
Rogerfederer's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Rogerfederer's arguments, looking across every debate.
10 points

Hi Bronto.

I tried matching the first half of your claims against the sources you linked to support them.

Got rid of penalty for no insurance- yes

The story is about a bill (i.e. the First Step Act) which hadn't passed when the story was written.

Did prison reform that Obama promised but never delivered- yes

This is a promise about how Van Jones intends to "team up" with Jared Kushner (i.e. the corrupt Jewish nationalist behind the presidency). Again, it is a prediction of the future which hadn't come to pass at the time your story is from.

Put 2 Supreme Court justices in place- yes

There is no source validating this claim. Assuming it is true, Obama put two in place also. See:-

Set 100 record high closings with the DOW - yes

A false claim supported by a far right fake news website. A Media Bias Fact Check confirms that The Daily Caller has a "mixed" record for factual reporting and published several articles from notorious right wing terrorist Jason Kessler:-

Furthermore, the following website puts the real number at less than 30:- lows-since-1929-3306174

To be perfectly honest, given your long track record of lying and shilling on behalf of Israel, that is as far as I am prepared to dig. Your claims are false and/or misleading.

0 points

It looks as if this guy thinks those crossing the border from the South are coming with degrees from Harvard.

It looks like you are still trying to replace the topic with your own retarded alt-Reich agenda, despite the fact that I have already banned two of your accounts for doing this. You are insane Bronto. Literally, you are the most insane person I have ever stumbled across in four decades on Earth.

0 points

Where do you keep your klansman suit at nom?

I keep it next to my ban button you insane little rodent.

0 points

It must be those excellent educations.

Education is definitely not responsible for your apparent belief that making money is the same thing as being intelligent. That's just traditional stupidity, coupled with the fact that you want to mislead people because you're insane.

0 points

The "uneducated" conservatives that liberals make less money than on average.

The uneducated Conservatives who are less intelligent than average.

And it's a low average.

The bloody Yank

I'm not a yank you halfwit.

Stopped being able to think nonlinearly at age 7

Rejecting your insanely stupid fairy tale on the basis that it is supported by literally no evidence = losing the ability to think non-linearly. I don't think so retard.

You have to pass a background check dumbass.

No you don't Bronto, you literal Nazi halfwit.

Do you read the English?

About 48 percent of state prison inmates surveyed said they got the gun they used from a family member, friend, gun store, pawn shop, flea market, or gun show. Most states only require a background check if the purchase happens at a gun store, according to the Giffords Center to Prevent Gun Violence.

You believe in atheism because you were raised to.

Nope, I was raised to be a Christian. Not my fault I developed common sense somewhere around age seven.

There is no evidence and no reason whatsoever why you should believe in atheism

Atheism is the denial of your own baseless claims about the origin of the universe. The time atheists will need evidence to support that belief is the same time you find some evidence that God is real.

If they were in control of things, America would be no different than Nazi Germany.

Your country is literally an idiocracy. The Nazis were on the far right. You all appear to have missed the fact that they have taken over again, and that this is why you are being taught stupid fucking things which contradict the historical record.

Laura Kleiner, a Democratic activist who lives in Staunton, said she dated Kessler for several months in 2013. She said Kessler was very dedicated to his liberal principles, and that he was a strict vegetarian, abstained from alcohol and drugs, embraced friends of different ethnicities and was an atheist.

This is obviously fake news. It isn't corroborated anywhere else and Laura Kleiner is a ghost whose claims cannot be verified. The unsupported claims of random individuals do not constitute evidence of anything, and especially when those claims contradict the fact that Kessler was the head of a violent far right protest less than five years later. Even Mike Godwin, inventor of the infamous "Godwin's Law" called Kessler a Nazi, so your obscure story which does not appear in any trustworthy publication anywhere on the internet appears to fly in the face of the facts.

the Alt-Right Turns Against ‘Unite the Right’ Organizer Jason Kessler, Labels Him ‘Soros/Deep State Plant’.

Lol. The paranoid conspiracy theories of the far right are not evidence of anything, silly boy. The same idiots spent over an entire year propagandising fake news about a liberal sex trafficking ring housed in the basement of a pizzeria which does not even have a basement. When liars accuse other liars of being liars, then chances are good nobody is telling the truth.

The saga of 'Pizzagate': The fake story that shows how conspiracy theories spread

I am also still waiting for you to present your evidence that Jason Kessler was "objectively" a part of Occupy Wall Street. Will I be waiting long? I think probably so, given your overt attempts to change the subject yet again. I'll give you one more chance to present this evidence so I can respond to it. If you continue to use logical fallacies in your replies then I will continue to ban you.

2 points

You should get you a history book


Why Did the Democratic and Republican Parties Switch Platforms?

So, sometime between the 1860s and 1936, the (Democratic) party of small government became the party of big government, and the (Republican) party of big government became rhetorically committed to curbing federal power. How did this switch happen?

You are being banned for the exact same fallacies of omission and selection as your extremist brethren, Bronto. Mining for only the facts you wish to acknowledge while ignoring all the others which prove your narrative false is the behaviour of a Nazi. I'm not exaggerating. This is literally how the Nazis obtained power in Germany.

He claimed to have voted for Obama

Whether he voted for Obama or not is conjecture.

prior to Donald Trump

Yes, this is true. He is now a neo-Nazi, a white nationalist, a Donald Trump supporter and the organiser of the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville.

You also didn't address him being objectively a part of Occupy Wallstreet.

You didn't offer any evidence or proof that he was objectively a part of Occupy Wall Street. I don't have to address unsupported claims made by confirmed liars.

0 points

Attacking millions of minorities again

Banned for the repeated use of logical fallacy.

Carlin wasn't a Democrat or a liberal.

Banned for the repeated use of logical fallacy.

You reference the 1988 study


Irrelevant conclusion,[1] also known as ignoratio elenchi (Latin for an ignoring of a refutation) or missing the point, is the informal fallacy of presenting an argument that may or may not be logically valid and sound, but (whose conclusion) fails to address the issue in question. It falls into the broad class of relevance fallacies.[2]

Banned for the repeated use of logical fallacy.


It is also "conjecture" that he voted for Obama simply because he said so. See:-

Double Standard.

Description: Judging two situations by different standards when, in fact, you should be using the same standard. This is used in argumentation to unfairly support or reject an argument.

Banned for repeated use of logical fallacy.

So he ran as a Democrat.

He ran as a Democrat thirty years ago, BEFORE he became a Republican and a grand wizard in the KKK.

Banned for repeated use of logical fallacy.

That destroys the logic of your use of a study from 1988 on the media.

Irrelevant conclusion,[1] also known as ignoratio elenchi (Latin for an ignoring of a refutation) or missing the point, is the informal fallacy of presenting an argument that may or may not be logically valid and sound, but (whose conclusion) fails to address the issue in question. It falls into the broad class of relevance fallacies.[2]

2 points

Jason Kessler himself says

Jason Kesler is a LIAR. He LIES constantly, and was charged with PERJURY, which is the crime of LYING under oath.

Are there any more pathological LIARS you would like to use as news sources, other than Hitler and Jason Kessler?

2 points

David Duke ran for President as a Democrat

THIRTY YEARS AGO you fact-mining nincompoop. Since that time he ran for President as a Republican, began denying the Holocaust and became a grand wizard in the KKK.

Read it you Nazi halfwit:-

Selection bias is the bias introduced by the selection of individuals, groups or data for analysis in such a way that proper randomization is not achieved, thereby ensuring that the sample obtained is not representative of the population intended to be analyzed.[1]

This may be the stupidest argument I have ever seen.

This from the far right neo-Nazi who doesn't understand the difference between "non-whites" and "Latinos".


You calling anybody else stupid is a hoot, Bronto. Within the last twenty minutes you have claimed Jason Kessler is a liberal, David Duke is a liberal, and illustrated that you cannot add up simple percentages.

54% of them being Hispanic doesn't mean the other 46% are all white.

Stop changing your story and learn to read your own sources, Nazi. Your initial claim was that the majority of Border Guards are non-whites.

From your own source:-

The expanded border agency is now 54 percent minority. Hispanics like Caballero comprise 52 percent of the agents.

I looked through apprehension pictures. Most apprehenders looked brown.

Hi Bronto. That's because you are looking through the eyes of a lying Nazi shitdog who hates people of colour and wants to "exterminate them".

Good comeback. Did a 4 year old come up with that for you?

Stfu you horrible little Nazi prick. I've literally been here for twenty minutes and already today you have claimed that both Jason Kessler and David Duke are liberals. You are a lying extremist piece of shit and that's the reality of the matter.

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