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American_boy's Reward Points: 647

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument Enchiladas vs Pizza
3 Added Argument Conservatism Is A Vile Disease And The Cure Is Logic
1 Added Argument There Is A Direct Link Between Being A Conservative And Being Stupid
2 Added Argument Does the rise in anti-Semitism, as reflected on these pages, worry you?
1 Added Argument Do you support the death penalty?
1 Added Argument If no proof is found, should the suspect be convicted?
1 Added Argument Progressives promoting 12 as age of consent
1 Added Argument Should same sex marriage be legal for consenting adult humans?
1 Added Argument Is abortion murder?
1 Added Argument Is it wrong to marry your child or parent?
1 Added Argument Animal Welfare
1 Added Argument Should same sex marriage be legal for consenting adult humans?
2 Created Debate Where the penalties imposed on Germany after WWI reasonable?
2 Added Argument Why did Europe develop faster than other parts of the world?
2 Added Argument Methodically explaining why Communism and Marx are wrong.
1 Added Argument Animal Testing
1 Added Argument We going to WAR with RUSSIA?!
0 Added Argument Are neanderthals human?
0 Added Argument Pale humans are energetically devolved due to lack of sunlight.
5 Added Argument How can race deniers explain that all great thinkers are white or asian?
2 Added Argument Should athletes be able to compete in the gender they identify with or were born as?
1 Added Argument furries r cool
1 Added Argument test
1 Added Argument Gun Control/Reform
2 Added Argument Can anyone prove that 6 million jews where killed by Hitler?
2 Added Argument London's Mayor declares "Intense New Knife Control Policies"
1 Added Argument My new commitment to free speech.
1 Added Argument Who's life is more important, a mentally retarded human or a genius chimpanzee?
1 Added Argument If marriage did not exist - would you invent it?
1 Added Argument Does the US educational system need a full rework?
1 Added Argument Is this Fake History?
2 Added Argument Thoughts on Young Adult 'YouTube' Political Activists?
4 High Rated Argument Koliko je internet prijetnja za korisnike i trebaju li ga zato manje/više koristiti?
1 Added Argument Koliko je internet prijetnja za korisnike i trebaju li ga zato manje/više koristiti?
1 Added Argument I am a Jew
2 Added Argument Can White men jump?
1 Added Argument Are gays born that way?
1 Added Argument Trump sends military to Mexican border, what say you?
1 Added Argument Does a Christian or other religious buiness owner have the right to refuse service?
1 Added Argument Trump is like ME.. That's why I DON'T like him. Should a guy like me RUN things??
1 Added Argument American male attractiveness
1 Added Argument The madness of sanctuary stupidity
1 Added Argument Should a person who has a service animal have to prove the necessity for it?
1 Added Argument Why don't we all have electric cars?
4 Created Debate Could we all come together for Easter Sunday/Monday?
1 Added Argument Should females perform different roles in the military to males?
0 Added Argument If you saw someone suiciding would you save him/her?

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