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AmritaKJ(96) Clarified
1 point

i actually agree with your point - "but compared to a lifetime of imprisonment and the memories of what you have done, I would say you are letting them off too easily!" but there are two things. one, i believe it's waste of resources on keeping them alive: food, medicine, infrastructure, bloody their minimum rights in jail. cause they dont get executed immediately. i guess they do get enough time to undergo remorse, if at all possible. second, although states who abolished death penalty, witnessed descent in crime, its because of better law and order. so i think that's the solution to decrease crime, but to instill fear towards the law and order, death penalty will make it happen. i believe it's important to because any human being will fear death more than living in any condition.

1 point

there are heneious and barbaric crimes like rape, minors assaulted, certain cold blooded murders carried out by individuals under complete awareness. carried out when they are in complete controll of their lust. if someone kills out od rage or self defence its worth giving them a second chance to correct their character, but disgusting souls with sick minds like this who cannot see beyond a body, whether its minor or whatever, are deadly dangerous. you cant rectify such behaviors. leaving them alive is wasting resources on them. and most most importantly, if you dont execute them, it sets a tremedously wrong example for other pervert minds. the only way we can deter their behaviour/actions by little gravity is showing them what happens when they do, what they want to do. not hanging such criminals is a crime we are doing. forget about the human rights activists, as they forget about the word 'human' in their own profiles. they are suppose to only fight for humans not animals in human bodies.

1 point

not at all. in developing countries and under developed one's, feminist have and liberals will still further bring lot of improvements to women's life, where the patriarch society is still eminent. it may look nonplussed or triffling to ones, who live in much developed nations, because they cant relate to what women's of such deprived on rights countries go through. what women from developing and under-developed nations are fighting for is a far cry from what ones from developed countries. we cant compare gravity of 'no marraige before 18/divorce before that' right vs equal payscale of both genders.....A true Feminist fights for such hardwired...constitutional...most essential rights. some countries are truely treating their women citizen equally, hence when feminist come up with some xyz agenda, it may sound insane to many in that country ...but nobody would challenge a feminist arguing over liberty for women to wear what she wants, free movement, education as equal as a boy sibling, or to be born for that matter. would you?

1 point

Religion lays guidelines or some would say foundation of following good practices to do good, feel good, hence be content and peaceful in life. Every religion imparts wisdom on how can we be better humans and behave rightfully in any circumstances. religion builds one's conscious. Hope is more of a personality trait - to be hopeful or pessimistic. Had there been no religion, im sure humans would still be hopeful/not hopeful.

2 points

i think love is not limited to 'something' between two people, but it's attachment towards something. it could be love for debating here or love to go fishing or love for following a religion sincerely (again this is another debate though) or it could be attachment towards someone. like how do you describe what parents do for their children...just the way you feel good by doing any of the above, you also feel good being with someone, caring or supporting. i think it's just the happiness and satisfaction you get in doing something. unfortunately people who do things with iniquitous intentions definitely put the genuineness of it in jeopardy!love is a sincere dedication towards something/someone, and dedication is again a relative thing. so some may feel it's true, some may feel foolishness.

AmritaKJ(96) Clarified
1 point

If a non profit organization can promote themselves on a website I feel as if a religion can do the same.

yes i agree NGO's promote because they need more hand to join and spread their good cause. does religion need people need religion for better life and diverse purposes. when you are promoting religion, you are selling faith, isnt that unnecessary?

wouldn't you spread news of something you believe is good to you?

yes, definitely. ..but this news is usually experience people get in whichever channel they are in, so it should be spread through word of mouth and sharing vibes, maybe through talk gatherings, sharing experiences and passing on the positivity to people around you, to influence them in good way and get inspired by your way of life, which is your religion! also i think, opting for a religion is not a impulsive decision, its a gradual change in thought process and beliefs. so as such i dont think it would even make any impact on mettle minds, instead will only attract unstable shallow heads.

Also going online and promoting it, for me its like religion becoming too ambitious ;-). technology is amazing, yes, but using it for religion calling, for me its too commercial.

Sure, but the same could be said about any company advertising.

yeah thats my point.

there are all sort of dumbheads seeking their personal interests in every opportunity available. when religion tries to reach people, it reaches all. when the path is reversed, only the needy will reach and take up a religion if he is inspired and touched.

so you dont want to spoil your brand name by selling it to some idiots.

I don't see what's wrong with that.

well, whats wrong in other religions? why does any religion need to convert people in their's? doesnt it give a message of religion superiority? no religion is superior or inferior..people are. and these people start thinking about their everything as superierest the real purpose of the religion is killed then and there itself when people start playing the religion card against each other. arent sentiments of other religion populace hurt? and this can malign the image.

2 points

because we have the natural instinct of evolving. while many people evolve from bad to good beings, there are also others, who fall prey to the natural human behavior of desire, and caught in the vortex of "me, myself, I", evolve from good to bad inhabitants.

so if something is an act of cruelty for a group of populace, it could just be an act towards accomplishment of something for others. basically intentions behind the cruel actions, may be relative from one person to another, but the consequences undoubtedly remain cruel.

1 point


First of all, religion is not some kind of business, which needs and should do promotion and hunting of prospect clients(followers). All religions lay foundation of good principles for individuals to implement them in their life. Different religions are like different routes to one common destination. So the destination beauty should be endorsed and not the benefits or beauty of any particular routes.

Secondly, any religion's principles and believes should influence people, not some followers going on prospective followers hunt through various mediums and offering deals.. if an individual is experiencing inwards thoughts evolution, he/she will himself look for sources around to experience the eternal bliss.

now, reaching the needy souls and offering the peace they are looking for is definitely a good idea and that's the ultimate goal of evry religion. but actually marketing it on web, can do two harms. first, it distracts people undergoing this self evolution, as the most lucrable option flashing frequently and fancily in front of their eyes, can kill the possibility of their exploring various options themselves. second is far more worst. it can malign the image of the religion in mind of actually prospective as well as sensitive followers and also it can bring notorious fame for a religion, as one trying to openly convert people.

1 point

no. because ultimately marriages result (mostly all or at least should) to give birth to a new generation, so that the family, the world keeps going on. and how are you planning to achieve this with gay marriages?

2 points

everything changes definitely! may it be state of country, a social issue, economy,age, grades, feelings, relationships, trends, government, technology, environment, what not. name it all. some things change from good to better. some may deteriorate, but the fact is it has changed. issues like racism and slavery, corruption and addiction, may not have changed drastically, but isnt there change in its awareness and measures.

2 points

no, its not, unless you have decided to do all private activities out in public. :-)

and it's no for one who follows law, its for those who don't.

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