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Debate Score:78
Total Votes:94
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Mint_tea(4641) pic

Should a person who has a service animal have to prove the necessity for it?

Too often we hear about people claiming their pets as service animals when there may not actually be a legitimate medical need.  Unfortunately some people are just buying the vests and skating on the fact that they can claim some form of disability without having to back that claim up or feigning outrage that a question of such a personal nature is being asked.  Some even threaten lawsuit for "discrimination".  So if someone has a genuine medical need for a service animal should they have to carry around their proof for it and submit it upon request?


Side Score: 50


Side Score: 28
3 points

Sometimes. I'm not saying every time. I'm not saying they should be challenged about it everywhere they go. Most people get the benefit of the doubt. But I know a co-worker for example who brings in a great big doberman reportedly because it keeps him calm. OK. And the dog is very nice, we like each other, so I'm not trying to kick that dog out. But I'm pretty sure the only reason that dog comes to work is because the man wants it to. In general, all you have to do to have a service animal is to say it is.

Side: Yes
Mint_tea(4641) Clarified
1 point

My issue is that my husband is deathly allergic to cats and certain dog breeds to the point he needs an inhaler to be in just the same room as one and my son is very allergic to cats. If we go to a store or (god forbid) a plane, and someone brings their service animal which happens to be one of those he runs the risk of having an asthma attack. I want to know if we have a hassle on something (like having to leave or change planes) that it's for a legit reason and not some jerk who thinks their right to have a pet supersedes my families health.

Side: Yes
Grenache(6053) Clarified
1 point

Valid reasons to object to the practice. ...........................................................

Side: Yes
outlaw60(15368) Disputed Banned
1 point

If you are afraid of anyone in your family having a asthma attack then you really should not have your family in the general public. Stop whining like the Progressive you are !!!!

Side: No
NKJV(511) Disputed
1 point

Disability rights are human rights......................................................................................................

Side: No
Grenache(6053) Clarified
2 points

Yes they are. But this discussion is more akin to whether a person parking in a handicapped space really is handicapped or instead somehow gamed the system, such as using their deceased spouse's handicap pass. Are all these service animals indeed legit? That's the question.

Side: Yes
outlaw60(15368) Disputed Banned
1 point

Listen to the Boston Diaper Boy babble !!!!!!! Hey Stupid what does your co-worker have to do with a service animal ??? Explain how really Stupid you are to all of us !!!!!!!!!!! Can you do that ????????????

Side: No
Mint_tea(4641) Disputed
1 point

Usually I'm really against banning, I think everyone should have their say. But your comments have little in them of substance and are more BS than usual. That, mixed with personal attacks to others, pushes the decision so, sorry, but you're littering this debate with trash. Grats on being the first person I've ever banned though!

Side: Yes
Grenache(6053) Clarified
1 point

I did. He brings the Doberman because he claims it is a service animal. Pay attention.

Side: Yes
3 points

If handicapped people whose disability is not plainly obvious, but are granted privileges and are given priority over the fit and healthy then they should be legally required to provide documented proof upon request by duly appointed personnel.

Side: Yes
2 points

Yes! Next question!

Side: Yes
NKJV(511) Disputed
1 point

Disability rights are human rights.............................................................................................................

Side: No
Hellno(17724) Disputed
3 points

So we should just believe everyone? Okay... from now on I'm going to park in the handicap spot...

Side: Yes

All they should have to do is show papers for it. That’s it. The nay thing that they should have to need to prove.

Side: Yes
NKJV(511) Disputed
1 point

Nope. I don't have to show a paper. I have the right to not be treated like a second class citizen. Disability rights are human rights.

Side: No
2 points

Yes. You have to prove you are disabled when you park in a handicap spot so you should prove your pet is a service animal.

Side: Yes
2 points

"Submit it upon request". To anyone that asks? No, that's stupid. Unless you believe people should be able to stop you in your car and request to see your license, or some similar circumstance.

Side: No
Mint_tea(4641) Clarified
1 point

People have the right to have their animals in their car, it's not a public place so that's not really an issue. I'm talking about stores, airplanes, and various places where people may have a concern about animals.

Side: Yes
1 point

Is the service animal a blue whale? If so, it should not be in the car.

Side: Yes
NKJV(511) Disputed
1 point

People have the right to not be treated as second class citizens.................................................................................

Side: Yes
outlaw60(15368) Disputed Banned
1 point

You Special Kind of Stupid are you saying that those that need a service dog like the blind are a concern to you ???????????????

Maybe Stupid that those animals should be on a list that your family is not allergic to!!!!!!!!!!! LMMFAO

Contact your government officials and have them put in place rules that apply to you when service animals are involved !

Side: Yes
1 point

No. Not all disabilities are visible, we can't have a police state............................................................................................

Side: No
Mint_tea(4641) Clarified
2 points

Which is why I'm asking if they should have to prove it. I know quite well that not all disabilities are visible, my daughter looks perfectly normal and is autistic. But some people abuse the system and there are others who are highly allergic to animals. Should they have to suffer because someone just wants to walk around with their animal without an actual medical need for it?

Side: Yes
NKJV(511) Clarified
1 point

Nope. Disabled people have the right to not be treated as second class citizens.................................................................................

Side: Yes
outlaw60(15368) Disputed Banned
1 point

You mean to tell me a blind person with a service dog needs an actual medical card ???????

What you need to do is have a list of animals you and your family are allergic to and make sure those people have a medical card ROTFFLMMFAO !!!!!!!!!!!! That way you and your family are not offended

Side: Yes
1 point

No but you really need check with the Iranian PETA supporters that commit murder in the Land of Moonbeam. Say it didn't you Precious Jewel

Side: No