
Centurion's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Centurion's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

She's a book-banning, creationism-in-schools-wanting, moose-hunting, anti-choice troglodyte.

1 point

If there is a god, please explain why he allows little children to get cancer, and allows tornadoes, and hurricanes and earthquakes. Don't even TRY answering with the Adam and Eve b.s., because it is patently ridiculous, to begin with, and more importantly, even if Adam and Eve were TRUE, that would mean that god holds grudges, and punishes people today for something done by OTHER PEOPLE.

2 points

CNN is less biased than Fox, hands down. Fox is nothing but a right-wing, GOP propaganda station, promoting neo-con b.s.

Not to mention the fact that Fox recently had an anchor put out the ridiculous claim that Senator Obama and his wife may have been engaging in a "terrorist fist jab," when they bumped fists together prior to his Democratic nomination victory speech.

The Fox twit, E.D. Hill, actually said that some in "the media" claimed it might be a "terrorist fist jab."

NO ONE in the media claimed such a thing, for the record. It was merely a nutbag commenter in the comments section of a blog. The comment was even DELETED later. But to the Fox anchor, that one deleted comment in a blog constituted "THE MEDIA."

Fox is PURE GOP PROPAGANDA masquerading poorly as a legitimate news operation.

1 point

I believe that I was born bi-sexual. I didn't choose it. Whether it's fully genetically determined, or environmentally determined, one's sexual orientation isn't a concious choice. I suspect that orientation is primarily genetic.

1 point

Two words for you: "civil marriage" Never heard of one, have you?

People are married in civil ceremonies every day of the week.

1 point

Yes, because He She or It stuck us on an unstable planet prone to natural disasters

1 point

Yes, because He, She or It stuck us on an unstable planet prone to natural disasters.

2 points

You will have a much bigger difficulty proving you were not treated equally when you sue for federal marriage recognition, by citing the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment to the U.S. Constitution, if you don't have the word "marriage" on your documentation.

The federal government does not recognize marriages by gay Americans. They do not recognize the marriages of people of the same gender in the state of Massachusetts, for example.

Under the 14th amendment, you are supposed to have the exact same rights as everyone else. So if you and your partner are gay and have a Massachusetts marriage license, for example, which is not recognized by the federal government, then you have cause for a lawsuit againt the government to get the same rights as your fellow straight Americans. You can go to the courts and say, "Here's my marriage license. Where are my Social Security survivor benefits?! Why am I not getting the same benefits as everyone else?, etc."

If the license is a "civil union" license, your court case will be that much harder to prove because the word "marriage" isn't on it, and the issue of being treated equally would be a little harder to prove semantically.

A case such as this will come before the courts most certainly within the next decade or so, and DOMA will indeed be struck down, and the government will have to recognize everyone's marriages equally.

2 points

Religion breeds anti-scientific thinking, and thus intellectual stagnation.

1 point

It most likely is primarily genetic. But, regardless of nature or nurture, it is NOT A CHOICE. You can't CHOOSE who you happen to be attracted to. I'm gay and I'm 5 foot 9, and I chose neither my height nor my sexual orientation.

-1 points

People need gods because they are missing a LACK OF FEAR OF MORTALITY.

1 point

Since there are so many various christian sects, it is difficult to pin down a specific set of "values" and call them "christian." But, seeing as Jesus threw money changers out of the temple, it sounds like he wasn't very "pro-business" so I would definitely go with Democrats, with respect to which party represents Christ's feelings on greedy businessmen. (Obviously, they were greedy since they were doing business in a temple.) Also, the Democratic party is more progressive on civil rights issues than the Republican party.

-1 points

I'm gay, and my trait of being attracted to members of the same gender is no more a sin than me having the trait of being 5 foot, 9 inches tall. Grow up, people. Grow up. I chose neither trait. They just ARE traits that I have. Of course, sin implies a belief in a supernatural being, which is absolutely ridiculous to begin with.

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