
Debate Info

they should let them lock they should not let them lock
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:9
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 they should let them lock (5)
 they should not let them lock (3)

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hmmmm69(7) pic

parents should let kids lock their bedroom door

im a teen and just curious haha

they should let them lock

Side Score: 5

they should not let them lock

Side Score: 3
1 point

If my child shows sound mind and judgments then I have no problem letting them lock the door. If I catch them doing things against 'house rules' then they shouldn't. If they are doing something REALLY bad they may not even get a door.

Side: they should let them lock
1 point

You are definitely a Conservative.

Side: they should let them lock
Mint_tea(4641) Clarified
1 point

No. I'm definitely not.

Side: they should let them lock
BurritoLunch(6566) Clarified
1 point

If my child shows sound mind and judgments then I have no problem letting them lock the door. If I catch them doing things against 'house rules' then they shouldn't. If they are doing something REALLY bad they may not even get a door.

Reminds me of an incident which happened many years ago when I was living in shared digs. The landlord was a rampaging idiot and managed to piss everybody off. Nobody paid his rent and one morning we woke up to find him removing the front door!!

Side: they should let them lock
Mint_tea(4641) Clarified
1 point

At that point they could probably pursue legal action. Landlord/tenant laws are pretty stringent depending on the state. While the tenants where wrong in not paying rent, he gave them the ability to sue him by removing their doors.

Side: they should let them lock
Kilcom(237) Disputed
0 points

Standard left-wing mentality expecting something for nothing.

As well as not paying your just and lawful rental charges I bet you commies wrecked the hard working landlord's property.

And you have the audacity to boastfully publish details of your guttersnipe activities.

Side: they should not let them lock

they should let them lock

Kids are entitled to their privacy as much as adults are.

I think this hints at a much larger problem in society where parents are viewing their kids as a type of property which belongs to them.

Side: they should let them lock
Kilcom(237) Disputed
1 point

Your behavior must have warranted the landlord's close monitoring of you and your destructive loony left wing flat mate's house wrecking activities.

Side: they should not let them lock
1 point

Your behavior must have warranted the landlord's close monitoring of you

The landlord tried to blackmail one of the tenants into selling drugs for him. But thanks for your insight into a situation you know literally nothing about you boring Hitlerite wanker.

Side: they should let them lock
1 point

Depends on the age. If the kid is a toddler, he might not know fully how to work the lock. A teenager needs no lock.

Side: they should not let them lock