
Debate Info

Everything changes Some things are unchanging
Debate Score:15
Total Votes:16
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 Everything changes (6)
 Some things are unchanging (4)

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atypican(4873) pic

Everything Changes VS Some things are unchanging

Everything changes

Side Score: 8

Some things are unchanging

Side Score: 7
2 points

everything changes definitely! may it be state of country, a social issue, economy,age, grades, feelings, relationships, trends, government, technology, environment, what not. name it all. some things change from good to better. some may deteriorate, but the fact is it has changed. issues like racism and slavery, corruption and addiction, may not have changed drastically, but isnt there change in its awareness and measures.

Side: Everything changes
1 point

In a universe of unknown scale, the only unchanging constant is the march toward entropy. Or the only constant is change.

Side: Everything changes

On the grand scale, I can't think of a single thing that is unchanging. Even change itself happens in different ways and at different rates.

Side: Everything changes
1 point

How come old debates sometimes show up on the new activity filter even though there is no new activity?

Side: Everything changes
3 points

There isn't evidence that fundamental scientific principles of the universe change.

Side: Some things are unchanging

Most things remain unchanged, just masked by mere distractions. People live in houses, they drive cars, people die and others are born. The best we can do to change things is never enough. Throwing pennies into a wishing well doesn't change the world.

Side: Some things are unchanging
Jace(5211) Disputed
2 points

Our inability to change things how we want them to change and at the rate we would like them to change does not mean things are unchanging; it just means we are impotent. People did not always live in houses and drive cars. People were not always around to be born and die, and there is a time when we will no longer exist to do that.

Side: Everything changes
Thewayitis(4063) Disputed
1 point

What do you think will happen during your lifetime? Isn't ones' lifetime an eternity to an individual? After all of us here on CD are dead and buried, I'm betting the sun will rise and set. What happens a billion years from now, you can't prove this to me. Ones' lifetime is the only measure of time that we can observe. I observe conflict, death, births, etc. These remain unchanged and will continue to be so. The sun will still rise in the east and set in the west for my eternity.

Side: Some things are unchanging
1 point

Squares have always, and will always have 4 sides .

Side: Some things are unchanging
Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

A square is a two dimensional concept with no physical representation. If it had one, the physical thing would likely change over time.

Is a concept a real enough thing to exist without someone to conceive? If so, certain concepts may be unchanging. If not, concepts stop existing (change) when there are no conceivers left.

Side: Everything changes