
Republican08's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Republican08's arguments, looking across every debate.
-2 points

Patriotism is two things:

1. Patriotism is loving your country even when it is going through tough times. Even if you are not happy with the decisions your country is making, you must stand by it.

2. Challenging your country when you believe it is making mistakes. You must be active, write to your public officials, get your cause known. Challenge your officials to listen to the people.

Patriotism is loving your country, but also questioning it's decisions.

0 points

If you watch TV, read the newspaper, or search the internet, you've seen it's conservatives. There are always stories of leftist groups burning flags, shouting swears at Bush, wearing offensive t-shirts, and, of course, displaying hateful bumper stickers.

Conservatives have been the ones standing up for America. Conservatives want America to win in Iraq. It was at John McCain and Sarah Palin's rallies that the people were chanting "USA! USA!" and the leftist groups wearing pink that were storming the RNC, only to hear chants of "USA!" from the conservative crowd.

Clearly the Conservatives are the ones who love America through the thick and thin.

2 points

I disagree. Cats are great to play with. My cat runs around a lot and plays with me.

I like dogs, but cats are better. My cat is so nice, the perfect cat in the world. She rarely does anything wrong. She is really nice to sit down and pet and "cuddle" with. Dogs are nice, too, but I like cats.

-2 points

-The U.S. Constitution

-The Dec. of Independence

-The American Flag

-A computer

-An iPod

-A video tribute to 9/11 (incase the world forgets :[

0 points

I would:

1. tell them to work with the GOP members of congress and see both sides of the issue

2. ask Obama to resist urges to be as bad as Pelosi and Reid

3. ask them to resign and give their positions to the Republicans

-2 points

Deffinitely. It is going to be horrible.

Mitt Romney 2012

-3 points

I don't know many others so I am gonna have to say yes.

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