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Debate Score:16
Total Votes:26
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 Answer B (6)

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SpawnOfWank(138) pic

What is consciousness?

Answer A

Side Score: 4

Answer B

Side Score: 12
1 point

What is consciousness?

Hello S:

I can't tell you what it IS.. But, I surly can tell you what it ISN'T.

Al, me and occasionally Mint tea, are the primary liberals on this site.. None of us have been SHY about posting liberal thought..

Yet, I read that liberals are communists, Marxists, NEVER obey the Constitution, and generally HATE America..

Now, to ME, that's about as UNCONSCIOUS as you get..


Side: Answer A
RustysGoblin(97) Disputed
3 points

Yet, I read that liberals are communists, Marxists, NEVER obey the Constitution, and generally HATE America..

You vote for people and support people who are those things, whether knowingly or unknowingly.

Side: Answer B
Mint_tea(4641) Clarified
1 point

Heeeyyyy whoa. I'm not liberal. I'm Independent with some left leaning. Sometimes even I look at some liberals and think, "what the hell are you thinking?" ;D

Side: Answer A
RustysGoblin(97) Disputed
1 point

I look at the Democrats in Congress and just see a Commie show of clowns.

Side: Answer B
1 point

Well I mean the most basic definition is the state of being awake and aware of one's surroundings.

Knowing oneself, where one is, what one is, when one is.

Side: Answer A
RustysGoblin(97) Disputed
0 points

And what physical explanation causes said consciousness?

Side: Answer B
Mint_tea(4641) Clarified
1 point

Could you clarify what you are specifically looking for? Do you mean on a psychological level? Chemical level? I mean physically if I look with my eyes I see where I am, if I touch my skin I know much of what and who I am, the rest is often educational in manner....internally- neurons, sensors, brain stimuli. Externally -location awareness and experience.

Side: Answer A
BananaHole(40) Disputed
-1 points

And what physical explanation causes said consciousness?

I already answered this but instead of replying like a big tough conservative man with balls you just downvoted me like a transgendered liberal snowflake pussy.

Side: Answer A
1 point

Consciousness is another word for Sentience. The active ability to perceive data and to process that information.

Side: Answer B
-1 points

Consciousness is a series of interconnected sensory feedback loops being processed by a complex pattern recognition system.

Side: Answer B