
Excon's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Excon's arguments, looking across every debate.
-2 points
0 points

Obviously there's a material difference between being handed a ticket, where there's proof you received it, and having one mailed to you

Hello hater:

I say again, there is no material difference between a ticket handed to you by a cop, than one mailed to you by the city.

The town of Paradise Valley, Az, clocks your speed AND takes your picture. I'm sure all of 'em do. I should have mentioned it before, but, honestly, I had NO IDEA that I'd get any pushback.

You'll like this one, hater. I used to drive professionally in Paradise Valley. I carried a Bozo the Clown mask under my seat, just so I could wear it while I blasted through their speed trap. When I went to court, I told them I didn't know this Bozo.

Bwa, ha ha ha ha ha.


-2 points
-2 points
0 points

Well, this raises a number of questions including, if the offending motorist fails to abide by the postal ruling of the court and continues to use their vehicle when banned,

Hello N:

Nahh.. There's no material difference between an offender being HANDED a ticket or receiving it in the mail. If he's gonna cheat, he's gonna cheat no matter HOW he got the ticket.


-2 points
-4 points
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1 point

Are we to take it that you believe a child is not alive until some period after birth?

Hello Dan:

I'm sorry for not being clear.. I kinda thought I was.. Lemme try again.

In my view, a person is alive at conception, and maybe even earlier. Is an ovum alive? I think so. Is a sperm alive? I think so. Does the unborn have rights? No. Not because I say so, but because the law says so.

Does the unborn person gain their rights after they're born? Not fully, but yes. Do I think they should they get their FULL package of rights sooner? I do.

Finally, let me answer the question you're dying to ask. Notwithstanding the above, is abortion wrong? It is. It's just a tad LESS wrong than forcing a woman to carry her baby to term..



excon(18262) Clarified
1 point

I was hoping for somebody to bring an argument that challenged that surety

Hello D:

Well, I'm not that somebody.. You asked for the law, and I gave it to you.. Whether it SHOULD be a law is another matter altogether.


0 points

That's the debate you're posting in you pointlessly stupid moron.

Hello hater:

And, I answered it.. He's not sure if a baby is alive, and I'm not gonna engage stupidity like that.. You, of all people, should know that.

Try to keep up, sport.


-1 points

If it obvious to you, how would you communicate it to the minority who disagree?

Hello D:

Nahh.. I'm not going to discuss whether a baby is alive, in the womb or out..


excon(18262) Clarified
-1 points

I find it impossible to interlink a black, ex-convict (criminal) atheist with someone of the Jewish faith of Judaism ethnicity.

Hello N:

So, you don't think there are Jews in the slam? Dude! You're even more disconnected than I thought.. I'm taking you OFF my Hanukkah list.


excon(18262) Clarified
0 points

I fail to see the connection between five bloodthirsty black cops beating the black driver

Hello N:

I don't think the cops would have killed a white man. I don't think they would have even beaten a white man. I think they knew what a racial firestorm it would have unleashed. I think they believed they had permission to beat a black driver..

That's what white privilege is.


0 points

Does white privilege exist, and if so how does it manifest itself?

Hello N:

You were appalled at the murder of Tyre Nichols.. If Tyre was white, do you think the cops would have murdered him?


1 point

Are Human Beings Alive Before Birth?


That they're alive is self evident.. A better question would be, do human beings have rights before birth.

The answer to that question is no..


excon(18262) Clarified
1 point

Show me just one solitary person on this entire website, who does not think that you are a retard.

Hello hater:

Well, there's your Jew hating ass, and 25 of your alts..

Whether I'm a Jew or not isn't up for a vote. It matters not who you line up on your side. I'll concede that you're not the only Jew hater around here.

Here's something to consider, "First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."

You're a socialist, aren't you? They're gonna come for you FIRST.

Bwa ha ha ha ha ha..


excon(18262) Clarified
0 points

Just because PEOPLE think


People?? PEOPLE??? PEOPLE????

There ain't no people.. There's your Jew hating ass, and your 25 ALT'S..

Fuck you, Jew hater.


excon(18262) Clarified
0 points

Excon would have been telling everybody who cared to listen that he was an 8th generation Germanic Catholic.

Hello hater:

Obsess much??



0 points

Every person on this website thinks you're an idiot.

Hello hater:

Who are you talking about?? Your Jew hating ass, and 25 of your alts??? Dude!

Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha


0 points

They see people in their way of committing crimes. Why is that never your take in even one, single instance?

Hello H:

Yes, they DO see cops as people in their way of committing crimes.. Duh!! How fucking stupid is that??

Dude! This is the ONE single time I'll EVER devote to such stupidity.


1 point

If you were a cop & someone pulled a gun on you, what should you do?


IF I was a cop, I'd do a double backflip whammy, and shoot the shit out of him as I fly through the air.


1 point

Yes you did. Your very first comment on the topic was that it was a right winger.


Dude! I ASKED you to present the proof.. It's HERE, in the archives..

Instead you flapped your gums.. Fukn liar..

Dude again.


1 point

A space for Excon to tell us the most interesting things in Hunter's emails

Hello L:

Thank you for that..

I have NO idea what any of the emails on Hunter's laptop says. I haven't read them. But, given that the Russians or the Chinese MIGHT have tinkered with it, I wouldn't believe anything I read anyway... You shouldn't either..

The laptop was gathering dust in a repair shop. When the owner of the shop realized it was Biden's, he called Rudy Giuliani, and Giuliani turned it over to the FBI. Now, maybe nothing untoward happened to the laptop before the FBI got it, or maybe something DID. We just don't know, because it was never subjected to a "chain of custody".. Had it been, we'd KNOW, absolutely, that the stuff on it can be relied upon. But, it wasn't, so we can't

The chain of custody is the most critical process of evidence documentation. It assures the authenticity of the evidence, and that it was, at all times in the custody of a person, who is designated to handle it. That wasn't the situation with the laptop.. We don't know who fiddled with it, if anybody..

Is that tidbit going to affect what you already believe?? Nahh, it isn't. In fact, you'll SOOO disbelieve it, instead of thanking me for clearing it up, you'll call me names..

Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha


0 points

Remember when being woke just meant you had your cup of coffee


I dunno WHY right wingers are SOOO interested in peoples genitals. You think they need your APPROVAL before they bonk somebody..

Dude! Get your mind out of the gutter.


-1 points

Remembering when Excon said a right wing extremist attacked the Pelosi home


Couple things.. I didn't say that. I don't equate what ONE person does or says, to his beliefs, and suggest that everybody who shares those beliefs is equally nutty.. You SHOULD know that about me..

I watched the video till the end.. NOWHERE did it say that the attacker WASN'T a right wing extremist.. Oh, it SUGGESTED that the guy was Pelosi's lover, but there's no proof of that, and it's an old smear anyway..

Look.. I'd be happy to apologize if you can produce the video. I've mentioned to you before that if you COULD beat me in a debate, you WOULD.. But, you can't, so you lie.



0 points

Excon says a lot of really dumb shit, so you'll have to be more specific

Hello hater:

I see more of your obsession with me is on FULL display.. Don't you feel silly??


-2 points
1 point

Wanted to get Excon's opinion on this sensitive topic


Here's Trumps 30,000 and 1st lie told just last Tuesday.


Trump announced on his social media platform on Tuesday that he won the Senior Club Championship at Trump International Golf Club in unincorporated West Palm Beach last weekend, despite not playing the first round of the tournament.

Members arrived the second day surprised to see Trump with a five-point lead, according to the Daily Mail. But Trump never played the first round as he was attending a funeral in North Carolina of ardent supporter “Diamond” of the duo Diamond and Silk.

Trump told tournament organizers he played a strong round on the course Thursday, two days before the tournament started, and decided that would count as his Saturday score for the club championship. That score was five points better than any competitor posted during Saturday’s first round.

Trump called it a “great honor” to have won. “


And, YOU BELIEVE him... Extraordinary..

Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha.


1 point

Wanted to get Excon's opinion on this sensitive topic


What's funny here, is that you appear to believe all 30,000 documented LIES the orange man told..

You have NO standing here.. Put your OWN house in order..

Bwa ha ha ha ha ha.


1 point

Biden had secret docs too.

Hello ex:

Hmmph... Classified documents found at former U.S. Vice President Pence's home.

Wadya know bout that?


1 point

Trump is gonna get away with it

Hold on, ex...

Stuff has changed.. The good guys MIGHT jail that piece of crap after all.

Charles McGonigal, a 22-year veteran of the FBI was arrested yesterday and stuff is happening.. The Dems have been handed GOLD, again. Do I think they'll fumble it?? Uhhh, maybe..

"The former head of counterintelligence for the FBI’s New York field office was charged in two separate indictments Monday for allegedly working with a sanctioned Russian oligarch after he retired and concealing hundreds of thousands of dollars he received..." index.html


0 points

Dr_Batman Will NEVER Break My Faith In The One TRUE Gospel

Hello hater:

You're NOT a Christian. Your faith is made up of dog catchers and cigarette salesmen.


0 points

You are the definition of a fake, and you are about as big a piece of shit as has ever walked the planet Earth.

Hello T:

Wow.. All that because I think the US should pay its bills.



0 points

Does The Saying 'You Get What You Give' Justify Violence?


Sure. I ask no quarter, and I give no quarter. If somebody is violent towards me, I'm gonna be violent towards them.


1 point

I want the best variety of weed.

Hello again,

Some people care about the quality of the weed they grow, and some people don't. You obviously wanna grow the good shit..

You can easily buy seeds through mail order.

If you didn't care about growing kind bud, like this jerkoff doesn't, you'd buy seeds from somebody you don't know, and grow schwag weed like everybody else grows.

But, I can tell you're a discerning gentleman.


1 point

if you decline to take this Jewish verification trial or fail to give the only one correct answer it will be taken as read that your claim to be Jewish is false.

Hello N:

What kind of bullshit is that?? Guess which card I'm holding behind my back, and I'll anoint you a Jew??

Who the FUCK are you??


1 point

But the problem is that I don’t know which variety to choose.

Hello t:

Even in states where pot is legal, they don't sell seeds or cuttings. So, the only choice you have is what the first who comes along, has..

But, that's not bad news.. Any variety grown properly will look beautiful, smell beautiful, and be knock your socks off potent..

Buy this book:


0 points


Hello N:

This is NOT a both sides issue.. That I'm a Jew is undeniable. To argue that I am, suggests that there are TWO sides, whereas there is only one.


excon(18262) Clarified
1 point

as he grows increasingly frustrated, searching for the right answer.

Hello hater:

Oy vey.


1 point

Will the government default on it's $31.4 trillion debt?

Hello N:

Here's how I see it playing out. The same people who held up McCarthy's speaker-ship, are gonna hold up a vote on the debt limit, thereby crashing the worlds economy.

So, in order to prevent that, McCarthy will accept the few votes he needs to raise the debt limit, from the Democrats, thereby saving the world.


1 point

Excon. Will you accept this foolproof test to prove or disprove your Jewishness?

Hello N:

Yes, I will.


excon(18262) Clarified
1 point

because if you lived next door

Hello hater:

Nahh.. We've been hated by much better haters than you.. But, we not only survived, we thrived!! That's why we've been around for 6,000 years, and you haven't.

I dunno what magic Jews have, but clearly, we got something you don't.. Of course, you want a piece of that, but it wasn't given to you.


excon(18262) Clarified
0 points

You're not Jewish you absolutely stupid fucking imbecile. How many times must the same thing be explained to you?

Hello hater:

And, WHO the fuck are you? You don't know me.. We've never met, yet, somehow, you know I'm NOT Jewish.. Dude! You're a lying piece of shit Jew hater.

excon, Jewish Prince

excon(18262) Clarified
1 point

Excon is 80 years old, so I guarantee that thing looks like a sauteed mushroom,

Hello penis envy guy:

Soooo, you're interested in what my cock looks like, huh? Well, it's CIRCUMCISED, like any Jewish cock would be, and it's beautiful like you'd expect any Jewish cock to be..

excon, Jewish guy with BIG, good looking, cock

0 points

Also you, in response to a page worth of links explaining why you aren't Jewish:-

Hello hater:

So, I should believe your antisemitic links, WHY????? Dude!

You are one fucked up cookie.


0 points

If you got any stupider, we'd need to water you every 24 hours.

Hello hater:

If you COULD beat me in a debate, you would.. But, you can't, so you call names. Everybody here got your number.

Bwa ha ha ha ha.


1 point

Powerful Manhood/Penis Enlargement Treatment


If it got any bigger, I'd need a wheelbarrow.


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