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Debate Score:145
Total Votes:169
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 Agree (36)
 Disagree (43)

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atypican(4873) pic

An opinion about abortion

My opinion is that doctors should be legally prevented from performing abortions in cases where there is no unusual risk to the mother in carrying to term, or medical necessity has not been established. Abortions should be legal, but they should not be undertaken solely for reasons of convenience. If you feel like there are some points you could make or tough questions you could ask to help me change my opinion for the better, please do.


Side Score: 73


Side Score: 72

If they dont want the child they dont have to kill it! Why cant a selfish parant just put it up for adoption?

Side: Agree
1 point

Perhaps they have genes they don't want to pass on. Why is it considered selfish to not want to bring a child into the world that a person does not feel they can care for? We definitely don't need more kids in foster homes and orphanages. While adoption is an option, there are so many kids out there already in need of a home, adding to the number may seem more irresponsible to people.

Side: Disagree
3 points

Well you see I am going to kill my child because the world sucks and I dont want to make it more sucky.....


Side: Agree
Centifolia(1319) Disputed
3 points

The carelessness and selfishness of the parents is something that the child is not required to pay with their life.

Side: Agree
Chuz-Life(497) Disputed
2 points

Comments like yours is why I ask the question so often "do you believe that a child's rights should begin when their life does?"

It doesn't appear that you do.

Side: Agree
2 points

If I read your description correctly, I can't agree more.

I would add to it that I would like to see laws which require doctors to do all that they can do (within reason) to save the lives of all of the patients they are presented with. Including children in the womb.

Side: Agree
2 points

I agree. Abortion is murder unless the mother's life is in danger or the baby is not compatible with life.

Side: Agree
0 points

I agree completely the job of a doctor is to save lives not end them before they begin. Doctor assisted suicide is illegal in most states abortion (or at least unnessisary abortion) should be illegal too.

Side: Agree
3 points

Who is down vote spamming? Bad form you know. that's no way for intelligent human beings to behave.

Side: Agree
1 point

that's no way for intelligent human beings to behave.

Calling yourself unintelligent now warrior?

Side: Agree
1 point

I actually think assisted suicide should be legal. But if the fetus is not yet viable, then the woman gets to make the decision. If you got pregnant, you make your own decisions. I don't see why you need to make such a personal decision for everyone else as well.

Side: Disagree
warrior(1854) Disputed
0 points

I didn't god did. Look murder is murder and its wrong. Infanticide is wrong.

Side: Agree

You shouldn't be forced to become a parent, before you agree to become one first.

I've said this before, but being a parent is not only a noun and adjective - it's a verb to, and if you can't parent then you shouldn't be a parent.

Side: Disagree
2 points

You do have a choice! You see babies fourm when two people REALLY love each other....

Side: Agree

That is very true.

But you see the thing with sex, human beings have the tendensy to do it even though they have no intention of reproducing.

Of course we do have things to prevent the reproduction - but in my opinion, I don't see what the difference is, if the baby's being killed as a sperm or a fetus.

Side: Agree
Chuz-Life(497) Clarified
-1 points

You told me in another thread that you are 3 months pregnant.

If that's true (and I believe you when you say you are) you are already a parent.

No-one has to force you to be one. You already are.

Side: Agree
shoutoutloud(4303) Clarified
4 points

I am a parent now, because I agreed to become one.

I didn't plan on becomming pregnant, you can figure that out just by knowing my age. I became pregnant, I didn't become a parent until recently when I decided to keep it.

And no - no one has forced me, I chose myself and that's how it should be!!!

Side: Agree
Cuaroc(8829) Clarified
2 points

No-one has to force you to be one.

exactly banning abortion will change that.

Side: Agree
4 points

As long as abortion takes place before the fetus develops any consciousness, then I personally feel aborting that fetus couldn't be any worse than killing a tree. If it can't think or feel, and isn't conscious, then couldn't care less whether it was alive or dead, just like a tree, If I couldn't feel or think, and had no consciousness I think I would be indifferent to somebody else's killing of me. This fetus isn't alive like we are alive, isn't living like us, more like a tree. Before this baby has developed consciousness I truly don't think it is any worse that using a condom or birth control, however those are a lot less cost effective, less trauma, and less cost to society.

Side: Disagree

I'm not totally against the idea from a moral point of view. My thing is, in cases of rape or incest, where the victim would essentially re-experience the trauma due to the birth of the baby.

But my real issue is the limitations on freedom. People have sex. It's a fact of life. Birth control fails sometimes. Another fact. Women have the right to make decisions when it comes to their bodies, and until the fetus is able to live outside the woman's body - about 20 weeks - its rights do not trump the woman's rights. I think doctors should have the right to refuse to do abortions, because they should not be forced to go against their ethics, but the government should not ban abortions outright. If a woman chooses to have an abortion, it is her decision. It is not as though the abortion is so easy. It's painful and it's emotional, and can cause sterilization. Women should be educated about the aftermath prior to being in the situation, but not in a judgmental manner. If the government bans abortion, it's going to be significantly easier for them to ban birth control, a women's ability to have a hysterectomy or a tubal ligation, and so forth. We have to be very careful when dealing with social issues like this and predict what's next down the line. Banning abortions opens the door for other things to be banned.

It should be noted, I said women's bodies and their rights. In the case of a situation where the mother wants to keep the baby and the father wants an abortion, there should be an opt out clause where the father pays x amount for the abortion, and then is relieved of the burden of child support if the mother does not abort. This at least balances the playing field a little. Men are still at a disadvantage if they want the baby and the mother wants an abortion, but that's life.

Side: Disagree
warrior(1854) Disputed
2 points

If you don't want to have a kid don't have sex it's as simple as that. You don't need contraception (though I do agree condums are a smart option if your worried about STDs) and you don't need abortion those options are cheating you cheating a human being out of a chance at life. all you need to prevent pregnancy is good old self control. Besides what if your mom had aborted you? Would that be fair?

Side: Agree
3 points

If my momma aborted me I would not care, because I would be dead. As for cheating a human being out of a chance at life, it depends on what your definition of a human being is (is a fetus a human being?).

Side: Disagree
Sitara(11075) Disputed
3 points

Bullshit. People have the right to choose. Consent to sex is not consent to pregnancy.

Side: Disagree
3 points

So a married couple who chooses not to have kids should never have sex? A couple with health issues that run in the family who choose not to pass on their genes? Sex is a part of human life, and has a number of health benefits in and of itself, and people who use contraception should not have to avoid sex until they are ready to have kids. And again, what about the rape and incest victims?

Side: Disagree
2 points

Bullshit. Women have the right to choose. Forced pregnancy is just as bad as rape.

Side: Disagree
2 points

I disagree with a Bureaucratic system determining the legality of abortion. Cases of medical stability?

Cases of rape or incest?

Cases of economic stability?

Cases of moral stability?

Would we have jurors determine if the act of abortion was legal?

Side: Disagree
2 points

I was really having a hard time on this one, but I was probably biased because I always feel until the life is here, the choice should go to the mother.

I think it's a great idea to make it illegal to just have an abortion because you decided you didn't want the child, but in the case with accidents happening it should still be up to the potential mother.

What I mean is this, outlawing abortion after a broken condom between two consenting adults of well off means, is the same as outlawing the use of condoms in the first place. The two consenting adults of well off means never made the decision to have children, hence the reason they chose a condom, so it wouldn't be right to force them to stick with a child that they obviously didn't want.

Side: Disagree