
Anotherguy34's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Anotherguy34's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

No animal species are homosexual. Animals are always bi-sexual. 2. I find it rather interesting that you look to the infererior intelligence of animals to justify homosexuality. The Bible clely states that you are "born into sin"....But to say that God made someone Gay is absurd and ridiculous- As he never made any one a liar- they chose the path of dishonesty... world. The best bet homosexuals have in a Darwinian world is that its a genetic mutation, chemical imbalance o ttp:// something like that.

1 point

Some Liberals are selfish. Homosexuality should have their "rights" but when it comes to saying something that offends Homosexuals--its ironic the way they respond to views of Homosexuality that des not support their own. If anyone says something to offend a homo he is punished severly in Western culture. If a homosexual says someone is bigoted becauuse they see something wrong with their lifestyle they are bigots, forced to apologize for their ACTUAL right to freedom of speech. The very homosexuals who want freedom to marry, to engage in a hardly justifiable union, (health-wise,emotionally-wise etc.) take away rights to freedom of speech. How selfish, and Totalitarian that is. Some homos are just being Legalistic bullies. "So, they are finally throwing the long-ago discredited 10% figure under the bus, and they are indirectly admitting that 50% of homosexuals were probably NOT born homosexual and so should be able to change and become what they were born to be---heterosexual. They are also indirectly admitting that if people can be homosexual without having homosexual genes, then people can be heterosexual without having heterosexual genes. In other words, they are admitting that people born with homosexual genes (if they exist) can still satisfactorily enjoy the heterosexual lifestyle."

0 points

ur catholic or what? A christian that dosent see a problem with Gay marriage is not christian. As homosexuality is against the bible's principles. I agreed with you until you started talking about how it hurts no one but stripping away rights. I agree with you hlf way..But the Bible says sin is detrimental to most evryone while sexual sins are sins against ones own body. do you believe in Sin? or are you one of those watered-down christians? I agree in speration of church and state, And that ppl should be able to make their own choices.. But seriously....

1 point

Oh really?! If i dont think its right for my child to see two men/women making out in a subway train im gonna do what i can to convince them of their...Hold a sec.None of my business?

It was our business when a startling number of homosexuals gave blood transfusions giving innocent people AIDS. It was our business when that fat guy anally penetrated a three year old boy.- But hey thats how he loves!!! He likes three year olds then we're out of place to put him in jail. Read the links b4 you reply.

1 point

Laws can be changed. And when I was 13 i didnt mind engaging in sexual acts with my history teacher. In a similar note- werent MY rights being infringed upon because of the law you mentioned. And it has a little to do with being Christian and A LOT to do with health and well being. Incest is nasty. Full stop. Just because a so called biochemical response occurs dosent justify getting it on with your sister. If scientists were peadophiiles, all of a sudden they would find a startling new discovery. Later to be disproved- And to the detriment of young boys and girls. The same with homosexuality. Mix thetwo together and youve got a startling nasty combination.

1 point

Men are also discriminated against...whats your point???? a bunch of black guys rob a bank. I go in an elevator a white women suddenly puts her purse tight under her arm. some Stupid white women dont know that im already loaded (which would lead me to believe women are more judgemental and snobby when i experience this scenario more)......And im not like my other counterparts. But...If you cant identify with her something is wrong with you. If a member of group is known to have a bad repuation of some sort...ITS NATURAL to stray away from them. Which makes stereotypes. Some of which are partially true. And feminists often try to do their best to emasculate man and de-femenize women. For example..its true that the speech section of the female brain is more developed. As opposed to society making them so. Let men be Men Let women be Women. Though i admit society does have its faults in rearing boys And girls. And feminists always try to play the victim (sounds pretty subordinate) but thats another story.

1 point

"gay couples are just like straight couples"


Two men-Same as below.

Two women- One takes the "dominant" role, The other takes the "submissive' role.

Heterosexual- The naturally dominant gender takes his place, while the naturall submissive gender (by no means inferior)takes her place.

Gay couples are trying to be like straight couples. Behold the correction. Last but not least Gays cant reproduce.

Seriously.... the very physical act is rather unhygienic..the bonding that is done can be found between two Heterosexuals-minus the Evolutionary mystery and Acchiles heel, and Biblical fact that is homosexual attraction. Ya the Bible is says its.......SIN.oops. Bad word.

1 point

"Gays should not have to explain that it's a choice or it's a hormone imbalance or a genetic mutation or a disease or anything. No explanantion. Gays are human. PERIOD! END OF STORY"

How eloquent.

Pedophiles should not have to explain that its a choice or its a hormone imbalance.....THEIR HUMAN. Period. (Sarcasm). IF gays were born gay pedophiles were born pedo. Therfore they should not be jailed due to an evolutionary mishap.( More Sarcasm). Realize the double standard......

1 point Read that. Why would you want your children to suffer the things you are suffering, all because of deviant/corrupted behaviour? (same thing with promiscuous heterosexuals)If you're evolutionist Homosexuality does not fit in a Darwinian world. What sense dose it make for someone to be exclusively homosexual? Dosent profit natural selection in ANY way. And as you will read, Increase Anal Cancers, Prostate Cancer and Syphiliis (for guys) and Breast Cancer, Ovarian Cancer in women To name a few ailments that plague both genders.. Sorry to be so insenesitive, but its the truth. Homosexualilty is wrong, No evolutionary OR spiritual evidence shows You were born like it, but you can change. And beside gays are the ones talking about choice.. If your kids dont want to follow your disease ridden,out-cast like lifestyle, let him be. Gender, Race, Culture shows what a person is---but a blatant homosexual shows simply what a prson DOES.

1 point

As i said b4, right now im not arguing. Simply show how the world is going downhill.

1 point

And what this guy thinks Is THAT two horses will make NOTHING more than horses. as opposed to evolution which believes In mankind to have ape ancestry etc "Evolution makes no such statements"

Stop trying to be politically correct.If what you do has no consequence in the after life, and it is possible to get away with it while you're alive, that creates a sense of anarchy in the individual.Im SURE it happened to ALL you evolutionists LOL

1 point

Though I will never support homosexuality, Christians have a huge problem. God gave people free will and their gonna use it. And a mere mortal-Christian or not wont change that.

1 point

Yes, but for some reason, They seem to slyly trace pretty much eevry problem in society to manfolk.

1 point

And for those "Christians" I express my grief and sadness.

1 point

I am not trying to draw a correlation between the two, Im simply saying that someone, if involved in something seen as deviant or as disgusting ( that probably is), with a little science can make laws to approve any destructive habit.

1 point

Naw dude i think HOMOSEXUALITY is evil.But not (necessarily) the person.

So what your saying is people can be born with a sexual orientation that does not contribute to this life processes' function?

What type of evolution is that?If that were true that probably makes homosexuality a disorder...( Not saying I believe in evolution LOl)

Oh and the Bible says God would rather if all would be saved and not have to go to hell.Thats clearly SOME type of concern ain't it? Hate is too a strong word for this era, In fact he never did hate Homos, He just HAS a strong abhorrence for it.

1 point

The people on this argument are disturbing me with their ideas of sexual freedom LOL

Incest ok?


13 yrr olds- THEY CAN CONSENT, not by law,but they do know what they are doing.Pedophiles according to your logic can have sexual relationships with out hassle if allowed. And since most of you have no belief in morals, This is also Pending.

1 point

LOL You guys are Hilarious. Whats next? Bestiality?

Soon you guys will be saying people were born with desires to sleep with their brothers and sisters, And That penetrating horses is "natural".

1 point

Incest-use a condom or get an abortion. problem solved. you really think the only reason its wrong is because of the deformed child?Do evil deeds need a tangible outcome to be considered evil? Pedophilia-i agree.

Homosexuality- Read Incest argument...

P.S i dont support abortions.

1 point

Are you Crazy?! if people were born gay, explain identical twins with divergent sexual orientations...surely both of them should be gay. and its not christian logic that says God hates gays. If that were true, He would hate heterosexual liars,murderers, people like you,(who make fun of the Bible which you so beautifully described as "bullshit"), and pretty much everyone in the world! But naw a real christian knows God loves all of us..Including The homo.

1 point

Are you Crazy?! if people were born gay, explain identical twins with divergent sexual orientations...surely both of them should be gay.

1 point

SURE!!! Let them marry! Just not in churches, and don't allow priests to be Gay.If they are,remove their title! Al matters solved.

0 points

So in other words you're a homosexual...since Ashley's a boy and all..

1 point

If you don't know what the bible says about a topic, Shut up. Lev. 18:22, "You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination. "For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error. And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper.""1 Cor. 6:9-10, "Or do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals,nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, shall inherit the kingdom of God."

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