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Yes it is No it isn't
Debate Score:13
Total Votes:14
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 Yes it is (7)
 No it isn't (1)

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WinstonC(1225) pic

Is it possible to be sexist against men and racist against whites?

I've often seen this idea pushed in SJW circles: that it isn't possible for minorities to be racist against whites, nor is is possible for women to be sexist against men. Usually the reason given is that women and minorities are oppressed and hence lack the power to be racist/sexist. What do you think?

Yes it is

Side Score: 11

No it isn't

Side Score: 2
2 points

It depends upon what means to signify with the terms 'sexist' and 'racist'. There are generally two alternate definitions being used, in which one references relative positions of social (dis)privilege and the latter references absolute kinds of views motivated by beliefs surrounding identity. Both can be credible and useful ways of thinking about identity and the social positions of persons, but it's important to productive discourse to have an agreed upon set of terms to reference both phenomenon because both are relevant to any discussion that seeks to understand the situation and devise solutions. However, there is a popular disinclination by persons holding both concepts to allow room for the other concept in discourse. Indeed, the definitions are often leveraged with the express purpose of precluding the inclusion of concepts which complicate the narrative the user is operating from.

Side: Yes it is
2 points

The secondary definition of racism (systemic) has become the only definition used by college kids and SJW's while the rest of us continue to utilize the primary definition of racism (individual).. There cannot be systemic oppression against a dominant group, thus they claim that only whites can be racist, often going so far as to say all whites are racist. Not because all individual white people are individually racist, but because society is dominated by a white majority, so any perceived oppression is their collective responsibility (which they have no right to defend against).

If people actually judged others by the content of their character and not the color of their skin, we would give no weight to the secondary definition, which is a recent addition anyway.

Side: Yes it is
2 points

Sure, absolutely. And subsequently there is no such thing as reverse racism. It's just racism. Just as there is no reverse sexism, it's just sexism.

Side: Yes it is
2 points

Anybody can be unfair with anybody on the basis of an arbitrary descriptor such as their gender or race. The counter argument is usually based on the letter of the law, because of an absence of laws specifically saying you can't do those things against men or whites. But I've always considered that argument bogus anyway, because it's a fairly simple addition or amendment to laws to suddenly make it "possible." A debate over possible ought to be in the context of philosophically is it possible.

Side: Yes it is
1 point

Hello bront:

Nobody is immune from hate.

What you heard is what right wingers think left wingers think. They say it to make left wingers sound crazy. Left wingers say crazy shit too, like all of you are Nazis.. They say that just to make right wingers look crazy.

So, here's the truth.. Yes, women CAN be sexist, and black people CAN be racist.. Saying they can't, is crazy. BELIEVING your right wing website is crazier still..


Side: Yes it is
Chinaman(3570) Disputed
2 points

Nazis occupy your world and here's the truth you believe it.

Side: No it isn't
excon(18261) Disputed
0 points

Hello poochy boy:]

Wus up????

Now, get this stick...

Bwa ha ha ha ha ha


Side: Yes it is
1 point

"Hello bront:"

I'm Winston!

"What you heard is what right wingers think left wingers think. They say it to make left wingers sound crazy. Left wingers say crazy shit too, like all of you are Nazis.. They say that just to make right wingers look crazy."

I completely agree that it's a minority of left wingers. I have a number of friends and relatives that hold this exact perspective, however.

Side: Yes it is
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