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 Why do military people act like they're the only ones who get PTSD? (25)

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Sitar(3680) pic

Why do military people act like they're the only ones who get PTSD?

PTSD stands for "post traumatic stress disorder". Civilians get get it, and I have it.
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3 points

No body in their right mind thinks that Veterans or those in the military are the only ones capable of getting PTSD. I don't know where you're coming from with this. The vast majority could potentially be veterans...possibly... but that doesn't mean only.

2 points

PTSD is so incorrectly over used that everyone acts like they have it whether they do or not. Military people get it and then act like they don't have it.

1 point

Why who is saying they act this way ? And how do you know this ?

Sitar(3680) Clarified
1 point

People talk about combat vets like they

re the only ones who get PTSD, when I'm a civilian, and I got it. Trauma can happen to anyone.

1 point

He is asking why we should take your word on how people talk about them, rather than rewording what you already said.

Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

Your response indicates that it is civilians who tell you only combat vets can have PTSD, and not vets telling you that. Is that the case?

1 point

People who support right-wing politics tend to be irrationally left-wing when it comes to government welfare for veterans whether it's accommodation or PTSD therapy, they scream in proud and angry protest that the filthy Milllenial youth is not respecting those who "fought for their freedom". These same people then protest to cut welfare and benefits for anyone who may need it outside the military.

Sitar(3680) Clarified
1 point

I'm a moderate, but I agree about right wingers. I question their sanity.

1 point

I was PTSD after some encounters with street punks when I had to fight for my life and walked away unhurt.....things started getting hairy as I had made a bit of a legend of myself. There's a lot more to the story, but I knew I was a marked man and survival was moment by moment, couldn't sleep....until I surrendered my life to God and gave Him full responsibility as I yielded my will to His and He took over as my life, my Savior, and He taught me that I have no want with Him as my Shepherd, He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside the still waters, He restores my soul and leads me in paths of righteousness for His name's sake. Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil for He is with me, His rod and staff comfort me. He prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemies; he anoints my head with oil, my cup runs over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

Grenache(6053) Disputed
1 point

I find you to be beyond belief. In fact anyone who lead a life which more than once resulted in fighting with "street punks" wouldn't use that lame label when talking about it. You're just an arm chair internet troll.

Yes, and he finds it too easy to believe in fantasies.

He's said many such things - you might want to check it out sometime.

NowASaint(1380) Clarified
1 point

Well that's just too bad for you, isn't it? You won't believe God loves you so much that He took on human form and died for your sins, rose from the grave, and will forgive you and save you from Hell if you will repent of your sin, believe on Him, and receive Him as your Savior, so you won't be saved, and if you won't believe me, that's just too bad for you, isn't it?

And give my regards to your brother, tell him I said it is impossible for a sinner to do enough good or be good enough to earn the right to exist outside of Hell, and the proof of this simple common sense fact is that you cannot be good enough or do enough good to live; you can't stop yourself from getting what you deserve in your body, dying.

NowASaint(1380) Clarified
1 point

I call them street punks because that is what they are. In my days when I was like you, sipping some bubbly, I was in places at times where I should not have been and I got caught in a situation where I had to fight for my life.

My real name was well enough known in the area, the punks I embarrassed (thanks to the little martial arts training I had when a teen) when their little gang jumped me could have easily found where I lived in my house alone. A series of events over the next 18 months or so had me in a state of war mentality and I fled that city before I went ballistic and did things I may or may not have walked away from and certainly would have regretted. I was PTSD for a couple years after I moved to a small town.....that's enough of the story and I really don't care if you believe me or not. I don't say much about my personal life and/or family here, but when I talk about it......well......I really don't care what you think. I have to admit I would hope you see the hand of God on my life and realize you need His hand on your life, but I doubt you will ever see that and I have done far more than what I am obliged to do with you in trying to get you to see the I really don't care, it's on you and you will remember I told you the truth (though if you end up in Hell like I think you are going to, you may never really concede that I told you the truth). You will remember even if only by having it put in your face on Judgement Day showing how you rejected the truth in preference of your pride.

Punks are punks and I call them punks. Street punks roam around on the streets, little gangstas or wannabe gangstas.......You're just an internet arm chair wino. At least when I was sipping the suds I had a spirit of adventure and I went places and did things; not just sitting there trying to impress people by talking while sipping wine. But God knows I was no good then and still have nothing good in myself while you think you are good. That's the difference between me and you; you think you are good and I know I'm not good. I know I deserve to burn in Hell and you think you are too good for Hell; and it eats your heart out because you are trying to prove something which I admit to; I admit I'm no good and deserve to die and burn in Hell and you are trying to prove you are as good or better than me while you are too proud to admit you can only prove you deserve to die and burn in Hell the same as me.

Will you never stop being a jerk?

NowASaint(1380) Clarified
1 point

I was a bit on the wild side at times, but I never considered myself to be a street punk. A street punk is a thug who tries to intimidate or bully people like they own the street....kinda like you being an internet punk. In my wild days it was just having fun, I wasn't out looking for fights like a street punk does. It was only once that I had to engage in hand to hand combat with some punks who jumped me. There were a few other times when I avoided being attacked or forced to fight but that one time I had no choice. If you think the term "street punk" is a lame label, then don't use it. I call street punks what they are, street punks, the same as I call winos, winos. I guess you think wino is a lame label too.

1 point

They dont.. they get it and people help end of story this argument feels to have some kind of personal biased to people in the military.

1 point

I myself, am in the Navy, and i have never even met, anyone who believes that.

NowASaint(1380) Clarified
1 point

You are brave, and I appreciate you for being in the Navy.

1 point

Good luck with your PTSD and I hope you're getting some form of assistance. .........................