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mosc(71) Clarified
1 point


You simple brain dead idiot. Jews do not live as a race. Some Jews have white skin, others have black skin. Some Jews have western eyes some have slanted Chinese eyes. Idiot. Torah teaches spirituality, not vile Nazi racial theories. Fool.

mosc(71) Clarified
1 point

Idiot. Moshe is not the father of the Jewish people. Learn how to read - Moron! The name palestine - its a European word, employed by empires to justify their predatory imperialism. Idiot.

mosc(71) Clarified
1 point

You dumb ass arrogant stupid mother fucker! You self righteous pig! Your declarations about ancient history don't prove shit! Idiot.

mosc(71) Clarified
1 point

Well stated joker43. These subhuman pricks need to have their dicks cut off to protect the human gene pool.

mosc(71) Clarified
1 point

Well written joker43. These pathetic retards need to get their dick cut off to protect the human gene pool.

1 point

2. Bunk. Am Segula does not translate as chosen people. Segula means - power to change ones' luck. Avram had no children and became the father of a multitude of Goyim/nations. Yitzak confronted with the real possibility of becoming a Bar BQ to heaven, poof a ram gets its horns caught in a near by shrub. Yaacov meets up with a hostile army headed by his brother who has sworn to murder him ... poof Esau runs hugs and kisses Yaacov upon their greeting!

The language chosen vis of vis Israel does exist in the Books of the Prophets of the Hebrew T'NaCH literature. It meaning: strictly and only applicable to the Cohen nation!!!

3. Bunk on Nazi 'blood lines'. Torah teaches spirituality. Any person on this planet earth can convert and become Jewish.

4. Bunk on Nazi 'blood lines'. A Jew in 1953 discovered DNA and developed the science known today as genetics!

5. Bunk. The vast majority of Jews today - not converts.

6. Bunk. DNA does not determine the Jewishness of a person. Halacha determines the Jewishness of a person.

7. Bunk. A continuation of the Nazi bull shit blood line dumb ass stupidity.

8. Bunk. Chosen People refers to the Cohen nation - vile ignorant stupid dumb ass.

1 point

During the Kennedy Bay of Pigs stupidity, the CIA gave false and bad info. Trump has fired the heads of both the FBI and CIA, yet when he publicly declares in a sit down with Vladimir Putin that he did not trust his intelligence services - everybody in Washington had a shit fit!

Simple people like excon assume that government bureaucracies do not house corruption. Idiots like this despise the idea that Bush and Cheney pulled of the 9/11 attack as a way to justify the US vile/illegal invasion of Iraq.

1 point

Tell it to Al Gore and his hysterics about 'climate change'. The "scientists" know who butters their toast! Remember all the evidence and proof Bush war criminals presented to Congress which proved that Iraq possessed Weapons of Mass Destruction?

Reactionary dumb asses never learn!

1 point

Bunk on these idiotic labels: Demorats vs Pubic hairs - Tweedle Dee vs Tweedle Dumb. Liberal vs Conservative. Free enterprise vs. communism blah blah blah!

The shit hole of the US economy today ie the over 20 trillion dollar debt did not happen over night with the election of Trump! Dumb ass reactionaries.

2 points

ohhhhhh excon considers himself a psychic... more like a psycho he appears to me! The Fed Government has a 20 trillion dollar national debt. If it does not start reducing the Patronage system socialist bullshit which Post Civil War Washington has embraced hook line and sinker, then Amerika its going to go the way of humpty dumbty who sat upon a wall and had a great fall.

States Rights Washington Bites.

1 point

Idiot. Roe vs. Wade. That case/rule by the SC based itself upon the science of the early 1970s - 1973 to be exact! The court limited abortions to the 2nd trimester. Later challenges to the Roe vs. Wade ruling argue that medical procedures have developed now that if a baby is born early in the 2nd trimester, that its a viable baby! The early 70s the Court held that a viable baby existed only at the beginning of the 3rd trimester.

That's the debate today. Idiot.

0 points

Deny science? What a dumb ass dogmatic stupidity. Scientists have to take a crap and pee in the toilet just like every one else.

If it looks and quacks like a duck, its a duck. Duh! When a baby has the looks and shape of a baby - its a baby whether that baby lives inside the womb of its mother or lives outside of the womb like us. Idiot.

1 point

States Rights Washington Bites. Bunk on the patronage system. Patronage: stands upon the premise that the Federal Government has the mandate to determine Corporate monopolies! The anti-trust law - - if the Fed Government can force a Corporation to break up its monopoly - as happened with Standard Oil in the early years of the 20th century - then the Fed Government has the power to establish Corporate monopolies as occurred a few years later when the Wilson government illegally established the Federal Reserve!

Once you have Federally "Establishment" Corporate monopolies, then the next step follows - - The Fed government establishes Federal bureaucracies which protect these "Establishment" monopolies. In the economic housing crisis of 2008, recall, "the to BIG to Fail" excuse wherein the Fed Government protected large banking monopolies!!!!

The next step, once the Fed Government protects the "Establishment" Corporate monopolies, these same Corporate monopolies establish "LOBBIES" to protect their interests!

The 3 steps of Patronage - its a philosophy of governance first developed by the Whig Party in England in the 1820! The most famous practitioner of the Patronage system of economics - - Sir Walter Walpole.

1 point

These traitor neo nazi supporters need to be shipped to Dresden in cattle cars and burned into crispy critters.

1 point

Hello, wake up and smell the coffee!! The USSR collapsed in 1989! Idiot.

1 point

Bitch Clinton could not win a rigged election. States Rights most essentially means that the population of California does not determine the electoral vote of States having smaller populations. The popular vote does not mean shit in a national election of 51 States. Idiot, bitch Clinton moans and groans about being a totally loser cunt.

1 point

What an idiotic proposal. I mean totally brain dead. Who in their right mind would declare: I need to buy a gun to murder my next door neighbor"! Idiot.

mosc(71) Clarified
1 point

Yes. A theory its only as good as it answers questions. As soon as a theory fails to answer questions, the theory must be replaced.

1 point

Bunk. What an idiot. A 110 floor building: its made out of Steel! A passenger jet, its made out of aluminum. A plane hits a bird, and the impact causes extensive to the plane.

If a plane hit a steel structure the entire plane the building would not just consume without parts and pieces of the plane falling to the ground from the outside of the building!

Building #7 it collapsed at near free fall speeds and no plane hit it. A big US bomber plane stuck the Empire State Building in the 2nd World War, and did not cause the implosion of that building - which still stands to this day!

What happened to the wings and engines to the "missile" which struck the Pentagon. 9/10 what happened to the 2.3 trillion dollars that he Pentagon could not account for? The very next day all the info of Pentagon corruption so conveniently destroyed!

Same thing occurred with building #7, which held on the Enron corruption evidence!

No genius, why did the US attack and invade Iraq immediately after 9/11? Idiot.

1 point

Bunk, a 'scientific theory' = an educated guess. Empirical evidence limits reality to physical evidence. What makes science any different than ancient peoples who worshiped physical gods. Xtianity its a modern day equivalent of idolatry, this pig religion requires a physical Jesus like the ancient Greeks worship physical God myths. This shitty faith its in exile waiting for the 2nd coming of Jesus son of Zeus.

1 point

Silly reactionary. @excon, it appears you wore diapers when the Dems last controlled Congress. When bitch Pelosi declared on what we call today as Obama Care - In the year 2010: "We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy. "

In the year 2017: Bitch Pelosi declared: "

.@SenJohnMcCain calling out Republican hypocrisy is music to my ears. Americans deserve to know what’s in the bill. " #Trumpcare

Dude you ought to run for Congress!!!!

1 point

Honestly, it appears to me totally reactionary to condemn the current - pathetic - labor party leader of England. England has just a long arrogant history of disdain for other peoples and nations. I therefore prefer to condemn as a worthless sack of shit, the coward Prime Minister of England in 1938 who divided the Czech State into 2 States for "Peace in our Time". This evil sack of shit government then passed the White Paper in 1939 which condemned all of European Jewry to brutal murder and genocide as to prevent Jews to live in Palestine.

The post war British governments equally have no shame. They pretend that Arabs all supported the Balfour Declaration and just loved the idea of referring to themselves as palestinians!

1 point


The passage: "similar events"?! I take you mean - other European genocides. Where does one draw the line? Enough its time to exterminate these vile scum sub human Europeans. This defines hate which matches European hatred and European arrogance!

The Aztecs compare to the Xtian Europeans - they both worshiped human sacrifice! Justice demands that just as the sub human European barbarians exterminated the Aztecs that its now time to exterminate the sub human European barbarians from off the face of this earth - man, woman, and child.

1 point


The Shoah did not just happen. It required over 2000 years of Xtian hate propaganda, slander, pogroms, ghettos, blood libels etc etc etc to produce the fruits of holocaust! The Xtians, like the extinct Aztecs both worship human sacrifice. Millions of Xtians proudly wear crosses hung around their necks! Ewwww disgusting.

0 points

Xtianity its the most dumb ass brain dead religion ever imagined by man. Let's see (1) it glorifies human sacrifice. (2) it presumes that Man can kill god (3) It favors the ends justifies the means. Jesus - brutally beaten, the Court which tried the prisoner was corrupt and the judgment predetermined before hand. (4) A dude dies and rise from the dead/zombism. (5) That all men live in sin b/c Adam experienced exile from Eden. What about all other political exiles. Ooops Xtianity its just a dumb ass religion whose fool supporters suffer exile waiting for the 2nd coming of an imaginary man/myth.

1 point


In an earlier comparison you made between Judaism and Nazis - this opening placement of 2 totally different concepts totally pissed me off. This apology for calling you an idiot for placing one along side the other, I support you here.

Ashkenazi Jewry - Jewish exiles who lived in Germany and France - idiot Goyim ass ume that Jewish exiles lived only in Germany and France?! These dumb ass stupid morons have their head stuck up their butts and all they can see is shit.

0 points


Ridicule Xtians hmmmmmm the absurd new testament worships slander, oppression, perversion of justice and human sacrifice and declares that this imaginary mythical man rose from the dead and brought salvation to all humanity. LOL Ridicule Xtians? There's nothing that ridicules Xtianity better than the new testament.

1 point


The comparison of Judaism with Nazism I find totally repulsive. Do European sub human pigs merit contempt? Most definitely. Over 2000 years these vile barbarian peoples have behave as a disgrace to the human race. Thank God Europeans have a post WW2 negative birth rate. May they become extinct as peoples in our lifetimes.

1 point


Your color of skin has no connection what so ever with Jews absolute and total detestation of sub human European barbarian pig races.

1 point


You don't like the word "hate", then replace it with "trust". Jews as a people shall never "trust" Europeans. The EU can shove their "2 State Solution" up the butt together with their "Final Solution".

1 point


Bull shit. A small # of Goyim did not murder 75% of European Jewry in less than 4 years. Idiot.

1 point


Bunk. A mindset did not slaughter 75% of European Jewry in less than 4 years.

1 point

Bunk. The apple does not fall far from the tree. Over 2000 years sub human European barbarians have behaved as pigs.

1 point


I 2nd the motion. Over 2000 years of Xtian slander and criminal behavior produced the Shoah.

1 point

@Antrim, the apple never falls far from the tree. Over 2000 years of racist hatred spews out of the sub human European pigs.

1 point


There's also a "theory", let's just call a spade a spade, a "slander", that the Jus poisoned the wells during the black plague and that the Jus drink christian baby blood on Passover.

1 point

Ironwrench, you as a sub human inferior race need to go straight to Dresden and have fire bombs consume you your family your friends your neighbors and all sub human inferior races scum like yourself.

1 point

yo Zofia fuck you. YOU vile foreigner you opinion does not merit shit.

1 point

Bunk you can not even pronounce the letter P. So your a descendant of Arabs who lived under the British Palestine Mandate. And with a straight face you want to say that your grand parents referred to themselves as "Palestinians". Bull shit. No Arab at that time supported the Balfour Declaration. The League of Nations awarded the "Palestine Mandate" to the British based upon the terms of the Balfour Declaration. YOU lie scum bag.

1 point

The people didn't have a choice in the matter ... NOISE. UN 181 of 1947 the Arabs rejected.

1 point

What a wad of shit! A silly Goy thinks he can declare who is a Jew. Dumb ass.

1 point

What a totally brain dead argument. UN 181 Jews agreed to the partition and the Arabs opposed the Partition Plan. A plan proposed by the UN General Assembly!! Hello that body has no authority or power to impose its "suggestions".

Ben Gurion declares Jewish independence and that same day 5 Arab Arabs supported by the British invaded the newly declared Jewish State.

Who won the war? Hello wake up and smell the coffee. Faggot, you dumb ass declarations reminds me of the conversation held by sperm cells after to fags had sex. "How do we find that ovary in all this shit"?

1 point

1. AIPAC its a legal lobby. YOU don't like lobbies then change the law and outlaw them! But condemning Jewish citizens of the United States for pro active participation in American governance, lobbies being the 4th Branch of the US post Civil War government which crushed and up-rooted States Rights and replaced the Republic with this vile democracy [Democracy never once used: not in the Declaration of Independence, nor in the Articles of Confederation, nor in the current Constitution of the US].

2. Israeli policy its a concern for Israeli citizens, something that you as a despicable foreign alien does not concern in the least.

3. Israel is a Jewish State. Jews living in foreign countries have citizenship in those countries NOT Israel. Idiot.

1 point

1) The AIPAC lobby bad? Then all lobbies merit the same description.

2) Israel exists as a Independent nation who's national self interests and strategic policies of State operate completely or almost completely independent for the Great American Ally.

3) Anti Semitic applies to Jewish minorities living in none Jewish countries. Racists its most definitely not limited to Jews living in foreign countries.

Israel opposes the 2 State Solution. Israel condemns the 2 State Solution as an imperialist attempt made by Great Powers Russia, EU, the US before Trump, and the UN, to divide the tiny Jewish state into 2 hostile States.

Israel rejects this divide and conquer imperialism which the coward Chamberlain unilaterally imposed upon the Czech State in 1938 and which FDR and Stalin unilaterally imposed upon both Korea and Vietnam in 1945. Throughout the European War, the US denounced French imperialism. Yet Truman's government transported the French in American boats back to Vietnam to restore French colonial rule!

The French routinely condemns Israel for use of disproportionate force against stateless Arab terrorism. Yet so conveniently ignores Frances torture and murder of some 5 million Algerians and 1 million Vietnamese in the last century alone.

1 point

Yep. Martin Luther King said that those who hate Zionists hate Jews. Zionism being an expression of Jewish nationalism and patriotism.

mosc(71) Clarified
1 point

Zionism = Jewish nationalism. Arab nationalism since 1948 its clearly anti-semitic. Based upon the fact that anti-semitism a term coined in the late 19th century referred strictly and only to Jews in its original intent and usage.

1 point

Zionism as a Jewish national movement, its as evil as patriotism felt by all other peoples and nations on the planet earth. The question its both racist and utterly absurd.

1 point

Name the Capital of Palestine and its currency? Idiots. During the british imperialist mandate only Jews referred to themselves as "Palestinians". For an Arab, they considered themselves as part of Greater Syria and referred to themselves as Musulmen!

1 point

Hello 1948, ya know in the last century! Not 3000 years ago ancient history. Wake up and smell the coffee.

1 point

Arabs can not pronounce the letter P. The name palestine originates from European empires and imperialism. For an Arab to call himself a palestinians during the period of the British mandate, this would mean that that Arab agreed and supported the Balfour Declaration!

Arabs opposed the establishment of a Jewish home in the Middle East. Only in 1964 did Arafat employ Palestine as the name of his PLO. Like duh.

1 point

Hello, if your toilet backs up, its b/c you dumb ass shit for brains - utterly full of shit.

1 point

Bunk. Utter and total none sense. Only an ignorant Goy would make such an absurd statement.

1 point

Silly idiot Goyim. Zionism represents Jewish nationalism. Idiot.

1 point

Stop the lies and BS. You pathetic fool. More people die on Israeli highways in car accidents than those killed in this minor domestic affair.

1 point

Yo Dumbass, palestine - a European not an Arabic word! Arabs cannot pronounce the letter P. Idiot.

1 point

Stop the lies and BS from fools who know nothing. Vile reactionaries and brain dead idiots.

1 point

Bunk. The people of Gaza exist as stateless refugees. Equal fight? What a totally absurd notion. Stateless refugees have no rights!

mosc(71) Clarified
1 point

Bunk. Israel recaptured Israeli land from Jordan. Palestine its a lie. Since when did Arabs support the Balfour Declaration by which the League of Nations, based upon the Balfour Declaration, awarded to Britain the mandate to establish a Jewish homeland!!!

1 point

Bunk. Stateless Arab refugees have no rights. The Arabs lost the 1948 war which they started. The Jordan lost the 1967 war which Jordan started.

1 point

Noise. Arabs can not pronounce the P in the foreign word palestine. Arabs lost their war to exterminate the Jewish survivors of the Holocaust and throw the Jews into the Sea. Never has any Arab country by the name palestine ever existed. Arabs sided and made alliance with Hitler and his SS extermination goals.

Arabs exist as stateless refugees who have no country of their own --- J U S T I C E.

1 point

Noise. Arabs can not pronounce the P in the foreign word Palestine. The mandate introduced this foreign name, its not a name native to the region. In the 1920s and 30s and 40s, for an Arab to embrace the name palestine - would require support for the Balfour Declaration! Arabs lie.

1 point

Noise. Hamas expelled the PLO and rejected the Olso Accords. Attacked Israel with missiles rockets and mortar bombs and bitches when Egypt and Israel closed their borders. LOSERs

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