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 Is anything truly random (8)

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daver(1770) pic

Is anything truly random

IMO randomness does not exist. 

For example the roll of the dice is so complex with velocity, trajectory, elevation, rotation and collision that we label it random. While in fact we simply don't calculate an outcome. 

Or the same is true for the gyrations of an antenna on a moving car, or the supposed unpredictability of where a bullit shot into the air, will actually land. 

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3 points

Presuming everything is based on cause and effect, actual randomness seems extremely unlikely.

Absolutely, human action is the driving force of cause and effect, so random is basically meaningless.

1 point

Nobody says anything they didn't think up, so technically, when someone says something "random", it's not so random after all.

1 point

You are correct. Even a supposedly original thought is caused by factors and experience considered. Determinism

I WAS going to leave what I considered a bit of random ramblings but you guys just dampened my thunder ;)

1 point

Turrets are pretty random. No way to predict when they are gonna tick.

Bologna Nipples!

Jace(5211) Clarified
1 point

Tourettes symptoms may be perceived as random, but ultimately they are still a consequence of neurological causes.

ProLogos(2794) Clarified
1 point

Since when does random mean "without a cause"?

I'm pretty sure it just means unexpected.

You can know that they will eventually tick, but when they tick is unforeseeable.

Then, do you believe in a fully clockwork universe?

Does that allow any room for free-will?

Winning the big jackpot in a lottery is random. Anyone who plays the lottery will know it.