
Debate Info

Donald Trump Hillary Clinton
Debate Score:11
Total Votes:12
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 Donald Trump (3)
 Hillary Clinton (1)

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JennLuv(6) pic

Should Mexicans Stay in United States

So many people and I mean BILLIANS hate Donald Trump but should Mexicans stay or not?

Donald Trump

Side Score: 10

Hillary Clinton

Side Score: 1
4 points

If they are here legally they have every right to stay, if not...

Side: Donald Trump
3 points

If they are here illegally than the law should be enforced and they should and deserve to be deported. Legal immigrants can stay.

Side: Donald Trump
3 points

If they;re here legally they should stay no questions asked. If they're here illegally that's another story

Side: Donald Trump
0 points

my whole fam are Mexicans and I don't want them to go back to Mexico like my Father

Side: Hillary Clinton
DevinSeay(1120) Clarified
2 points

If you're here legally than you should have nothing to worry about whatsoever. If not then I don't know what will happen.

Side: Donald Trump