
Debate Info

it has come back & watch bronto
Debate Score:54
Total Votes:63
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 it has (13)
 come back & watch bronto (22)

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brontoraptor(28596) pic

The NFL has simply become a tool for politics

it has

Side Score: 30

come back & watch bronto

Side Score: 24
2 points

Hello bront:

It has.. Is that bad?? It was Trump, after all, who brought politics into it when he LIED about Kaepernik when he said that he was protesting the flag and the anthem..

If you paid attention, which neither you or Trump do, you'd KNOW that Kaepernik was protesting police brutality..

But, even if you have NO CLUE what he's protesting about, does that matter??? Does he have to run it by you first??? What if he was protesting abortion? Would his taking a knee be cool with you then?? I'm also curious about the larger context - what venue SHOULD be Constitutionally free?


Side: it has
1 point

Okay Con. I'm game. A bunch of white players come out giving white power signs and wearing Klan hoods as the anthem plays. Does the NFL have to put up with it? Do they need to run it by you first?

Side: come back & watch bronto
excon(18261) Disputed
2 points

Hello bront:

I don't LIKE white supremacists. But, they have the SAME rights I do, the same rights you do, and the same rights Kaepernik does.

No wonder you hate America.. You have NO idea what freedom means..


Side: it has
FromWithin(8241) Disputed
0 points

I realize I'm wasting my time trying to explain the obvious to Liberals such as yourself.

Prolife people would have the common sense to take a knee at the death camps (clinics) rather than denegrating our patriots dying for our freedoms.

If Kaepernik was protesting police brutality, he would take his rich fool self down to the police stations and take a knee there.

If he wants to take a knee with a large audience, he could be in the front row at the academy awards, and take a knee when they announce the winners.

What? You say taking a knee when they announced the Academy award winners would be insulting towards those who worked hard to win those awards? Imagine if lke our troops, they died to win those awards? Are you starting to get it?

Liberals are showing their true colors and disdain for this great nation when taking a knee during the national anthem.

Side: come back & watch bronto
excon(18261) Disputed
3 points

Imagine if like our troops, they died to win those awards? Are you starting to get it?

Hello From:

What you neglect to mention is that our fallen warriors also died to protect Kaeperniks RIGHT to protest - in the way HE chooses, and NOT the way you choose.

It's a GOOD thing that, here in America, we DON'T need your approval before we enjoy our rights..

Are you getting this yet?


Side: it has
Mint_tea(4641) Disputed
3 points

The fact you are refusing to get is that even if you don't support or agree with it, he HAS the RIGHT to do it. That's what he's using, that's what our soldiers have fought and died for, his right to protest peacefully as he see's fit, where he see's fit. As it is he's garnered more attention to his cause then if he'd done it anywhere else which was the point. That some people are trying to warp his reasons and say he's dishonoring fallen soldiers and their families as well as America is both disingenuous and deceitful. He will have to deal with the repercussions of his actions but, and I'll say this in all caps, HE HAS THE RIGHT BECAUSE OUR COUNTRYMEN/WOMEN FOUGHT AND DIED, FOR HIM TO HAVE THAT RIGHT. That isn't even close to hating America, that's exercising his rights as an American to protest an issue that concerns him.

Side: it has
1 point

Imagine if lke our troops, they died to win those awards? Are you starting to get it?

How is it even possible that you have learned nothing from 2000 years of history and are still speaking like a Roman?

You want people to feel emotion for soldiers being paid by the government to kill foreigners, while at the same time you despise those soldiers who defend their homes against American invaders. You are a thoroughly irrational and nasty piece of work.

Side: it has

Prolife people would have the common sense to take a knee at the death camps (clinics) rather than denegrating our patriots dying for our freedoms.

If Kaepernik were protesting police brutality, he would take his rich fool self down to the police stations and take a knee there.

If he wants to take a knee with a large audience, he could be in the front row at the academy awards, and take a knee when they announce the winners.

What? Liberals would say taking a knee when announcing the Academy award winners would be insulting towards those who worked hard to win those awards? Imagine if like our troops, they died to win those awards? Can Liberals ever grasp the obvious?

Liberals are showing their true colors and disdain for this great nation when taking a knee during the national anthem.

Side: come back & watch bronto