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 The Brits must stay home (6)

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Chinaman(3570) pic

The Brits must stay home

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has ordered his fellow citizens to stay home and only travel outside when necessary, making the United Kingdom the latest country to embrace lock down efforts to help stop the spread of COVID-19.
Johnson limited all public gatherings in Britain to just two people while advising residents to leave their homes once a day for exercise and to travel only when “absolutely necessary,” to get groceries or needed medication. All non-essential businesses (bars, in-dining restaurants, etc.) have been closed until further notice.

I wonder how that Brit economy is working out for them there Brits.
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1 point

Now this shows the Totalitarian mindset of the Left : Should people ignore these orders, police have been given the power to disperse gatherings and issue fines.

BurritoLunch(6566) Clarified Banned
2 points

Now this shows the Totalitarian mindset of the Left : Should people ignore these orders, police have been given the power to disperse gatherings and issue fines.

Most American states are also ordering people to stay home you dumb hillbilly.

Chinaman(3570) Clarified
1 point

Dummy are you Brits on the Lock Down or no ? Get up to speed there dummy.

Chinaman(3570) Clarified
1 point

What did the BBC type up ? Yea i think i got that link.

Chinaman(3570) Clarified
1 point

Brit go rattle you a cup so you can get you a Tin of Beans and now you gone.

Yeah your right. Leave everyone out, cause 1000's to require hospitalization and die.

Why don't we just euthanize everyone with a cough?

Chinaman(3570) Clarified
1 point

Brit Troll do tell what the NHS is doing to find a cure for the Corona. Speak up you Little Gurl

ChickenBeer(250) Disputed
1 point

One thing has nothing to do with another. I think you got one of Trumps little balls caught in your throat.

1 point

I am going to slit your butt hole and your penis and your ballsack and soak them in mercury and fluoride and cyanide.

The Brits (and others) acted faster and passed a better economic stimulus that focuses on keeping people employed instead of putting everyone on unemployment: