
Debate Info

WOW, those DEMS cheat Really?? 72 Cases a YEAR?
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:5
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 WOW, those DEMS cheat (3)
 Really?? 72 Cases a YEAR? (1)

Debate Creator

excon(18262) pic

Since 1948, Heritage Foundation found 1,285 Proven Cases of Voter Fraud in America


Wow..  That much??  We need to crack down.  Snicker, snicker..


WOW, those DEMS cheat

Side Score: 3

Really?? 72 Cases a YEAR?

Side Score: 1
0 points

Since 1948, Heritage Foundation found 1,285 Proven Cases of Voter Fraud in America

Sounds like a perfect argument against mail in voting.

Side: WOW, those DEMS cheat
1 point

1285 doesn't feel like very much. I feel like, since it's not very much, we should do what we can to make fraud easier. We should also completely oppose simple and easy security measures because black people can't do simple and easy things, thus simple security is racist.

Side: Really?? 72 Cases a YEAR?
1 point

That must also be why they are also moving/closing polling places, cutting back early voting (esp. 'Souls to the Polls' Sunday), blocking/slowing voter registration and purging valid names, etc. etc.

The Republican Party has admitted exactly what they are doing for anyone willing to listen:

Side: WOW, those DEMS cheat
Amarel(5669) Clarified
2 points

Your link mostly shows that Republicans think Democrats cheat and reducing that helps them. There are laws on the books that determine registration purges. Leaving registrations in place where the voter is dead or has moved also opens the door for cheating.

Side: WOW, those DEMS cheat
BurritoLunch(6566) Clarified
1 point

The Republican Party has admitted exactly what they are doing for anyone willing to listen

Problem is, that doesn't include you. I presented to you a ton of evidence that the last Republican administration (or at least, high level politicians within it) worked to defraud the public about the nature and perpetrators of the 9/11 attacks. You weren't willing to listen. That's ultimately your problem, I think. You aren't willing to listen to anybody but yourself and your own opinions.

Side: WOW, those DEMS cheat