
Debate Info

Too much sugar Correct amount
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:9
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 Too much sugar (3)
 Correct amount (2)

Debate Creator

LizardKahn(192) pic

Does the sweet tea at Taco Bell have too much sugar in it?

I poured half of it out, filled it up with water, and it still tasted like pure glucose.

Too much sugar

Side Score: 4

Correct amount

Side Score: 4
2 points

It has waaaaaaaaay too much sugar in it. I grew hair on my dog nuts after a shot.

Side: Too much sugar
Hootie(364) Disputed
2 points

I grew hair on my dog nuts after a shot.

So you truly haven't passed puberty yet?

Side: Correct amount
HootiesWank(95) Disputed
1 point

So you truly haven't passed puberty yet?

You has no hair on balls.

You has no balls. You has no wank.

Side: Too much sugar
1 point

Probably, I don't know because I've never tried it but I wouldn't be surprised.

Side: Too much sugar
HootiesWank(95) Disputed
2 points

Evilmarxist molest cat. Evilmarxist eat urinal cake from toilet bowl.

Side: Correct amount
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