
Debate Info

Yes, der! No, der!
Debate Score:14
Total Votes:14
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 Yes, der! (9)
 No, der! (4)

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Lynaldea(1227) pic

All people judge people all of the time.

Think about it, people "judge" and "discriminate" in all of the choices they make. 

The word "judge" tends to hold a negative connotation , "discriminate" does as well and this need not be the case. 

When I decide that I want to go to the park versus going to the movies, I discriminate against going to the movies because I'd rather go to the park.

Also, when I decide to "judge" a person, whatever the reason be, I still am calling a person a name or deciding my opinion of a person; herego, the word "judge" shouldn't even be considered a negative thing, for the word being used can be considered negative or positive. It seems unnceccesary. 


When a person says "I never judge people" that is a complete lie and that person is in denial. 

Human-kind wouldn't be existent if "judgements/choices/discrimination" has not been dealt to other people. 

Yes, der!

Side Score: 9

No, der!

Side Score: 5
1 point

Defiantly people always have to make judgments of people everyday it's how we know wether we like them or not. What I don't think is right when it comes to judging is judging before you even know them good or bad I think you should always talk to someone and get to know then before making a judgment on them.

Side: Yes, der!
1 point

True that.

However, let's take Chris Brown and Rihanna for example.

I don't know the guy personally, and for me to judge him and say "Chris Brown has hurt a women before by punching her in the face, therefore he's a jackass." would be accurate, would it not?

And Rihanna, I would judge her because she is now back with him after being fucked up, and say that Rihanna has low self integrity.

And so, I personally could care less what they do with their lives, however I still am in the right to judge them as people for that is natural for people to do.

Side: Yes, der!
1 point

I agree I know it sounds weird but with celebs you don't really need to talk to them to make a judgement on them because nearly everything about them is on the Internet. Once you've read up on them you know almost everything and you can make a pretty accurate judgement and yes everyone does have a right to make a judgement if it was wrong then why would anyone be friends or enemies we would all be on middle ground :P people will always judge one another other people just find it harder to accept than others

Side: Yes, der!
1 point

I guess you make a valid point .

Side: Yes, der!
1 point

Fair enough. Now where the fuck is my god damn weed ?

Side: Yes, der!
1 point

People will judge everywhere you go like your looks, what you are wearing, what you believe, ... etc. But we still have to deal with them and shrug it off because who cares what people judge you about you want to look how you look, wear what you want to wear, etc.

Side: Yes, der!
1 point

For sure.

Side: Yes, der!

We judge one another. If a person is wearing one shoe, you will begin assuming things before you get your answer, just to lessen the awe. It's kind of a defense mechanism.

But when people say they don't judge people what they are saying, or what I mean by it is. "I won't let my judgments, my fore thoughts, about this person influence the way I treat them before actually knowing them."

Side: Yes, der!
1 point

Yes, everyone always judge people. You call someone nice, is that not judging them? You call them mean, is it not judgement? It's in our nature to judge others as we see fit.

Side: Yes, der!
1 point

I never said that i never judge people, but I try not to. I usually only judge if people judge me or one of my friends.

Side: No, der!
1 point

I liked you pick up line though. That was cute. :)

Side: No, der!
2 points

Hah! I stole that from "How I met your mother", Barney. :D

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Side: No, der!
1 point

Nice. ;)

Side: No, der!