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is is.
Debate Score:40
Total Votes:53
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 is (6)
 is. (16)

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Zuul(65) pic

Is it time to round up atheists & lock them up?

They've become militant against the majority. Not smart. Unite the country & put them in dungeons. They caused all of our country's problems. Goodbye to bad rubbish.


Side Score: 17


Side Score: 23
1 point

Thanks children, I've had good fun, but it's time to go and have a cheese and pickle bap and watch television.

I'll bait you dummies again later.

Side: is
1 point

They've become militant against the majority.

Hello Z:

Militant???? Nahh... But, if you wanna see MILITANT, come to my house to lock me up..

I swore an oath to defend the Constitution.. It doesn't expire.


Side: is
0 points

@Antrim - You really are a particularly low form of life. Throwing around accusations of pedophilia, pretending to be a hacker. Pretending you could do this or that to me or anyone else. You're particularly pathetic.

But you do provide entertainment value, since you're so fucking deranged that you can't see yourself for the pathetic little worm you actually are which gives the rest of us something to laugh at and be thankful that we aren't as fucked up as you are.

So thanks for that.

Side: is
-2 points
TX43 Disputed
1 point

Shut up Antrim. You're a Nazi and nobody likes Nazis. Even the Nazis didn't like the Nazis, as proven by The Night of the Long Knives.

Side: is.
JoeBlogs(-14) Disputed
1 point

Shut up nom's dupe account. Come Lick on these hairy balls you cunt slirping lizard snatch crap weasel brainless dickless giant terd gobbling trash whore!

Side: is
Antrim(1287) Disputed
0 points

Ah, the site's registered paedophile, alias Q, alias Nom etc.

BTW, what was your slant on the thread Q?

I mean, it's your topic so you should add comment.

I must pass your personal details which I was able to hack from this site onto the Paedo Hunters.

They'll know what to do with you and all your nasty little gremlins.

Side: is
Rusticus(809) Disputed
0 points

@ Antrim - I'm ready when you are big talker. Mr big brave web site bragger.

Side: is.
1 point

@ Antrim - I'm ready when you are big talker. Mr big brave web site bragger.

God, he's just pathetic isn't he? An example of what small children turn into if you don't raise them properly.

Side: is.

The First Amendment protects all religious beliefs. Atheism is a religious belief. By imprisoning/killing atheists, you are violating the First Amendment.

Side: is.

Indeed. It is wrong to go against any religion (or a lack of one). These two options are very loaded, as they are both the same.

Side: is.
2 points

The statement you've just made is not supported by evidence only pure opinion. Only because atheists do not share the same way of thinking as you and the same knowledge does not mean that you have the right to claim that they should be locked up. Scientific knowledge has actual evidence to support it's claims the development of religious knowledge systems such as christianity is purely based on imagination and intuition because there is no real way of testing to see wether or not there is a god. It is only faith, while theres nothing wrong with being faithful in christianity you shouldn't attempt to impose your personal view on others.

Side: is.
1 point

The statement you've just made is not supported by evidence only pure opinion. Only because atheists do not share the same way of thinking as you and the same knowledge does not mean that you have the right to claim that they should be locked up.

In case you genuinely are new, the creator of the debate has absolutely no interest in evidence and is very likely a paid internet shill . The main account it uses is "brontoraptor", but it has hundreds. In fact, someone last week was kind enough to list them all.

Side: is.
1 point

I disagree, why do that?? what they believe does not mean anything to religious people, they just are theories, so what do they mean to us??

Side: is.