
Debate Info

All-Natural Man-Made
Debate Score:9
Total Votes:9
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 All-Natural (6)
 Man-Made (2)

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joecavalry(40131) pic

Are human babies man-made or all-natural


How about test tube babies?


Side Score: 6


Side Score: 3

It's all-natural ingredients ;)

Side: All-Natural
1 point

They are natural! Their is thing called sex. Where you make babies I am sure you all heard of that! :D

Side: All-Natural
1 point

I think, what the person meant with this debate is, that babies are made from sex right?

And sex is done by humans - so babies must be man made right - or ?

Side: All-Natural
1 point

Babies are all natural even Test Tube Babies, they are still created using Sperm and an Egg but the Sperm is injected into the Egg in a Test Tube or Petri Dish then put back in the Woman

Side: All-Natural
1 point

It is man made - but life isn't man made, so I guess all natural.

Side: All-Natural
1 point

Everyone knows the baby-batter is all natural, baby.

Side: All-Natural
1 point

Well, teeeeccchhniiicaalllyyyyy... Yes, babies are (woman) made! but yes they are all made from the same atoms ( as i described in the 'man made' debate) that created this world. Yep, they're natural.

Side: Man-Made

Technically..., the baby makes itself. If you fertilize an egg in a test tube, the cells start dividing. If we can feed it nutrients, oxygen and warmth, it grows on its own. So I guess that makes the mom an oven and the baby like a loaf of bread. A woman doesn't make a baby anymore than an oven makes a loaf of bread ;)

Side: Man-Made
Jungelson(3955) Clarified
1 point

But without the woman, there could never be a baby. You cna't make a human egg cell.

Side: All-Natural