
Brontoraptor's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Brontoraptor's arguments, looking across every debate.

Is Bombmaking A Right For Law-Abiding Muslims?

Sure is. And just like guns, you can't murder people and not go to prison. Looks like you're stuck nom. Now what?

Should governments have guns and bombs? Until they don't, too damn bad.

Nothing better than you telling us how evil the US military is, just to turn around and tell us only they should be armed. You have the common sense of a dead fucking rat.

"Jews Did 9/11 "

-Adolf Hitler

We have been taken over by greedy capitalists

Most of which are overt Democrats.


And a bunch of people living nicer lives than the rest of the world. Probably why everyone's scrambling to get here...

Looks like you are wrong again Nom. But you're used to that by now, right buddy?

After all, we PAID for Ben Gurion Airport. Sit on that, right winger..

Much of the Middle East was rebuilt by us. Ready to do a mass demolition, or are you one of those people who needs to do a skin color and race check before deciding? You know, there's a word for that. Libs throw that word around alot...


Quoting my response to femo nazis, SJWs, Marxists, Commies, Alinskyites, and all other leftist religious types, eh con?

Everything this guy ever writes is dumb and unfunny.

Uh oh. You contradicted one of your earlier posts again.

Of course that isn't new. Stupid people have bad memories. It's why they're stupid.

Those are probably two of the dumbest cartoons I've ever seen

Well, they make perfect sense, so not sure how that is other than maybe you're just slow.

and the least funny

In other words you have no response so talk about something other than the topic, like the good little prigrammed leftist that you are.

These idiots have the minds of special ed students.

Bronto, I say with complete honesty that you are the single most stupid imbecile I have ever stumbled across in over ten years of using the internet.

I don't live with my mommy. Pretty good chance you have me beat buddy.

When we now have elevators, what do you tell those who once had to use the stairs?

Nothing. We simply tell the elevator users to not be surprised that elevators are expensive and not free. Now enjoy your not free elevators.

The UK Wars with Cutlery, Offers Knife-Free Chicken Boxes !

Soon these ass hats will be creating humans in labs with no limbs or brains to protect the Earth and themselves.

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