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Debate Score:17
Total Votes:21
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24cb01(159) pic

Should I make more debates

I wasn’t on this website for 1 year, should I be more active or just come online every month.


Side Score: 12


Side Score: 5
2 points

I mean, if you have something good to post then post it. If it's another debate that is just attacking a member on here then no, but I don't see you making those.

Side: Yes
2 points

Depends on you man, I prefer if you'll be active less. I mean, It's better if we focus on real life. Being on createdebate just expressess your views but not advance it. For example, you're a pro life and you wish to save unborn babies but you cannot save them here, it's always in real life.

Side: No
1 point

Do you need to feel wanted and have us beg you to embellish the site with your wit and literary skills?

Side: No
-2 points
Gibby_Prime(37) Disputed
4 points

And we don't want idiots like you with your stupid nonsense and insults.

Side: Yes
LoveU(338) Disputed
2 points

Haha man ,try to be more welcoming next time.

Side: Yes
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Conservative Racist ! Let me me guess you are a Progressive Name Caller LMMFAO

Side: Yes
Polaris95(239) Disputed
1 point

Yet you have a nickname for every frequent leftist poster on the site. Or you just call them a "crazy progressive". It's a bit rich accusing someone of name-calling when you do it yourself.

Side: Yes
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Heading of the article - Republicans have a duty to defend black conservatives from Democratic discrimination

Why is the party of compassion attacking blacks that don't have the Progressive view?

Quite Racist is it not ?

Side: Yes
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Here’s what Candace Owens said:

You know that expression, ‘If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it?’ Well, the inverse to that expression is that if it’s broke we should fix it. And do you want to know what’s broke?

Voting for Democrats every four years results in buyers remorse four years later. Why don’t we try something different, guys?

‘Cause everything is racist!’

Riiiiggghhhtttt. So here’s how fear politics work:

‘My name is Ashley Evans and I want the black vote. All I have to do is sprinkle the word ‘racist’ on anything that is opposed to my agenda.


Donald Trump? Racist.

Republicans? Racist.

Leaving the Paris Agreement? Racist.

Hillary Clinton? Not racist, which is the reason I’m with her!

The Democrats have figured out that fear absolutely dominates black people politically, to the point of socioeconomic paralysis. Racism has pretty much become our boogie man.’

Side: Yes