
Debate Info

Through central representation It isn’t.
Debate Score:38
Total Votes:44
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 Through central representation (14)
 It isn’t. (13)

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Amarel(5669) pic

Communists, how is economic control wielded by the collective?

Through central representation

Side Score: 22

It isn’t.

Side Score: 16
1 point

How do all the nations workers actually decide what to do with means of production?

How do they collectively decide who specifically does what specifically?

How exactly does the people determine what new means of production to create?

If I build my own means of production, must I give it to the nations workers? Who do I give it to?

Side: Through central representation
2 points

Look what we have here. Mr. economic freedom can't imagine a world where the economy is not controlled managed and manipulated by some type of institution.

Side: It isn’t.
Amarel(5669) Disputed
1 point

What we have is a couple of commie empty heads who can’t answer basic questions about their own ideology.

Under capitalism, institutions don’t manage, control, or manipulate he economy. Institutions protect people’s rights, and their individual choices aggregate to the economy as a whole.

Now that I’ve answered the misrepresentation of my position, can you answer the basic question of this debate? I expect you to simply dodge.

Side: Through central representation
ViceMaga(209) Disputed
1 point

Look what we have here. Mr. economic freedom can't imagine a world where the economy is not controlled managed and manipulated by some type of institution.

Awesome. Nom doesn't want things controlled by an institutuion or by a bunch of rich guys, so he hands full control over to the government, an institution controlled by a bunch of rich guys.

Side: Through central representation
Hootie(364) Disputed
2 points

so he hands full control over to the government

Your straw man argument is false, stupid and only betrays your own spectacular ignorance. It is capitalists who want the government in charge because the primary function of government is the protection of private property. Communists want the working class to be in charge, which will eventually necessitate the disbandment of all government institutions.

Side: It isn’t.
AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

Power and greed are a human trait that is uncontrollable, MANY will always want it! therefor, we MUST have "institutions", controlled and run BY THE MAJORITY, to control those types …. who want to control ALL types! With power and greed THEY become the "controlling institution", as IN Communism/Fascism! Mr. Economic Freedom cannot exist WITHOUT managed control …. to control the wannabe controlling managers!

Side: Through central representation
1 point

Communists, how is economic control wielded by the collective?

Hello A:

If you take over industry by force, and rule from the barrel of a gun, you can wield anything.. But, will it last? Nahh.. It's UN-natural. UN-natural things go by the wayside, and communism did just that.


Side: It isn’t.
Hootie(364) Disputed
2 points

If you take over industry by force, and rule from the barrel of a gun, you can wield anything

What you fail to understand is that Marx knew that too. He spoke frequently about how it would result in another form of dictatorship and believed Communism would be the inevitable result of improved education. Communism is supposed to be a solution to dictatorship, not a reinvention of it. Lenin defied these principles when he started the revolution in 1917.

Side: Through central representation
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

What you fail to understand is that Marx knew that too.

Hello H:

Look. If communism WORKED, I'd BE a communist.. I LOVE the premise behind it, wherein a benevolent society takes care of their fellowman.. Who wouldn't like that?

But, it DOESN'T work.. It just plain doesn't WORK. In truth, the Chinese SAY they're communists, but because communism doesn't WORK, they're staunch capitalists. You know that, right?


Side: It isn’t.
Amarel(5669) Disputed
0 points

You always pretend Communism is a bunch of stuff other than what Marx actually said. That’s why I always quote Marx directly to disprove you. Do you need another lesson on Marx?

Why can’t you answer the question at hand?

How exactly does the nations proletariat determine how the means of production are used? How exactly do they determine what new means of production to create? How do all the workers decide who creates new means of production?

Side: It isn’t.
Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

The question is more practical then that. How would all the workers actually decide what to do with means of production? How would everyone collectively decide who specifically does what specifically?

The commies on this site want to pretend that the history of communism’s centralized control is different than collective control. We all know it isn’t, and the answers to these questions illustrate why. That’s why they won’t answer them.

Side: Through central representation