please the snowflake dystopia". There is a difference between macro and micro evolution. Macro is aligned with the neanderthral common ancestor with humankind which is flawed and was never proven. Micro evolution, however, is how God helped Adam develop his intelligence to name every animal created and eventually his beloved wife, Eve.

Scientific Evidence: evolution-1.318354

1 point

Exactly. I made the same point. Apes would be humans today if evolution were true too! But no. I've been to the Hawaiian Honolulu Zoo. I've seen the monkeys there. They are quite a party but they are not us and we are not them. We certainly can mimic their "oo oo ah ah" noise though as we can mimic every other animal such as dogs, cats etc. But that doesn't make us animals. God created us to oversee all the creatures of the land, the water and the skies. That's why hunting season occurs! It's man over animal not animal over man. But yeah, right now, it's going backwards. That's hardly what I'd call progress.

1 point

Humans are great apes. Evolution is slow. The first humanoids were about four million years ago. If you want proof of similar species look up mosquitos in the subway. Enough time went by for the mosquitoes in the subway to become a different species than the mosquitoes outside the subway.

1 point

What theory is better ?

Hellno(17724) Disputed
4 points

Hey dumbass, are you still accusing me of down-voting you? Prove it! I can see multiple DVs on YOUR reward points that YOU gave me! Why?

Hellno(17724) Disputed
3 points

Please repost your boy porn video so everyone can decide or SHUT THE HELL UP!

Atrag(5666) Disputed
1 point

Fuck me that is one hell of a temper tantrum. Haha. Poor Sad Act. You're the one ranting and raving about me making a pervy video for a 6 year old birthday 3 years ago but being unable to say in what way it was pervy but yet..

It is ME that needs to shut the fuck up? Aww Sad Act you let your emotions get the better of you.

Did he seriously just ask someone to show him child pornography?

Hellno(17724) Disputed
2 points

Atrag is a disgusting boy pervert!

Hellno(17724) Disputed
2 points

Please re-post that child porn video of yourself again so everyone can decide. You think it was nothing so re-post it and let everyone decide.

Hellno(17724) Disputed
1 point

Hey dumbass! You're still around?

Hellno(17724) Disputed
1 point

Please stop hurting young boys! You are disgusting!

1 point

Wow! How did you become a dumbass over night?

1 point

I agree, the theory of (macro) evolution is unscientific and complete garbage. The proof lies in the beginning: the law of biogenesis, which demands that life can only come from life. Until they can prove otherwise, this theory will always lack scientific credentials and is nothing more than an atheistic tool to deny God.

Cartman(18192) Disputed
2 points

Only theists have ever used evolution to claim God doesn't exist.

Evolution is mediocre. Its garbage.

The Genealogy from Adam to Jesus Christ

ADAM (1)

"The Son of God" and The First Adam

SETH (2)

ENOS (3)







NOAH (10)

SHEM (11)



SALA (14)

EBER (15)

PELEG (16)

RAGAU (17)


NAHOR (19)

TERAH (20)

(1) ABRAHAM (21)

(2) ISAAC (22)

(3) JACOB (23)

(4) JUDA (24)

m. Tamar

---> Zera

(Matthew 1:3)

(5) PHAREZ (25)

(6) ESROM (26)

(7) ARAM (27)

(8) AMMINADAB (28)

(9) NAASON (29)

(10) SALMON (30)

m. Rachab

(Sala: Luke 3:32)

(11) BOAZ (31)

m. Ruth

(12) OBED (32)

(13) JESSE (33)

(14) DAVID (34)

m. Bathsheba (Luke 3:31)


Matthew 1:6


(2 Sam.5.14)


(3) ABIA


(4) ASA

MENAN (37)



MELEA (38)



AHAB m. Jezebel |

JONAN (40)


m. Athaliah



(Joash) (Amaziah)

JUDAH (42)


LEVI (44)




JORIM (46)




JOSE (48)


ER (49)

(12) AMON



COSAM (51)


(who had brothers, Matthew 1:11)

ADDI (52)


(1) JECHONIAS (55) m. --->

(2) SALATHIEL (56) Widowed daughter

husband deceased

NERI (54)


(Evidently Salathiel died childless and Pedaiah, his brother, married his widow according to Deut. 25,5,6)

wife m. PEDAIAH

(Quite legally according to the Mosaic law, Pedaiah's name does not appear as the father of Zerubbabel in either Matthew or Luke.)


(1 Chr. 3:19)






JUDA (60)


(6) AZOR

SEMEI (62)



MAATH (64)


NAGGE (65)

ESLI (66)

NAHUM (67)


AMOS (68)




JANNA (71)



LEVI (73)


(12) JACOB

HELI (75)

(13) JOSEPH m. MARY (76)

The only time people had 3 fingers and it suddenly reduced in number was with those under the sharia law after they had been found guilty of theft And they still gave birth to children with five fingers. Is that the evolution they are talking about?

Genesis 2:2 ►

Parallel Verses

New International Version

By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work.


We are photocopies of each other.

You don't photocopy a mattress and you get a mat.

Those morons with their proud heads try to give explanations to everything.

And because they bring us technology we believe them. Looking at them like gods of some high knowledge.

Most of these scientists are atheist.

Isaac newton believed in God and he thought atheism is the most stupid thing ever. He wrote three times more about the bible(God) than science.

But these moronic scientists who feed on the book knowledge of such a great scientist are the ones who are atheists developing stupid theories.

Its normal though

Adolf hitler~ stupid followers.

Sadam Hussein~stupid followers

Bin laden~ stupid followers..

Evolution theoris is pure atheism trying to justify its stupidity.

There is an inventor in Africa~Ghana.

He never had tertiary education.

His inventions are exceptional. He is naturally a genius. He does not take advantage of his influence to make up stupid theories about evolution.

Albert einstein was not atheist and believed in God. Most of the geniuses believed in God. Its just these recent atheist scientists trying to justify their stupidy...

Aristotle was a moron. Who was taught by socrates how to think.

He was overwelmed and it turned to madness or lemme say foolishness that, he tries to explain everything scientifically. While albert says our thinking is limited and we can never understand certain things. He says its like a little kid in a big library full of books of different languages...

Evolution is mediocre. Its garbage.

The Genealogy from Adam to Jesus Christ

ADAM (1)

"The Son of God" and The First Adam

SETH (2)

ENOS (3)







NOAH (10)

SHEM (11)



SALA (14)

EBER (15)

PELEG (16)

RAGAU (17)


NAHOR (19)

TERAH (20)

(1) ABRAHAM (21)

(2) ISAAC (22)

(3) JACOB (23)

(4) JUDA (24)

m. Tamar

---> Zera

(Matthew 1:3)

(5) PHAREZ (25)

(6) ESROM (26)

(7) ARAM (27)

(8) AMMINADAB (28)

(9) NAASON (29)

(10) SALMON (30)

m. Rachab

(Sala: Luke 3:32)

(11) BOAZ (31)

m. Ruth

(12) OBED (32)

(13) JESSE (33)

(14) DAVID (34)

m. Bathsheba (Luke 3:31)


Matthew 1:6


(2 Sam.5.14)


(3) ABIA


(4) ASA

MENAN (37)



MELEA (38)



AHAB m. Jezebel |

JONAN (40)


m. Athaliah



(Joash) (Amaziah)

JUDAH (42)


LEVI (44)




JORIM (46)




JOSE (48)


ER (49)

(12) AMON



COSAM (51)


(who had brothers, Matthew 1:11)

ADDI (52)


(1) JECHONIAS (55) m. --->

(2) SALATHIEL (56) Widowed daughter

husband deceased

NERI (54)


(Evidently Salathiel died childless and Pedaiah, his brother, married his widow according to Deut. 25,5,6)

wife m. PEDAIAH

(Quite legally according to the Mosaic law, Pedaiah's name does not appear as the father of Zerubbabel in either Matthew or Luke.)


(1 Chr. 3:19)






JUDA (60)


(6) AZOR

SEMEI (62)



MAATH (64)


NAGGE (65)

ESLI (66)

NAHUM (67)


AMOS (68)




JANNA (71)



LEVI (73)


(12) JACOB

HELI (75)

(13) JOSEPH m. MARY (76)

The only time people had 3 fingers and it suddenly reduced in number was with those under the sharia law after they had been found guilty of theft And they still gave birth to children with five fingers. Is that the evolution they are talking about?

Genesis 2:2 ►

Parallel Verses

New International Version

By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work.


We are photocopies of each other.

You don't photocopy a mattress and you get a mat.

Those morons with their proud heads try to give explanations to everything.

And because they bring us technology we believe them. Looking at them like gods of some high knowledge.

Most of these scientists are atheist.

Isaac newton believed in God and he thought atheism is the most stupid thing ever. He wrote three times more about the bible(God) than science.

But these moronic scientists who feed on the book knowledge of such a great scientist are the ones who are atheists developing stupid theories.

Its normal though

Adolf hitler~ stupid followers.

Sadam Hussein~stupid followers

Bin laden~ stupid followers..

Evolution theoris is pure atheism trying to justify its stupidity.

There is an inventor in Africa~Ghana.

He never had tertiary education.

His inventions are exceptional. He is naturally a genius. He does not take advantage of his influence to make up stupid theories about evolution.

Albert einstein was not atheist and believed in God. Most of the geniuses believed in God. Its just these recent atheist scientists trying to justify their stupidy...

Aristotle was a moron. Who was taught by socrates how to think.

He was overwelmed and it turned to madness or lemme say foolishness that, he tries to explain everything scientifically. While albert says our thinking is limited and we can never understand certain things. He says its like a little kid in a big library full of books of different languages...

Evolution is mediocre. Its garbage.

The Genealogy from Adam to Jesus Christ

ADAM (1)

"The Son of God" and The First Adam

SETH (2)

ENOS (3)







NOAH (10)

SHEM (11)



SALA (14)

EBER (15)

PELEG (16)

RAGAU (17)


NAHOR (19)

TERAH (20)

(1) ABRAHAM (21)

(2) ISAAC (22)

(3) JACOB (23)

(4) JUDA (24)

m. Tamar

---> Zera

(Matthew 1:3)

(5) PHAREZ (25)

(6) ESROM (26)

(7) ARAM (27)

(8) AMMINADAB (28)

(9) NAASON (29)

(10) SALMON (30)

m. Rachab

(Sala: Luke 3:32)

(11) BOAZ (31)

m. Ruth

(12) OBED (32)

(13) JESSE (33)

(14) DAVID (34)

m. Bathsheba (Luke 3:31)


Matthew 1:6


(2 Sam.5.14)


(3) ABIA


(4) ASA

MENAN (37)



MELEA (38)



AHAB m. Jezebel |

JONAN (40)


m. Athaliah



(Joash) (Amaziah)

JUDAH (42)


LEVI (44)




JORIM (46)




JOSE (48)


ER (49)

(12) AMON



COSAM (51)


(who had brothers, Matthew 1:11)

ADDI (52)


(1) JECHONIAS (55) m. --->

(2) SALATHIEL (56) Widowed daughter

husband deceased

NERI (54)


(Evidently Salathiel died childless and Pedaiah, his brother, married his widow according to Deut. 25,5,6)

wife m. PEDAIAH

(Quite legally according to the Mosaic law, Pedaiah's name does not appear as the father of Zerubbabel in either Matthew or Luke.)


(1 Chr. 3:19)






JUDA (60)


(6) AZOR

SEMEI (62)



MAATH (64)


NAGGE (65)

ESLI (66)

NAHUM (67)


AMOS (68)




JANNA (71)



LEVI (73)


(12) JACOB

HELI (75)

(13) JOSEPH m. MARY (76)

The only time people had 3 fingers and it suddenly reduced in number was with those under the sharia law after they had been found guilty of theft And they still gave birth to children with five fingers. Is that the evolution they are talking about?

Genesis 2:2 ►

Parallel Verses

New International Version

By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work.


We are photocopies of each other.

You don't photocopy a mattress and you get a mat.

Those morons with their proud heads try to give explanations to everything.

And because they bring us technology we believe them. Looking at them like gods of some high knowledge.

Most of these scientists are atheist.

Isaac newton believed in God and he thought atheism is the most stupid thing ever. He wrote three times more about the bible(God) than science.

But these moronic scientists who feed on the book knowledge of such a great scientist are the ones who are atheists developing stupid theories.

Its normal though

Adolf hitler~ stupid followers.

Sadam Hussein~stupid followers

Bin laden~ stupid followers..

Evolution theoris is pure atheism trying to justify its stupidity.

There is an inventor in Africa~Ghana.

He never had tertiary education.

His inventions are exceptional. He is naturally a genius. He does not take advantage of his influence to make up stupid theories about evolution.

Albert einstein was not atheist and believed in God. Most of the geniuses believed in God. Its just these recent atheist scientists trying to justify their stupidy...

Aristotle was a moron. Who was taught by socrates how to think.

He was overwelmed and it turned to madness or lemme say foolishness that, he tries to explain everything scientifically. While albert says our thinking is limited and we can never understand certain things. He says its like a little kid in a big library full of books of different languages...

1 point

It's rare to find so many words that say almost nothing.

If an idiot like you were my photocopy, then the photocopy machines should be thrown away in the hottest fires.

jeffreyone(1383) Disputed
2 points

Again the idiot doesn't get it.

Evolution is change in the heritable characteristics of biological populations over successive generations.

And i listed some number of generations that has come to pass without any record of evolution.

If i were your idiotic photocopy then what? Its means you cannot look at your idiotic self in the mirror. I can tell you have no mirrors in your house.


1 point

Yes. Those "scientists" like "sciencerules" are known as pseudo scientists aka not actual geniuses nor scientists with facts and evidence. Darwin's theory of evolution remains unproven. That's why this debate is occurring. I believe the maker of this post is justified in no longer believing in it. He is intellectual unlike "sciencerules".

1 point

Maybe you should do some research then. Read a few books on evolution? Try reading "The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins. He destroys any argument against evolution.

jeffreyone(1383) Disputed
1 point

I will next week. And i will jot some points(richard's jabs) down that i will surely have a reply to. I think he is preaching to morons and they believe him.

Dermot(5736) Disputed
1 point

It's rather telling that a religious uneducated nut calls Dawkins thinking on this matter ' points ' and then foolishly calls said ' points ' jabs , just typical of religious nuts who cannot accept what is FACT as in Evolution .

Once again anyone who disagrees with your superstitious ignorance is branded a moron , and this coming from a guy who said his preacher predicted some young people may die in the world this year ..........

I think Richard can rest easy at the thought of your forthcoming ' points '

Is this really all you have against it? Well, of course creatures are genetically related to each other as we are all animals but why are we all animals? What you stated doesn't prove anything, I have no idea how to even take that. In the fossil record we do have intermediate species and they are lined up through dating methods just happening to correlate with the times we would expect. You wanna throw away the fossil record evidence? Find me one documented case where an animals bones were found and it dated to a time in which we wouldn't expect to find it. Things tend to become complex when they have billions of years to evolve. All the things you list can be found through the simple click of a Google search. Really, you can Google how eyesight developed, hearing, etc. You seem to be hinting at the whole "how can such a complex eye develop? Surely you can't have one fourth of an eye? or half of an eye?" And this is based on a misunderstanding of how evolution works. There is no divine evolutionary plan that states "we want a complex eye so we will start from here". Something may start with one use and develop a completely different use over time. For the eye for example, from what I remember, it started out with mutation allowing the organism to sense light (a developed eyespot) which was very valuable.