
Ipkis's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Ipkis's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Do you mean that using medical marijuana would act like a so-called "gateway drug" to abusing other drugs or do you mean that the legality might open up legalizing other illegal drugs?

1 point

Just because causality exists doesn't mean that there is agency behind that cause. You said "life's meaning or non-meaning isn't meant to be acquired" with the word "meant" which, again, implies agency. Nature can be very inspiring but that doesn't mean it "tried" to inspire you, the inspiration was yours all along.

ipkis(8) Clarified
1 point

Reality could be quantified since it isn't infinite but I'm not sure how that relates to the second part of your question. Proving non-existence is practically impossible and I'm not following what "equal to what the onus would be did meaning exist" means.

1 point

I believe women should be able to go topless if they want to. It's already okay if it's a form of protest since that is considered free speech. I don't understand why it's wrong when they are just laying on the beach or walking down the street.

1 point

But does it make him a good candidate for president? Many people can speak their minds unreservedly but that doesn't mean they would make a good president.

1 point

Even the devoutly religious should be in favor of a secular society. The only way to guarantee religious freedom for all is through the separation of church and state.

The answer to the question is No because I don't believe they are even related. Anyone can be corrupted regardless of religion or religiosity.

1 point

This depends on your definition of agnostic. Technically this is question about knowledge, not in the existence of a god or gods. But the more common usage of the term is someone who is on the fence about the god question. In practice, people who say that they are agnostic typically don't think enough about religion to care one way or the other.

So to answer the question: Yes, an Agnostic Christian can exist. They would be someone who follows the Christian faith but does not know for sure if it's true.

1 point

Your statement assumes that there is a meaning to life and that's a big assumption in my mind. I don't think there is a meaning to life, so my answer to the question would be: No.

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