
EvilMarxist's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of EvilMarxist's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point


Yeah that's one of the things Peter said in zeitgeist funnily enough. Remember that part when he talked about how we must protect the internet because it allows for the free exchange of ideas? I actually told her about you too, it was at the part where he talks about 9/11 and I was surprised how open she was to the idea that it was an inside job. I told her about the article you wrote and at some time I want to show that to her.

0 points

That word "Mingiwuwu" is it code for "I don't know anything because I believe in magic calculators that create flat earth simulations by having sex with numbers" ?

EvilMarxist(27) Clarified
2 points

love can be worser than ever

You could have typed that out a bit more eloquently you know. Just saying. Next time try something like "love can be a detriment if you love the wrong thing".

1 point

Well, in a way she sacrificed her body. She also sacrificed her money and time.

EvilMarxist(27) Clarified
1 point


What do you think love means? .

1 point

Probably, I don't know because I've never tried it but I wouldn't be surprised.

2 points

Why is it never hot girls who do stuff like this, then I'd be cool with it.

1 point

May as well. He's just gunna end up eating up resources in jail anyway. May as well exterminate the disease.

1 point

There is a tank near my house at a war memorial. Someone tried to make it operational and steal it but they were caught and put in jail.

1 point

Tell me all about how gun bans work ? You got some information ???????

Why don't you just scamper off now little britches. We wouldn't want your pants to shrink any more while you're in public, or we might see something unsightly.

1 point

We don't have a gun problem. We have a Democrat problem. Why do I say this? The majority of violent crime in America is committed in a handful of cities. All of them run by democrats. All with strict gun laws. And all of them with large minority populations.

I see, so it's all because of those damn left wing niggers, eh Hitler? If those crowded smelly cities were inhabited by gun loving white people there would be no problem at all, right? There are many other correlations you could be making ya know, the fact that the cities have much denser populations or that they have higher poverty rates for example. But no, you jump straight to democrats and minorities because that's the type of racist bible thumping old world swine you are.

0 points

I've had enough of your pathetic ramblings. Your thought process comes from a time that should be forgotten. Your ideology is a throwback to the times when science was considered fringe and if you won a duel it was because sky man supposedly favors you. You don't stand for progress or anything worthwhile for that matter. You are superstition and ignorance incarnate, and it's time for your way of thinking to disappear.

2 points

All music is a matter of personal taste.

I personally think you're a stale, mummified buffalo scrotum that was left out in the sun for far too long.

1 point

Rap music was created so that people with no musical talent could also make a living in the music industry.

I'm sick of this ignoramus bullshit. You don't know anything about rap, you just see idiots like 2 chains and eazy e and form the stereotype in your mind that this is what all rap is like. The gangster rap and pop rap is what's popularized because there are far more idiots than intelligent people in this world. There are many different types of rappers with varying levels of ability and subject matter. Saying that rap is for those with no musical talent is the same as saying classical music is for those with no lyrical talent. Rap is a very lyrical form of music, and is the lyrical equivalent of classical music in that it surpasses all forms of music when it comes to lyrics just as classical music surpasses all other forms in terms of the music itself. Let me show you what I mean.

0 points

I understand that fools

No, you don't understand anything. "Fool" is your code word for people who aren't retarded, because anyone who disagrees with you is labeled a fool, yet anyone who's not a fool disagrees with you about everything.

1 point

I'm a Jew. I'm attacked relentlessly for it

Quit being such a big fat sissy about it. All we're trying to do is show you why it's stupid to even call yourself a Jew.

1 point

I spent a few minutes on Google, and I couldn't find one person who agrees with you. Not at all surprising.

Interesting, in that case he might actually be right.

1 point

I hope they do, along with the Fascists

That's like saying "I hate fire, so I'm going to shoot water with a fire extinguisher"

the Communists

Communists as in marxists?

ALL of Trumps friends and CON-spiritors!

Communists aren't Trump's friends. You are actually closer to being on Trump's side than a marxist.

Then, we can get back to freedom and democracy.

You literally have no idea what you're even talking about.

EvilMarxist(27) Clarified
2 points

On a small local level, say 100, 1000 or a couple thousand people (or less), they can implement any system they agree on, as I see it. If a small community of a few thousand decides they don't want to pay taxes, and have a voluntary community fund for budgeting, private security forces, etc. etc. etc. (essentially, no gov. involvement), that is cool with me. Their success or failure is 100% on them.

In principle I agree with you but when it comes to anarcho-capitalism specifically the problem is that the "private security forces" will become the armed thugs of those who have the most capital. a true "free market" would allow the most wealthy to control the land and resources, bully those with less capital and eventually form a hierarchical structure that would lead us back to croney capitalism and centralized control.

EvilMarxist(27) Clarified
2 points

One (substantial) issue is that there is so much disagreement in the sciences, then, whichever group prevails (for whatever reason), will have an enormous amount of power that others do not wield.

Indeed, much of what is called science is not objective, but within scientific methodology there is the potential for objectivity. The key is for people to become "scientists" in a general sense rather than merely "users of science". Most scientists today are not scientific people, if they were scientific thinkers in general they wouldn't have opinions or beliefs at all, they would instead have things which they know to be proven thoroughly, things they suspect to be more likely and things which are left purely to speculation, observation and experimentation. Scientists are trained to use specific methodologies within specific fields, not to be scientific people in a complete sense. There needs to be a cultural shift from opinion and belief based thinking to fact and speculation based thinking before man kind can be ruled by reason and methodology rather than by other men.

name a modern issue where there would be an expert consensus concerning how to most efficiently handle it?

Even issues which relate specifically to the human condition have a basis in objective reality. When it comes to something like climate change, it's easy to see there is an objective truth to it and a most practical way of dealing with it. Thus a consensus could be formed. But even things like racism boil down to technical issues at the core. People are conditioned to be racist because that is part of their culture or experience. If they were instead conditioned to know the technical differences between races, and think about those differences on that basis, they would not have a subjective attitude about it or form prejudice.

EvilMarxist(27) Clarified
1 point

"Community by Community Domino Effect" I support, and actually advocate.

I actually want to mix the domino method with the "inside job" method. Violent revolution is totally out of the question and would not lead to an ideal scenario at all. But if we can shift the larger systems while having smaller communities as examples of people living in new and better ways Then we can defend the communities and allow them to experiment with new ideas and systems, which will allow for a smoother transition and stop the current establishment from fucking up the communities that form. This is what I see as the best way of having a new and better culture arise. The smaller communities will serve not only as catalysts for the domino effect but they will also serve as experiments to work out what works and what doesn't in a microcosm of a civilization before implementing it on a larger scale. Meanwhile the current establishment will be peacefully re-shaped from within as more people join "the agenda" and eventually everything will merge into one superior culture.


This system is problematic because the government essentially becomes whoever has the most money.

it is startling this hasn't already been happening. That is due to the nature of Nation-States who like to seize as much land as possible, and bind it to their rule.

Yes, exactly. That's why we need to use the peaceful "inside job" method in conjunction with having smaller communities break off and start operating under their own system.

EvilMarxist(27) Clarified
1 point

every system will be built into one form or another hierarchy

In an ideal and fully civilized society, the hierarchy does not exist as an institutionalized body of individuals or a class structure. The hierarchy (if it can be called that at all) is simply based on who has the intelligence, knowledge and proficiency to know what should be done and how it should be done. This would not be based on authority or some dominant ideology but a system of methodologies. The methodology itself would have the "authority" because decisions would be arrived at through the methodology rather than made by the intellectual "elites" themselves.

1 point

Anything else?

Why do you think your a master debater?

when your just a massive masturbator

fallacy ejaculator

who wants to make stacks of paper

from the masses' labour

while you savour Trump's asses' flavour?

1 point

Any questions?

Why did you rape your own dad and murder your pet lizard?

4 points

You're brown in your profile picture. You're a brown bear, not a white one.

EvilMarxist(27) Clarified
1 point

The best episode is one from Next Generation where Q uses his mind to propel the Enterprise outside the boundaries of the universe.

Sounds cool. I wonder if I can get it on demand or find it on the internet for free.

Which of the three options for changing society that I just described do you think is the most viable? Do you know of any other options that I missed?

EvilMarxist(27) Clarified
2 points

Have you watched Star Trek?

I haven't watched it in order, I have only seen a few episodes here and there. Watching the whole thing, or at least enterprise is a good idea though. I will have to do that when I can.

I think the internet helps shows that people are not alone in their thoughts, even if their closest neighbor is on a separate island, very far away.

Yes. It may sound weird but you and Nom, and even Mingiwuwu are the closest thing I have to friends. That person I mentioned earlier is the only true friend I've ever had other than people I've just hung out with. Even him I met on the internet, 9 years ago. Later we met in person and he even moved into my house but that's a long story.

Have you considered ideas such as this, and why people do not utilize the means already available if that is truly what they want, with no ulterior motive(s)?

Yes, a big part of it is that most people don't know what system to adopt or even that a change is necessary or possible at all. If people knew what could potentially be done or how to do it there would be no hesitation. In order to do what you are suggesting would require a localised mass shift in consciousness. There are several ways it could go down when it comes to the transition. Mainly, an abrupt revolution, a community by community domino effect or a slow crawling shift of the current establishment from capitalism to social democracy, then to democratic socialism and eventually RBE. There are problems and advantages to each option.


Messy but perhaps the only way to deal with the establishment. It would provide the best counter/preemptive offence against the current establishment using force to quell the other options. But to do this would require a militarized regime to be formed, and thus it is not a viable option. It does not allow for the mutual understanding to be formed within the community, it is not compatible with the intellectual evolution of mankind or with the goal of ending war, and will most likely result only in more conflict and tyranny with the result being similar to would-be communist revolutions throughout history.

Community by community domino effect

This is the method Jacque Fresco proposed, and is the best in terms of reaching out to people with reason rather than trying to overthrow the system and force a new one on people. In principle, a better system would be adopted on a local level, a city or town or enclave would form it's own community and other communities would do the same after seeing that the system is better. The problem with this however is that the small communities could easily be crushed or dismantled by a larger establishment.

changing the system from within

This option is difficult, it requires a large scale organized effort of a similar scale to a nation wide revolution, only it is even more strategic in nature. It would take by far the longest to pull off and is almost impossible because to get enough influence within the system you have to be accepted by and compromise with the current establishment, and gradually shift it in the right direction. This would have to become an international effort as well.

1 point


I don't know what to do about the way things are in this world. A friend and I had a plan before but it got destroyed, I thought we were the ones who would start a new movement but now I am alone in this endeavor. The one person who I thought I was aligned with completely has forsaken our goals and our plans. In his mind he probably thinks he has grown up and accepted the way of the world. Everyday I think to myself "there is no point trying to change things, I may as well accept that entropy always wins in the end and live only for the materialistic pleasures and entertainment while it lasts". But I can't just accept that, no matter how deeply I fall into the dark pit of nihilism/pessimism there is always a light at the end of the tunnel that grows brighter and fainter again in a never ending cycle, reminding me of my ideals. I don't care about wealth or power or just having fun, I can't let my true desires go no matter how much this world tells me it's pointless to try. I want to see a new age of reason and prosperity, I want to help bring humanity to the next level. But it seems as if the whole world is against me and no one shares my goals, and those who may have similar goals are drowned out by a sea of stupidity and shortsighted self interest. Sometimes I truly feel like I want to be "evil" and embody the values of capitalism, because humanity is on a course for extinction anyway and my own species sees me as the dysfunctional one for pointing out their dysfunction. But then I see the pale blue dot in my minds eye, and see the futuristic cities with humans living in balance with nature and with each other, I see them evolving into entirely new beings and creating dyson spheres, creating entirely new ecosystems, defying their own mortality and the mortality of the universe itself.

1 point

Your House Negro .

That's racist
EvilMarxist(27) Clarified
2 points


Yes, I am much the same in regards to that last part except much more likely to dislike and be disliked. I don't like to act although I am capable of doing what I call "wearing the masks" and at times I have tried to introduce very normal people to things they can't process or have no interest in. A few times I have found rare individuals and those are the only ones I can get along with (there are a lot of interesting characters I have met in both good ways and bad). When I was younger I was much more outgoing but over time I have developed a sense of futility when it comes to socializing and only interact with people when I need to or I find them interesting. When I was a teenager for example, my father brought over a friend from work who was completely and totally average in most ways when it comes to his mentality. He was only a few years older than me and he was a "sheltered" type from a wealthy family, so I tried to "wake him up" despite him being older and having a superiority complex. At first he only cared for small talk and after him and my father bored me half to death I finally found my opportunity to "strike" when he asked to put on some youtube videos on the PS4. I showed him Jacque Fresco videos and a documentary about the Rothschild family which he had a very hard time getting engaged with. I did however manage to finally start conversation about things that weren't boring as fuck, including human nature and the problems with capitalism. Long story short all of his opinions were an exact repetition of things I had heard a thousand times already, and he was dismissive of literally every point I made, most of the time not even arguing against it but simply defaulting to "common knowledge".

EvilMarxist(27) Clarified
2 points


Yes, I agree. When people see me I think they can "sense" that I'm not normal. I am very easy to judge (but very difficult to judge correctly) for the common people because IRL I am very to myself and withdrawn unless prompted not to mention my appearance doesn't fit with any group or stereotype. I am mostly seen as either "generic white dude" or "kind of weird, enigmatic guy". In reality though, very few would understand where I'm at internally or even take the time to try and pierce the veil.

EvilMarxist(27) Clarified
1 point

Y'all are high af.

The last time I got high was a few hours ago.

EvilMarxist(27) Clarified
2 points

I would disagree with your submission regarding, "going against the grain"

Yeah I see where you are coming from. I was thinking more that you are the least likely to be confrontational or attack someone for what they say whereas me and Nom can be downright vicious in that regard. In certain ways you definitely go against the grain but not usually in a way that "grinds the gears" of others. It's hard to explain these things with perfect clarity because there is very little in the ways of objective terminology that can be used to describe human behaviour.

EvilMarxist(27) Clarified
1 point

I will have to look into the "Ravenclaw"-archetype.

Essentially it means we are intellectuals and think more with the head than with the heart. A gryffindor is more of a heroic type, a hufflepuff is a loyal, hard working type and a slytherin is a sociopathic type.

EvilMarxist(27) Clarified
1 point

What I also find funny is that I am the most right brain dominant and you are the most left brain dominant and Nom is in the middle, yet politically you are the most right leaning and I am actually further left than Nom.

EvilMarxist(27) Clarified
1 point


Alright, everyone knows it anyway. I originally intended to impersonate Nom on this account but yes I am FM. It is indeed interesting that we are the same type in many ways, I think Nom is actually the same type as well. On another note we are each "Ravenclaw" archetypes as well. The way I think we differ is that I am a "hyper non-conformist" and mostly introverted but also paradoxically belligerent and "in your face" when I want to be, Nom shares the latter trait with me and he is probably a more polished and older yet less eclectic version of me whereas you are the most "clean cut" and the least likely to "go against the grain" in many ways.

3 points


hmm, by your definitions I am an omega and Mingiwuwu is more of a sigma. Bronto is a gamma I would say. As for you, probably an omega as well. I don't know if your definitions are right or at least the "accepted" definitions. Where did you get this from?

EvilMarxist(27) Clarified
2 points

YEP! Politics, religion, racism, ALL a drag! We have to get rid of ALL THREE to become peaceful … and ONE SINGLE TRIBE!

Yes, but in order to get rid of them you have to accept da wae.

Paradise or Oblivion
2 points

If you don't vote, you don't have a right to complain.

There is no point in voting because anyone in the American political system is scum. If they were not scum, they would not be where they are. Politicians in America are either bought or buy their way into office, none of them work for the people.

If you DO vote, you have no right to complain. You are the ones voting in the ass holes who are fucking everything up. You backwards fucking simpleton.

1 point

There is no point in voting because anyone in the American political system is scum. If they were not scum, they would not be where they are. Politicians in America are either bought or buy their way into office, none of them work for the people.

EvilMarxist(27) Clarified
1 point

You support the model of Plato's Republic? Is that your official political view, at this time?

This guy doesn't know his ass from a hole in the sky from which fallacies rain from the heavens. He claims to be a social democrat one minute, a platonic republican the next. You have been told about the legendary magnitude of insanity this guy possesses right? There's no point in asking him what his political view is, because he has no idea what he's even talking about.

1 point

Are you aware of how Plato's Republic works?

It's not a fucking social democracy.


She's not a fucking social democrat.

2 points

I am indeed actually closer to being a communist than a fascist

This is blatantly false because you are a self professed advocate of oligarchy. The problem is that you literally demonstrably don't even know what communism is and you won't even listen if I take the time to explain it to you.

I also would rather go for Fascism than Communism because the extreme I'm closer to is even more barbaric and less functional than the one I'm further from.

If you are a social democrat, then fascism is the opposite of what you stand for and communism is not. The only way you could fail to understand something so simple is if you either aren't a social democrat in the first place or you don't know what communism even is. I suspect it's both. Do you even know the difference between orthodox Marxism and lenninist/stalinist etc.?

1 point

I do not 'hate' them no. You do know that dem-soc is much further left economically than soc-dem yes? It's not the same. You are missing so many in-between ideologies and variations of an economics-only concept that you've turned into social-inclusive in its outlook.

Jesus fucking Christ dude, I don't need clarification on such basic concepts. You on the other hand seem to be having trouble comprehending my words. Communism/socialism is much closer to social democracy than fascism/capitalism is. Yet you side with fascism/capitalism over socialism/communism. I know there are many variations and it's not black and white but if you are a social democrat you are closer to being a communist then you are to being fascist, yet you sided with fascism over communism. You also should be more of a socialist then a capitalist, yet you defend capitalism and attack socialism. At best you're a centrist, at worst you are right wing and extremely confused.

2 points

The Progressive movement is the Social Democrat movement.

If you were a social democrat you wouldn't hate socialism and Marxism, because social democrats are closer to socialists and marxists than they are to capitalism. Social democracy is about 75% left wing. But you side with fascism over communism and capitalism over socialism which makes you a right wing retard pretending to be a progressive. Does this compute?

1 point

I find that what the right-wing lacks in empathy and humanity, the left-wing lacks in logic and coolheadedness.

Then why is science predominantly left wing and science denial and religion predominantly right wing? Everything you say proves that you are a very confused right winger who hates socialism and loves capitalism but calls himself a "progressive" just to be an annoying hipster.

1 point

Yeah? What size is the room where all the nations workers have their meeting?

That's not how it works retard. The meetings are local and different regions communicate through the internet when they need to co-ordinate their ass holes.

Yeah? So what if no one is interested

They would be, because they would be smart enough to know why it's important.

What I want to build a small shop with means of production in it and make things that I sell for a profit?

Then you're stupid. Why would you want profit when all you have to do is run the shop and you can just have whatever you need?

How would anyone know without another massive information gathering effort? I think you need a 5 year plan.

You're a retarded sack of monkey testicles. We would constantly be keeping track of everything using computerized monitoring systems. Keep in mind this would be in the future as well, information technology would be much more advanced than your puny primitive brain could imagine.

Those who build their own means of production will be cast into the wilderness? No, I would sell what I make.

But what if no one uses money?

You can’t have whatever you want if that office meeting with everyone in the nation failed to address the things you want.

You should have showed up for the meeting, but you were too busy trying to sell things to people who don't use money who can get what you offer for free.

o the bread maker must literally make bread for me out of the kindness of his heart. Same with the butcher, the engineer, doctor, etc....

No, they do what they do because it keeps civilization going, and contributes to the massive abundance they get to experience as long as they contribute to it. But people like you would be living in some enclave preaching about the "good old days" when millions of people were in poverty and we had governments and rich people to exploit, bully and lord over us.

1 point

How do all the nations workers actually decide what to do with means of production?

They gather information about what resources are available and what needs to be produced and then they have a meeting and form a consensus.

How do they collectively decide who specifically does what specifically?

People do stuff and if they want to do other stuff they do that stuff instead.

How exactly does the people determine what new means of production to create?

Based on necessity or desire.

If I build my own means of production, must I give it to the nations workers?

No, you can go live in some secluded place and not participate in civilization if you want. But no one in their right mind would do that when you can have whatever you want and all you have to do is share your resources and services with others.

Who do I give it to?

It depends what you do. Mostly you just make it available for anyone who needs it.

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