
Debate Info

Yessss Noooo
Debate Score:52
Total Votes:76
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 Yessss (17)
 Noooo (22)

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RandomDude(1286) pic

Is the UK just America's little sidekick?


Side Score: 19


Side Score: 33
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Hellno(17724) Banned
3 points

I wouldn't characterize our relationship like that... I would simply say that they are our greatest ally.

Side: Noooo
RandomDude(1286) Disputed
0 points

If you ask me, theyre more like one of those annoying little yapping dogs that jump all over everything

Side: Yessss
anachronist(886) Disputed Banned
2 points

In what respect, Mr. my country is the best ever because it just is?

Side: Noooo
Hellno(17724) Disputed Banned
1 point

Well, you really are one angry little bird aren't ya? Good luck with that.

Side: Noooo
3 points

The British accent is by far superior in quality to the brash, loud, and bland American accent. British fish and chips rule. British girls are better looking and much better in bed. God save the Queen!

Side: Noooo
1 point

British girls are better looking and much better in bed.

Ahahahahahahhahahahhhahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahhhahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahaha aha ahahahaha ahahaaaahahahahahahaa ha ha ha haw! Okay... sorry... I'm done no wai- ahahahahhhahahahhhahahahhahahhahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahaha... okay seriously though ahahahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahahahhahahahahhaahaahahahahahahahahhahahahhaaaaaaaaaaa good shit man. Thanks. I needed that.

Side: Yessss

Oh geez. I like to poke fun at a lot of things, the UK being one of them, but you're trolling should at least contain some shed of substantial truth to it. This just seems like you're trying to give British nationalists (namely Micmacmoc and Axmeister) a brain hemorrhage.

Side: Noooo
RandomDude(1286) Clarified
1 point

It's a simple question? some shed of substantial truth to it has nothing to do with it as I didn't take a side... sure, you are right that i posted this because of some rude-ass Brits but whats wrong with that? Truth be told I like the UK, just not some of her citizens on this site.

Side: Yessss
1 point

Sidekick in what? You are aware that not everyone in the world looks at America as some kind of glowing paradise of excellence aren't you? There are hundreds of other countries besides you.

In fact, right now, a lot of people are very worried about America, what with half the population of the US being religious fanatics and or uneducated morons, and the majority of people hating generosity.

In fact, America has been Britain's sidekick more I should think, during the world war one and two. And let's not forget, America was founded by Britain in the first place, you are just the British people who won independence from other British people, who were us.

However, Tony Blair the old PM (Penis Muncher) did decide to start bumming Bush during the Iraq war, but again, public opinion was strongly against the war, it was those corrupt baby eating politicians that did it.

Please don't get the wrong idea, however. I am not a nationalist, and I'm not even patriotic, I view both as being dangerous, I'm just trying to dispel the idea that America are the best country ever and they won world war two all by themselves with their bare hands.

Side: Noooo
Hellno(17724) Disputed Banned
0 points

what with half the population of the US being religious fanatics and or uneducated morons, and the majority of people hating generosity.

Complete bullshit! Not true.

Side: Yessss
1 point

How can the UK be America's sidekick? Nobody ever makes their father their sidekick. That's just insulting. To everyone.

Side: Noooo
RandomDude(1286) Disputed
1 point

We threw the father aside 236 years ago because he was a prick. since then he has come crawling back, just because the son became something the father wished he still was, if the son can kick the father's ass then the father is the sidekick

Side: Yessss
Axmeister(4311) Disputed
1 point

"We threw the father aside 236 years ago because he was a prick. since then he has come crawling back, just because the son became something the father wished he still was, if the son can kick the father's ass then the father is the sidekick"

This is the crazy delusion that many american nationalists fuel themselves with.

Side: Noooo
darthtimon(41) Disputed
1 point

Little piece of important news for you RandomDude- the US would never have won the Revolution if not for help from the French. You owe the French your nation.

Side: Noooo
1 point

Um... are we just forgetting the fact that the UK partially gave birth to what America is today? I mean, you've borrowed the language and other stuff. The UK is yo mother! Show her some respect.

Side: Noooo
1 point

Tony Blair tried to turn Britain into America's sidekick but that was because he was Bush's lap dog, Obama has made clear he does'nt like Britain so good luck to him. Britain and America are allies and America needed Britain in the 80's to help their "battle" against Communism and now to support them in the Middle East and unless your Native American your just living on stolen land anyway

Side: Noooo
0 points

This debate has Randomdude plastered all over the title. He's been trying to stir up the British community lately.

Side: Noooo
RandomDude(1286) Disputed
1 point

This debate has Randomdude plastered all over the title

Well duh... it's my debate.

Side: Yessss
Axmeister(4311) Disputed
1 point

I'm saying, it's just the sort of debate you'd make.

Side: Noooo