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This personal waterfall shows you all of Merlyn0's arguments, looking across every debate.
Merlyn0(48) Clarified
1 point

I try not to judge people who get abortions, but it is my personal belief that it is wrong. I just think there is a very strong difference between preventing the sperm and egg form meeting and removing the fetus from the uterus.

Merlyn0(48) Clarified
1 point

There are thousands of 'possible lives' guys have thousands of sperm, and of course not everyone of those is going to become a baby. But when people have abortions, the egg and sperm have already combined. Something has already been created and therefore I feel that its different.

1 point

Prevention is necessary so that people don't have to get abortions

Merlyn0(48) Clarified
2 points

In my opinion that verse was for the people way back when the Earth wan't full to the brim of people. These days there are so many people that prevention is necessary.

1 point


I live in a latin american country and soccer is so intense, plus it's not as confusing as american football.

2 points

They've served their time and hopefully learned their lessons for any unwise decisions, since they've done this they should have their right to vote restored.

0 points

Definitely not, it is just a ton of sugar with none of the added benefits that coffee or other drinks would give you, like caffeine. Also its too hot to drink any time but the winter.

2 points

While I think corporal punishment is okay, I believe that it is the parents job and not the schools. Also I think it can be taken to far, like the examples you give above like tasering and such, and parents should be careful to only use corporal punishment for major offenses.

1 point

I would say no because of irreversible complexity. A couple of weeks ago in my science class we dissected a pig's heart. While we were doing that the teacher explained all the little parts that made the heart work properly. If the pig had been born without one of those little parts then the heart would jot have worked and the pug would have died, this means that all of these parts had to evolve at the exact same time in the right way or else the organism with first heart would have died and not passed on those genes

2 points

I think it would be super interesting to go to mars but I would put priority on our own planet and say ignore you're gonna spend money spend it on making submariners and other ships that can go deeper into the ocean since at this point there is a lot that we haven't explored

3 points

Ummm... as a religious person on this site I'll go ahead and point out that the Bible also says to love your neighbors, so by hating them you would also be committing a sin. I think it is just like any other disability, you should get help and do your best to overcome it

2 points

This site is specifically made for people to share their opinions and argue, the fact that they may have different views than you doesn't mean they shouldn't be here

4 points

If they are here legally they have every right to stay, if not...

1 point

Mutations do change DNA but most mutations are harmful and if they are passed on to the offspring they usually don't have good results

1 point

From what I have read about the theory it seems that more and more scientist are conceding to the fact that there is not as much evidence for evolution as many people would be lead to believe. Also about the apendix, I'm not entirely sure but I think in recent years there has been a some speculation that the appendix does actually serve a purpose as a storage system for the helpful bacteria in out bodies in case an antibacterial medicine was to wipe them out

1 point

I personally am against evolution but I like to hear all sides of the argument

Merlyn0(48) Clarified
1 point

Because if you mean relative dating I have two problems with that

1) relative dating doesn't actually date the rock the fossile is in because fossils are buried in sedimentary rock and rock dating only works on ingenious and metamorphic rock. It dates the rocks around it, and this makes the assumption that the rock was formed at the same time as the fossil and didn't just happen to be buried with it.

2) the rocks are dated using radiometric dating, which only works on old rocks. If you date a young rock then you get a false age, usually a very old age, so if the entire world were young then every rock dated would be young and all the dates would be wrong.

Merlyn0(48) Clarified
1 point

When you say fossil records do you mean the fossils that have been dated using relative dating... sorry I know that it's sorta a dumb question but I'm not all up on the evolutions lingo.

And when I say relative dating I mean using nearby rocks that have been dated using radiometric dating

1 point

Okay... so I hate to be rude and I know a bunch of people have already said this, but you really need to take a good long look in the mirror. I am a Christian and I realize that it can be hard sometime to deal with people who disagree with you but the way you go about it really cast a bad light on all Christians. You call atheist hateful and rude and then in the same breath condemn them to hell and insult them. This is not following Jesus' example and not showing His love and kindness. If anything you are only spreading the hate and discord that Satan loves so much.

1 point

I don't believe in evolution with God, I think that he created everything all at the same time, but when you say that evolution has all this abundance of evidence I would argue that since none of the evidence has been directly observed there is always the chance that it could have been interpreted wrong and, as I said before, many people who argue for intelligent design use the same evidence as wvolutionary scientist but come to different conclusions as to how the evidence came about.

1 point

All evidence for evolution has to be interpreted and can, in most cases, be used to support intelligent design theories as well. There are also many disagreements between evolutionary scientist pretaining to their theories

1 point

I believe in unintelligent extraterrestrial life, so like animals that happen to originate on other planets. I think that if you believe in God then you have to believe that he is powerful enough to put life on other planets since he created them and I don't know why he wouldn't. Also coming from the scientific and statical vantage points that have already been mentioned it's very likely that there are other planets capable of supporting life.

1 point

If the topic is this debate I'm going to argue that it's a waste of time and we should be off arguing over more important matters.

1 point

As long as they're not criminals, yeah

Everyone should have the right to protect themselves

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