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Of course! All of us swear!
Debate Score:30
Total Votes:31
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 Of course! (5)
 All of us swear! (16)

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16sedzq1(7) pic

Should swearing be banned publicly and in the movies?

Swearing is a very common habit but a bad habit thats spoils our future. Should it be banned?

Of course!

Side Score: 5

All of us swear!

Side Score: 25
1 point

Nowadays using foul language is becoming gradually more common among young people. It is not a secret that young generation is formed by society and they learn new words from adults. They are not aware of the full understanding of swearing words and their language can be proved. However, when they grow up, it is too late to change anything with their swearing because cussing one of the easiest harmful habits that may appear and one of the most difficult which can be broken down. The use of profane language can be equal with smoking and drinking alcohol which have harmful influence on youth. However, a lot of people find curse words helpful, interesting and colorful additions to the language especially nowadays when the society have freedom of speech and it upset me. Profanity is widespread in the television, magazines, newspapers, alternative literature, video games, music and movie spheres. The researchers found that the more young people hear profanity in the media, the more they use curse words and those who use offensive language become aggressive towards others. In accordance with the research, children begin to use swearing words from kindergarten which were heard from peers and adults who used foul language in front of them. However, they do not stop at that stage and start using profane language at school. In this case profanity can lead to increasing of bullying among young population and the consequences are able to be very serious. Swearing youth often fall into badly behaved company. They become to repeat rough and offensive words uttered by hooligans. Young people become enjoy using profane language in jokes, puns and stories. Besides, youth begin to enjoy use verbal abuse to threat and annoy coevals, cause anxiety or fear for safety. Moreover, using foul language can lead to physical violence when verbal abuse and insults raise the emotional state and young people are no longer able to restrain themselves. Youth can hurt another people’s feelings. Besides, young generation start swearing to rebel, and sometimes they swear because there are a lot of people who curse around them. These attempts to stand out and be independent have serious consequences because young persons no longer see the border and began to swear at everybody. I believe that if young generation does not use foul language, it will be possible to reduce aggression, conflicts situation and vulgar behavior.

Side: Of course!
BlackSheep(203) Disputed
1 point

How is swearing harmful?

How does the use of swear words lead to bullying, physical violence, or even hurt feelings?

People who rebel often turn to these words because it is an easy way to annoy people who they are rebelling against, but it doesn't work the other way around. My children have never been reprimanded by me for swearing. I have warned them not to use it at school etc. only because they could get in trouble. My kids are good and don't use them in a harmful manner. They are words like any other and there is nothing wrong with them.

You have made many claims with no support. Support your claims.

Side: All of us swear!
Eldana(75) Disputed
1 point

Ok, but how can you persuade me that profane language is normal and does not bring harmful effects for society, especially for children?

I am sorry that for you swearing kids it is normal.

I would like to point out that it is important to understand social and psychological significance of profane language to speakers because there are many cases when swear words can offend the human dignity.

In accordance with Robin-Eliece Mercury, who is an assistant Professor at CERGE-EI, Karlova University, "discussions of taboo language such as racial slurs (i.e., chink, nigger, wop) or other derogatory remarks based on race, creed, or culture can be of relevance in people's conduct.

Side: Of course!
1 point

According to a recent study swearing does increase stress. This would certainly lend some credibility to swearing being related to violence; for instance if someone did something bad to you I would have to certainly say your stress level would play a major factor in the decision to tell them off, walk a way, or hurt them.

Supporting Evidence: Swearing increases stress (
Side: Of course!
0 points

I don't really like it when swearing is in movies because its just not right and its fithy language that shouldn't be said. I don't swear at all. The Bible says in Ephesians 4:29 "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen."

Side: Of course!
Arcane(64) Disputed
2 points

Ok, enough of that goodie-goodie crap. If you don't swear, good for you. But I don't see anything wrong with using profanity at controllable levels. We have a right to live as we may choose. We have a right to say what we want to say when we want to say it. Sometimes there are moments when you need a stronger word to define your feelings. But that dosen''t mean curse in every single sentence. And if you don't like swearing in movies, then there is a simple, common-sense solution: DON'T WATCH THE MOVIE!!!

Your naivety is not needed in debates. As I have said before, do not use the Bible to validate your arguments. What you believe in is what you believe in and that is all that it is: a belief. Not fact, not evidence, a belief.

Side: All of us swear!
Srom(12120) Disputed
1 point

Well sometimes when I watch the movies that I have never watched before I don't really know if there is swearing coming up because I haven't seen the movie.

Side: Of course!
Maplecat(69) Clarified
2 points

Let me clarify, the bible is not evidence, it is a belief.

Side: Of course!
Maplecat(69) Clarified
2 points

Let me clarify, the bible is not evidence, it is a belief.

Side: Of course!
BlackSheep(203) Disputed
1 point

What s inherently bad about swearing? How do the words our society has dictated are bad? I fail to understand this at all.

Side: All of us swear!
3 points

Why should we avoid words that arbitrarily society has made taboo. These words are powerful and can express things better than other words in the right context. It seems to me it is high time we did away with pointless taboos.

Side: All of us swear!
2 points

Actually, swearing is very beneficial. It's a much better means of conveying emotion than any other method. For example, which of the following phrases sounds more emotional.

"Aah, my hand really hurts!"

"Aah, my hand really FUCKING hurts!"

Moreover, swearing has actually been proven to negate pain. I watched a program a while back, and it had a test; how long could you keep your hand in a glass of freezing water? The catch was that, the first time the subject did it, he wasn't allowed to swear, but the second time, he was. The results were clear, when he was allowed to swear, he kept his hand in for about 3 times as long.

I'm not saying we should be effing and blinding all over the place, but I see no reason to ban it.

Side: All of us swear!
2 points

Whilst I would not go so far as to say that all people swear, there is nothing wrong with it. Profanity is far less offensive in countries other than America, the pansies of the world, no doubt where anything but violence and crime is shunned.

Nothing ought to be banned. If a writer wants his characters to be foul-mouthed, so be it. 'tis his prerogative, not the government's.

Side: All of us swear!

This could only happen under the premises of THOUGHT POLICE. Nobody wants thought police.

Side: All of us swear!
2 points

Should swearing be banned publicly and in the movies?

No, Fuck that Shit!

No, but in all seriousness, how can the utterance of a word be more offensive than the actual meaning behind the word?

Side: All of us swear!
2 points

Swearing is good for you. It even helps distract or reduce pain.

Although, like the article included says, Chef Ramsey might be a bit overboard. Or, he feels REALLY good.

Supporting Evidence: Article on swearing. (
Side: All of us swear!
2 points

Im guessing this is another Oh no! Not the children! moments, where you want adults to change their behavior to benefit the children, but in the end you just end up hurting them. We can not pretend things do not exist to protect them because they will grow up and not know what the real world is like.

ANYWAY! Swearing is not the most attractive feature, but it used to express strong emotions (Even if it is slightly taboo)

Side: All of us swear!
1 point

Hell no it shouldn't be banned-o sorry I saw the clown avatar and assumed you were harry pitts whose last two debates should never have been posted-

demolition man
Side: All of us swear!
1 point

Three words: Freedom of speech .

Side: All of us swear!
1 point

Swearing is just another one of those irrational societal taboos that have no known negative effect and actually have positive effects on pain management and stored releavel. In film, it serves a distinct purpose and adds emphasis I certain dialogues.

Side: All of us swear!
1 point

Fuck no lol :) haha. I think understanding respect is more important rather than suppressing people. Teach people to not use it when respect is important - ie in public places and events where respect is important as a normative prescription, and when you are trying to appeal to a persons affinities.

Side: All of us swear!

Cuss words are prevalent in our society so I do not think cussing should be banned in public or in the movies.

Side: All of us swear!