
Debate Info

He WILL You're a cynical SOB, excon
Debate Score:10
Total Votes:10
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 He WILL (4)
 You're a cynical SOB, excon (4)

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excon(18262) pic

Trump LOVES a good distraction. When Mueller INDICTS him, will he BOMB North Korea?


Side Score: 5

You're a cynical SOB, excon

Side Score: 5

Lol. I think probably he will.

You're a funny Jew.

Oh wait. I can't say that because you think it's anti-Semitic.

Side: He WILL
mrcatsam(663) Clarified
1 point

Gee, that's a hard one. He might move to Russia and have Putin as a husband.

Side: He WILL
1 point

Sniff sniff sniff... Adolf, is that you? Oh, sorry nomenclature. I thought you were somebody else...

Side: You're a cynical SOB, excon
FactMachine(430) Disputed
1 point

Stop pretending you aren't a zionist israeli co-intelclature

Side: You're a cynical SOB, excon
1 point

Oh fuck.

I hope he never reads Create Debate...I know debates aren't his style, so I think we're safe...but you could be giving him Ideas, after all, maybe someone will repost on Twitter.

We do have some Twits, here.

Side: He WILL
1 point

Oh heck yeah. He'll bomb North Korea with nukes, illegal aliens, transgenders, gays, CNN news staff, and everyone who ever sued him. Then he'll blame it on Obama and order another review of Clinton's e-mail for evidence SHE'S the one who ordered the bombing.

Side: He WILL

What he'll do Con is go full blown authoritarian and create something called the CFPB, create a healthcare bill, name it after himself, then punish you financially if you don't get it. He'll then bomb Libya for giggles, try to financially influence the election in Israel, give Iran $150 billion, some on a secret boat, wiretap citizens illegally, claim he's good at killing people with drones, use Loretta Lynch to protect his political ally's foundation and illegal email server actions, be the first President in history to not have one single year of 3% economic growth, put us $20 trillion in debt, and then he'll tell us what a good job he did. And what will happen last is the masses and the media will praise and glorify him as if he's a god despite being by far the worst President in history. Sounds nice doesn't it?

Side: You're a cynical SOB, excon
EldonG(530) Clarified
1 point

No, that's what Obama did...and several of those are exactly the arguments I've used against him.

(Interestingly enough, I think we have some real agreement, here.)

Side: He WILL