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Debate Score:27
Total Votes:46
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Amarel(5669) pic

Is the Intellectual Dark Web Alt-Right?

Dave Rubin

Dan Carlin

Eric Weinstein

Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Bret Weinstein

Ben Shapiro

Christina Hoff Sommers

Tim Ferriss

Jordan Peterson

James Damore

Joe Rogan

Steven Pinker

Sam Harris

Maajid Nawas

Jonathan Haidt


Side Score: 10


Side Score: 17
1 point

Is the Intellectual Dark Web Alt-Right?

Hello A:

The only name I recognize is Ben Shapiro. I also don't know what "intellectual dark web" is. Racists post on THIS web. Ben Shapiro posts on THIS web.. I suspect the rest of the writers listed post on THIS web..

Maybe not. Maybe there's a big audience for them over there.. The only dark web I'm familiar with is where children are traded for sex, and money is stolen.. Is THAT the audience these people are seeking??



Side: Yes
RustysGoblin(97) Disputed
2 points

Racists post on THIS web.

True. I saw liberals attacking you with antisemitic Nazi talk. Sorry they did that to you.

Side: No
Amarel(5669) Disputed
1 point

The fact that you haven’t heard about them is indicative of why they were termed the intellectual dark web. They are popular via their YouTube channels and podcasts, but are largely ignored or derided in traditional platforms. Mainstream outlets have called them alt-right, though many (perhaps most) are liberals. Hence the debate topic. If you don’t know anything about them, you could watch a YouTube video or two, then get back to us.

Side: No
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Is the Intellectual Dark Web Alt-Right?

Hello A:

The only name I recognize is Ben Shapiro. I also don't know what "intellectual dark web" is. Racists post on THIS web. Ben Shapiro posts on THIS web.. I suspect the rest of the writers listed post on THIS web..

Maybe not. Maybe there's a big audience for them over there.. The only dark web I'm familiar with is where children are traded for sex, and money is stolen.. Is THAT the audience these people are seeking??



I'm familiar with is where children are traded for sex, and money is stolen.. Is THAT the audience these people are seeking??

SUPER STUPID has made itself familiar with children being traded for sex and stealing money !!!!!!!! LMMFAO You LEFTIST are the most STUPID people on the PLANET EARTH and for some reason PROUD to prove it !!!!!!!!!!

Side: No
-4 points
Amarel(5669) Clarified
2 points

Another thoroughly well reasoned response. Care to expand. ?

Side: Yes
2 points

Sane Democrats have a tough choice. Their political adversary who still looks sane who they mildly disagree with socially and fiscally, or those in their party who have been indoctrinated and imported to create chaos and take down the country.

Side: No
3 points

The Democrat Party has been taken over by a foreign ideology called Communism.

Side: No
1 point

The regressive left lacks a foundation based in logic and reason. They instead rely primarily on appeals to emotion and character attacks. These attacks extend even to those who would otherwise consider themselves to be on the left when said parties seek rational discourse for their positions. The Intellectual Dark Web is an attempt to save liberalism from it's new wave incarnation. Few of it's members can actually be called conservative. All of it's members seek a return to reason.

Side: No
SpawnOfWank(138) Disputed
1 point

Do you believe a group of people can be indoctrinated into Communism, never knowing they are Communists because they've been told they are "Progressives"?

Side: Yes
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

Do you believe a group of people can be indoctrinated into Communism, never knowing they are Communists because they've been told they are "Progressives"?

Hello S:

Between you and me, there's only ONE of us who can distinguish between liberals and communists..


Side: No
carterusmbot(6) Disputed
-4 points