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Debate Score:13
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Bohemian(3858) pic

A Gender wage gap exists, but not because of discrimination.

--The Gender wage gap is due almost entirely to the differing individual choices made by women--

Women pursue lower-paying degrees](
Women chose lower paying specializations within their fields;=PA55&lpg;=PA55&dq;=women+lower+paying+specializations&source;=bl&ots;=HwkOmfv6IT&sig;=hoqFrBWu-6nfPLU80zEzdfq6z0U&hl;=en&sa;=X&ved;=0ahUKEwjW1f20iq3MAhUMaD4KHRxHAiwQ6AEIOjAE#v=onepage&q;=women%20lower%20paying%20specializations&f;=false](;=PA55&lpg;=PA55&dq;=women+lower+paying+specializations&source;=bl&ots;=HwkOmfv6IT&sig;=hoqFrBWu-6nfPLU80zEzdfq6z0U&hl;=en&sa;=X&ved;=0ahUKEwjW1f20iq3MAhUMaD4KHRxHAiwQ6AEIOjAE#v=onepage&q;=women%20lower%20paying%20specializations&f;=false
Women even when pursuing lucrative careers still choose lower paying jobs](
Women work less overtime than men](
Women take more time off, on average, than their male peers](
Women are more likely to work part time](
Women are less likely to ask for a raise, or negotiate their salary](
Women are MORE likely than men to chose careers they enjoy](
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2 points

What it boils down to is this, a heterosexual woman seeking a mate will strongly prefer males in lucrative careers. However heterosexual males on the other hand, while they may still consider income of a female mate, it is not nearly as large of a factor for them. One study found:

"“For men there is no amount of income that the woman in the bottom ten percent in terms of appearance can earn to make men prefer her over women in the top 10 percent. That is, looks really matter to men relative to income. For women though, if the man in the bottom ten percent in terms of looks earns more than $248,500, they will prefer him over the more attractive guy earning $60,000.” in-a-mate




This effect is amplified in nations with skewed Male-to-female sex ratios. In China for instance, a survey from a popular Chinese dating website found that 72% Chinese women preferred a mate that had nearly double their own salary. In fact the gender wage gap is worse in China than it is in the United States. This creates a tremendous social incentive for men to aggressively snatch up all the high paying careers they can, and indeed that's exactly what happens. It is very unlikely the gender wage gap will go away without imposing draconian "Equality of outcome" policies, or re-engineering the social fabric of society. The gender wage gap is the result of the differing mate-selection strategies employed by the sexes, there is no fact in my OP that can't be explained by this reality.

Shhhhh! Now you've gone and done it: you've blown the left's claims about income disparity right out of the water. Shame on you!

IAmSparticus(1516) Clarified
1 point

Actually, this helps support the Left's claim.

It just requires some actual nuanced thinking.

HighFalutin(3402) Clarified
2 points

But not the real reasons; it undermines their claims of unjust and unfair wage disparity.

Bohemian(3858) Clarified
1 point

It supports the claim that there is a gap, and it disputes the oft-implied cause of the gap: systemic gender discrimination.

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Tell me Progressive about Gender Wage Gap when a Progressive named Hillary Clinton earns 21 million in speaking fees ! Is there not a Gender Wage Gap ?

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Do Hillary's minions that work for her earn the income the Clinton's do ?

1 point

Yes, I've been wondering about the statistics myself. I've met a lot of very capable females. However, I've also met a lot of girls that do nothing more than talk and utilize politics to pull nonsense and make a living.

However, I think if a women is capable and does her work above and beyond (regardless of her days off), that she deserves a good salary. Humans aren't robots, they need to break their schedule once in a while.

Many people are utilize politics to rise up the ladder, and this shouldn't be the case. Two people that are just as capable, should have equal salaries. Negotiation shouldn't be the key driver, since this simply comes down to sales pitches, not skills.

1 point

Good Work man you did a very good job defining the factors of the Wage Gap. Keep up the good work

1 point

Men are just much more competitive. Plain and simple.

0 points

Why is the Progressive Elite push a Gender Wage Gap when Women will never get the wages of Hillary Clinton ? You got an answer for me ?

0 points

Hillary Clinton earned 21 million dollars in the last 2 years giving speeches ! Will women be able to earn the wages of a Lyin Progressive ?

0 points

Is Hillary concerned in the lest as to what women earn when Hillary gets 200,000 an hour ?

Tell me about Gender Wage Gaps if you will !