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Debate Score:30
Total Votes:36
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 Yes, yes (19)
 No, no (9)

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brontoraptor(28596) pic

This Poll Gives Strongest Evidence For Reelection Of President Trump

This Poll Gives Strongest Evidence For Reelection Of President Trump

Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

According to the results of a CBS pollconducted between May17-20, the chances of president Trump getting elected look pretty strong, as the poll found 71% of respondents felt the economy was in good shape. 94% of Republicans and 66% of Independents agreed, and even an astonishing 60% of Democrats echoed the sentiment.

Yes, yes

Side Score: 21

No, no

Side Score: 9

The one, the only- our Savior: Donaldo Magnus! Deal with it.

Side: Yes, yes

We will elect a Communist and defeat Trump's tyranny as we blow up the system.

Side: No, no
1 point

This Poll Gives Strongest Evidence For Reelection Of President Trump

Hello bront:

It's true.. But, as I said the other day, people like the economy, but don't like Trump.. His approval rating is stuck on 42%.. You can't win with only 42% of the people..


Side: No, no
1 point

But, as I said the other day, people like the economy, but don't like Trump..

I don't particularly like him, but I voted for him due to political expediency as a bulwark, and will again. I look at him like a Sooner fan looks at Texas. A rival in a way? Yes. But when Texas plays Washington, can't root for Washington...

Side: Yes, yes
1 point

His approval rating is stuck on 42%.. You can't win with only 42% of the people..

Sure ya can. He won with 32%. Apparently "do you like him" and "will you vote for him over a red" aren't the same question.

Side: Yes, yes
1 point

It's true.. But, as I said the other day, people like the economy, but don't like Trump

Guess which out of "a better paycheck" vs "I like him" wins with most people?

Side: Yes, yes
0 points

Guess which out of "a better paycheck" vs "I like him" wins with most people?

I wish you'd stop pretending the economy is better under Trump just because he lies more about the numbers. I've shown you evidence at least half a dozen times that he's cooking the numbers but you obviously just don't care. You're insane. Mad as a proverbial hatter.

Side: No, no
1 point

I am not a liberal, but Trump is a lying fuckbag...........................................................................................................................................................................

Side: No, no
HighFalutin(3402) Clarified
1 point

Can you name a politician that isn't?


Side: Yes, yes
Redeemed(1428) Clarified
1 point

Not really, good point...................................................................................................................................................................................................

Side: Yes, yes