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This personal waterfall shows you all of YourWorship's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

If I was a guy, I think that pillaging and conquering Asia would be a pretty good time!

0 points

What's wrong with a guy being happy with another guy or a girl with another girl? Men and women can be happy together so homosexuals can be too. Yes, the Bible says that it's wrong. However, Jesus loved everyone and the Bible also says not to cut our hair and not to get tattoos. In the US, saying that a guy/girl has to go to another state to get married to the guy/girl that they love is saying something about the prejudice that we pride ourselves on not having. So, no, gay marriage should not be illegal.

1 point

See? The site is losing the flare. sigh Such a shame. This just makes me feel sad. But oh well. At least the site is being used.

1 point

I will tell you right now that we have to evolved. Another proof of this your our appendix. We have no use for it anymore. If you say that "God" gave Adam and Eve appendixes without any real purpose then can you tell me why? Humans don't need an appendix because we evolved and the organ doesn't need to be used anymore.

1 point

Ok, I live in South Dakota and it sucks because now you can't smoke in any bar that you go to. My uncle owns a bar and all the smoking customers left for Iowa. He lost so much money because of that.

1 point

It really is loosing its flare. How many abortion debates are out there?

0 points

Okay you "God believer", answer an evolutionist this if you think you're so smart:

Where did diamonds and the fossil record come from? Did your god snap his fingers and millions of years worth of work happened in "4,000 years". I don't believe a word of the bible. Back yourself up. And who said that the Big Bang was the only theory out? The Big Bang is a very famous theory, that doesn't mean it is the only one. Look stuff up before you point your finger.

1 point

There is scientific proof that we descended from apes. Anything that starts with "homo" means that is a relative of humans. And if it is a lie, where is your "God"? If you say that the bible is his proof of existence then you have a problem. The bible was passed down by word of mouth for ages upon ages. Only recently have they put it down on paper for the people to read on a daily basis. And if you are saying that "God" exists, then that means you are that the Earth is 4,000 years old. That is obviously not true. My proof is diamonds. They take millions of years to form. And you can't get a diamond from a lump of coal in 4,000 years. It needs to be exposed to millions of years worth of heat and pressure. I've heard people say that "God" exists because we sin. This is totally irrelevant. Everyone makes mistakes, they sugar-coated everything so that people feel good about themselves. They'll think "Oh we were perfect once, we can perfect again when God kills all the bad people". There was death millions of years ago, and, supposedly, death didn't come until Adam and Eve sinned. The fossil record disclaims that. I suggest that you find something really good to back this up. Because I would be happy to argue about this until the day I die.

1 point

Dude, move your legs somewhere else. And no one said it was funny. If you don't want the smoke. go to a NON-SMOKING place! Is it really that hard? Everyone regrets walking now, so get in your car and go somewhere else and don't ruin someone elses meal

1 point

Well I think that you're a 13 year old that got raped, or you decided to party and you wake up pregnant than you should let them have an abortion. Growth is taken off a young girls body when that happens. But if you really don't want the baby, then you can have the baby and put it up for adoption.

1 point

Why do people care so much that other people smoke weed in the first place? They're not that person, it's not their life to throw away or whatever they are going to do with it.

1 point

Well, with overpopulation as an issue already, we should improve the life that we have now. You can give people that have a horrible life now, a better life from here on out. With this test tube baby, yeah it can live but it has a slim chance of making it.

0 points

In my opinion, there is no God. The bible was passed down by word of mouth for thousands of years, and only recently has it been published for the public. For all you God believers out there, go argue with Richard Dawkins and tell me what he says.

1 point

It's really none of your business what that person does with their life. And their virginity isn't any different. Mind your own damn business people. If you lost it at 12 I don't care. Just as long as you aren't going on about it to everyone.

1 point

Yes. It is they're choice to get married. It isn't anyone else's business. Just leave them all alone. They aren't bothering you are they? NO? Then leave them alone. Gay actors aren't made fun of. Why should normal people be made fun of? If you can tell me 3 reasons why they shouldn't I would love to argue the point.

2 points

The bible is to wrong. It has been passed down by word of mouth then only recently written down for the public to read. And survival of the fittest like Charles Darwin said.

1 point

Ok. The Bible was passed down by word of mouth for thousands of years. They only wrote it down recently. God is there to explain the unexplainable. Evolution can explain things. Darwinism, survival of the fittest. Lizards have done it, apes have, all animals have. Ones in the fossil record did not make it because they weren't fit for the changes that they were facing.

1 point

Just because there is a Bible doesn't mean we have a God. It was told by word of mouth for thousands of years. They just wrote it down recently. God is to explain the unexplainable. Evolution makes perfect sense. Darwinism, survival of the fittest comes into play.

1 point

You can just put the kid up for adoption. Is it really that hard?

1 point

I really think that the owner of the bar should choose whether you can smoke. It is their bar. If you don't want to inhale the second-hand smoke, then DO NOT go to that bar. You can move your own legs, go somewhere else!

1 point

I live in South Dakota where there has been a smoking ban for about 2 years now. This had taken away money from the schools of our state when we have very little money as it is. Our schools get money from video lottery. Now that you can't smoke, the bars have lost 16% of their funds. In Sioux Falls where I live there are bars everywhere. This needs to be repealed for the better of our state.

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