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 What is the purpose of your life? (27)

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awsom4ever(149) pic

What is the purpose of your life?

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The purpose of my life is to serve God and live a life according to his word.

1 point

The purpose of my life is to serve God and live a life according to his word.


Why? It's a goal for my religion. Serving God is what I am called to do.

JustIgnoreMe(4290) Clarified
1 point

Do only humans have a God-given purpose, or everything?

e.g. - do you think Neanderthals had a purpose?

Did species that went extinct and left no evidence for us to discover their existence have a purpose?

Do only humans have a God-given purpose, or everything?

I believe everything has a purpose. However, I don't think everything has a god given duty.

e.g. - do you think Neanderthals had a purpose?

Good question. In fact I once thought if this about a few months ago. I'm not entirely sure. I'd assume they had a purpose, but not a God given duty.

Did species that went extinct and left no evidence for us to discover their existence have a purpose?

I believe the served a purpose.

1 point

One's purpose is what they make it, unless, of course, one's purpose is to have no purpose.

1 point

To uphold good and forbid evil i believe that we will all be judged according to want we do in this life. People who do not believe in religion may think this as stupid but please let me make some points.....

1. Do to really think it terms of fairness and Justice dictators like Hitler and Mao who killed so many people and caused grief and suffering around the world can just die and turn to dust and never face the consensus of there action and decisions?

2.lets take two people one born in Zambia(poorest country) and other born in Sweden

the Zambian has hardship and no resources or economic backup what so ever there is child labor no school and you have to work in copper mines from a small age and life expectancy is only 51.... =[

now the compare that to Sweden one of the richest countries a child a huge opportunities to make a good future you can even be jobless and get paid through welfare ! what was the fault of the Zambian child of having no amenities ? surly those who suffer will be rewarded despite working so hard and every human will be judged

1 point

To keep myself entertained until I die.

There is no purpose. I just live to exist.

So, would you say that your purpose is to try an continue existing?

1 point

To be a servant of God's word. Also as a citizen i feel the obligation to try and make society and life a better place for the next generations after me as our predescesors have done for us by technologically advancing society. I want the world to be a better place because i was here, i want to positively impact the peoples lives around me but make sure im content too. But yea i want the best life for my future family and I. But also to continue the giant game of trial and error that is society and to progress humanity forward, but i dont know exactly how to accomplish these things yet but there are problems to fix and problems that will arise in the future so i know ill take part in the global struggle to make the world the best place possible as should be the goal or intentions of every human being to exist on this earth(ideally).

My purpose is simple do whatever I can in the shortest possible time

1 point

Enjoy life and be happy!And complete everything while I have time.And also keep my faith pure.

0 points

To drink dry Martinis in the English Bar at the Hotel Negresco in Nice, and then dine in Le Restaurant Le Chantecler at least 6 times per mouth.

0 points

as of yet, none. .